Through Gardens of Grief

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"That Ren! He left me all alone down here, who else is gonna protect little old Nor... ooh, pancakes!"

It was just business as usual for me; I cut class awhile ago, and I was deep in the city of Beacon, where I happened to pass up a bakery. Looking over the various goods they had on display, I realized this bakery was different; it had pancakes on display. "Finally," I began, "the quest is over!" I could hide from pesky teachers, and eat delicious pancakes! But before I could even open the door, a woman blindsided me from a darkened alley.

Picking myself up, I turned my head and saw Blake with... Yang? It was Yang in her arms, with Yang missing an arm.

"Nora! Take Yang, and get her to a hospital. Then, call your team. Head to the school."

Just like that, Blake handed me a dying person and within seconds, left. I was gonna ask what happened, but I couldn't chase after her with Yang bleeding to death! I began to run to the closest hospital in this city, which wasn't that far, thankfully.

"It'd be nice if you didn't bounce so much," Yang uttered weakly as I made it to the parking lot.

"Shh, look, I got you, Yang!"

I kicked the door open, set Yang down, and brandished Magnhild about, yelling until the nurses took her into intensive care.

And then? I grabbed my scroll and called my team.

"Beep boop boop, please pick up..." I said nervously.

Jaune picked up. "Hey Nora, if you're looking for Ren, he's with me in the dorms."

"In the dorm room? Jaune! Something's happening at the school! Yang's arm was cut off and Blake looked like she was busted up pretty bad. I'm worried that whoever did this, they're not gonna stop!"

"Yeah, we know! We were actually going to call you, but all the screaming caught us off guard pretty fast, and -" something that sounded like an explosion rumbled in the distance. "Oh man! Okay, where are you?"

"I'm out in the city, look, get Ren and meet me outside!"

I looked up. The clouds are getting pretty dark...

"Alright, we'll meet you there." And with that, Jaune hung up on me, mid-sentence. Normally, I'd say he was rude, but now wasn't the time for that.

Anyways, I turned and started sprinting to the school.

As I got closer, I could hear screams in the distance. They were frightening - they echoed off the mountains and buildings nearby, and the loudest ones sounded like...

Blake! I grabbed Magnhild and readied myself for battle as I ran. Pretty soon, I got close enough to see Ruby cutting Blake - wait, what?

Ruby cutting Blake? Ruby's alive? But Professor Ozpin told us that she was killed... How is this possible? Why is she hurting Blake?

And - ech, pancakes. That broke my thought process.

If I was gonna save Blake, then I needed to focus and strike hard. I lunged and raised Magnhild. With one swipe, I sent Ruby flying.

"Blake!" I crouched and put my hand over her forehead. "Don't worry, I'll-"

"Don't kill her Nora, please. It's my fault she's..." Blake's voice gave out completely. I looked at Ruby, who was bleeding from her head. "Ruby! What is this? What's going on? She's your friend!" I felt my stomach turn as past memories flooded my mind. Memories I had with Ruby, that raised the hairs on my arms, knowing that this was going on. I felt sick. I felt angry. I felt...

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