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High tops - Del Water Gap

It's been 2 weeks since me and Jaeden started dating. We get along really well, the conversations are amazing, and I guess the kissing isn't bad either. 😉

Today we're just at the set, I'm not filming anything today but most of the cast are, so I go to support Jaeden. Well, mostly to see Jaeden, I'm also hoping to see Finn today.
The losers club finish a scene and Jaeden comes over and kisses me.
"Ugh, you two, get a room!" Jack yells and everyone laughs, except for one person, Finn just walks away.
"Yeah, you two are all over each other, like we get it, you're a couple" Wyatt laughs. I giggle and look at Jaeden, he's blushing and struggling to conceal his smile. We're all talking and laughing about some of the scenes we've filmed, this is going to be such a good series.
"One second guys, I'm just going to get some water." I say, standing up and heading to the water fountain. I walk down the corridor and see him there, filling up his water bottle. He's still in his clothes from filming, he looks so perfect in those shorts and Hawaiian shirt. I wander over to him.
"Hey" I say quietly. It's so awkward, we haven't really spoke since me and Jaeden got together, since we had no scenes together.
"Hi" he replies bluntly.
"Everything ok?" I ask, looking up at him.
"I'm fine" he's still filling up his water bottle. I stand there twiddling my thumbs, waiting for him to finish. "What do you see in him?" He suddenly asks, turning to face me.
"Wait, what?" I reply, shocked.
"I just don't see the attraction, like I don't see what you two could have in common?"
"Look Finn, really it's none of your business. Why the hell do you care anyway, I thought you hated me?"
"I do hate you, I just think Jaeden could do better."


Wow. I can't believe I just said that. That was too far. She looks so hurt, and I can see her eyes welling with tears. I guess I'm jealous, and hurting her makes me feel better.
"You know what, we're happy, and you're not going to ruin that" she says, starting to get angry.
"Yeah, you just keep telling yourself that, because I know you're not." Why couldn't I have just walked away and kept my mouth shut?
"And how do you know that?" She says crossing her arms.
Here goes. "I've seen how whenever you're with him, you're always looking at me." She tries to interrupt me, but I carry on. "No, Y/N, let me speak. I felt the way you kissed me that day on set, that was not acting, and you know it. I don't know why the hell you're leading Jaeden on like that when you like someone else. I'm right, aren't I, I'm the one you like?" I hold my breath and wait for her response. She looks speechless, and confused, and annoyed. Her eyes fill with tears and she turns around and runs. Oh shit, she hates me even more now.
"Y/N, wait-" but she carries on down the corridor.

I carry on running, away from set, down the road, and on and on and on. I don't know where I am. I throw myself on to the grass and cry. Does he really hate me that much? That he's want to say all those things to embarrass me? The worst thing is, everything he said was right. It was so wrong what I was doing to Jaeden but I can't go back now, it'll hurt him even more. I carry on crying until I remember tomorrow me and Finn have another big romance scene together. How the hell am I supposed to do that after what just happened? And in front of Jaeden? It's going to be so awful.
I can't continue to just cry here though, it's getting dark and I'm so lost. I look around and see I street sign, so I ring my mum to come pick me up.
"Mum?" I say down the phone, still sniffling, trying to hold back the tears.
"Y/N, what's wrong?" She answers, concerned.
"Something's happened and I need you to come and pick me up."
"I'll be right there, just tell me the address."
So I tell her the street name and sit and wait on the side of the road. It takes her an hour to get here, since we don't live anywhere near set. It's dark and cold, but as soon as I see her car a wave of relief washes over me. I pull myself up and drag myself over to the car. I'm so weak and tired, the car door feels about 1000kg.
As soon as I get in the car I sob again, and tell my mum the whole story.
"Oh Y/N, what are we going to do with you?" She says rubbing my arm, "don't worry, we'll watch a nice film tonight to get your mind off things and then you can think things over in the morning with a clear head, ok?"
I give her a hug, I don't know what I'd do without her.

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