The audition

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I'm currently sat in my hotel room. I can't believe my mum actually let me audition, she says if I get the part we'll move, she's already looking at houses. Reading over the script, this character looks so fun to play, she's basically me, also it will mean I'll get to work with Noah Schnapps and he's so adorableeee.

The auditions tomorrow and I'm just going through my lines in the mirror. I hear a knock at the door.
"Y/N, you in there?" I hear Finns voice say from the other side of the door.
"Yep, come in." I say continuing to run lines in the mirror.
"I thought it would help if we could run lines together." He says, before plopping down on my bed.
"Yeah definitely."I reply sitting next to him.

I clear my throat and get into character.

"Hey Will, your friends said you wanted to talk to me." I say, acting with a bright smile. Finn pretending to be Will looks really embarrassed.
"Er, well, they- em." He stutters.
"Are you ok?" I say concerned, putting my hand on his shoulder. Finn smiles.
"Em I guess I wondered if you wanted to go on a d-date with me." He responds giving me a nervous smile. I grin back.
"I'd love to." I say and grab his hand.

"You're 100% gonna get this role." Finn says excitedly after we've finished rehearsing the scene.
"I hope so, I want it more than anything."
Finn pulls me into a hug and I place my head under his chin. "You'll get it, or the Duffers will pay."
I look up at Finn and giggle. "Yeah we'll go and egg their house."
"Don't forget about the tp-ing. When we're done they won't even be able to get out of their house it will be so covered in toilet paper." He gives an angry look before bursting out laughing.
We carry on talking about what we're going to do to the duffer brothers for ages. Then I look at the clock.

"Oh my god Finn, it's 12 o'clock. I need to sleep." I exclaim.
"Oh shit, ok" he chuckles. He stands up and gives me a kiss on the nose before leaving.
"Sleep tight." I hear him shout from the hallway. I get changed into my pyjamas and then snuggle into the duvet, I've got such a big day tomorrow.


I wake up, brush my teeth and get changed into some jeans and a light blue crop top. I just pull my hair into a ponytail.
"Mum! Come on, you need to drive me to the audition!" I shout pulling my shoes on and getting ready to leave.
"Coming." She emerges from her room, really dressed up, she's even wearing makeup, which she usually doesn't.
"God, where are you going?" I say raising an eyebrow.
"Just in case someone who I need to impress is there." She responds with a smirk.
"Oh. Ohhhhhhh." I laugh, "mum David's not going to be there, you know."
She looks disappointed. "Well you better get this role then so I can actually meet him."
I roll my eyes and head out the door.

When we pull up to the building my heart is racing, my relationship depends on this audition. We head to the front desk and tell the receptionist my name.
"Oh, Y/N!" She looks excited to see me and starts looking through the papers on her desk. She grins at me "the duffers want to audition you last, probably because they think you're the one." She winks.
"How do you know that?" I ask.
"Because today's the audition where we see if you have good chemistry with Noah, and they obviously think you will because they've saved you until last."
"Oh, ok." I giggle.
"Anyway your audition isn't until 2 so you can wait go and wait in that lounge down there."
"Ok, thank you, bye." I say waving and beginning to walk down a hallway.

Me and my mum take our seats and just start looking at the magazines that have been laid there. Suddenly I hear all the girls in the room gasp and start muttering. I turn my head and look up at the door.
"Finn!" I say getting up out of my seat and going to hug him. He gives me a squeeze and then says,
"Some of the other cast are down the hall, do you want to come?" He asks, every girl in the room look really confused until one of them says "guys, it's Finns girlfriend, she's auditioning." All of them sigh.
I just ignore them and turn back to Finn, " is Millie there?" I say worriedly, I don't think I could see her right now.
"No, just me, Caleb and gaten." He responds smiling.
"Where's Noah?" I turn my head quizzically.
"Doing auditions, you idiot." He laughs and flicks my nose.
"Ohhhhh. Ok let's go then." I say grabbing his hand and waving good bye to my mum.
As we walk down the hallway Finn squeezes my hand and says, "they're really excited to meet you."
"Who wouldn't be?" I laugh and flip my hair. He nudges me with his shoulder and chuckles back.
"Also, just ignore any embarrassing things they say about me." He says as he twists the door open. I giggle and then wave to Caleb and Gaten.
"Hi!" They both say quickly. I sit down in a chair, waiting for their many questions.
"Do you have beef with mills?" Gaten asks as soon as I'm sat down.
"Er- I don't know, I haven't really spoke to her. I'm assume you know what happened?" I say, embarrassed. They probably already hate me because of what happened with Millie.
"Yeah, I can't believe she did that, she should have been happy that Finn has moved on and got an amazing girlfriend." Caleb states, wow, I can't believe they're on my side. I give him a warm smile.
"Yeah, I just think it'll be awkward if we have to work together." I say, twiddle by my thumbs.
"If?" Finn says.
"Yeah, what if I don't get the role?" I say, looking at all three of them. They suddenly burst out laughing. "What? What's so funny?" I ask.
"It's just you probably already have the role, the duffers basically just said before." Gaten says. Finn slaps his arm.
"Dude! You weren't meant to say anything!" Finn shouts.
"Wait, they said that!" I basically scream.
"Yes, but you still have to give the best performance you can." Finn says.
"Well yeah! Look, guys, I've got 2 hours until my audition, can we go get ice cream?" I say.
"YES!" Caleb shouts, grabbing his bag.

We all basically run out the door and head to the ice cream place, I already love this cast.

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