Chapter Twelve

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Pearl was sat with her back propped up against the headboard of the bed with a sleeping Violet still in her arms. Violet had been sleeping since they got in the taxi which was over 3 hours ago. Pearl checked her phone it read 2:45 AM 'Alaska and Katya should be home soon' Pearl thought. 5 minutes later the door in the room next door opened and shut and then opened again and then there was a knock on her door. Violet was still sleeping and Pearl didn't want to disturb her, so she held on to Violet and walked over to the door and opened it to see Katya stood at the door. She was walking around in circles, occasionally stumbling, laughing like a maniac.
"Had much to drink Katya?" Pearl said sarcastically
"Noooooo, I just had some special water." Katya giggled
"Where's Alaska?" Pearl asked
"She went to bed because she was tired and she told me to go to bed too but I escaped" Katya said as she pretended to be a spy
"Oh god, in you come Kat" Pearl said as she took Katya's hand and led her in.
"Oooooh" Katya said as she looked around.
"Get on the bed Katya, no no no other way" Pearl said as Katya nearly walked into the window. Once Katya was on the bed, Pearl lay Violet down gently on the other bed and sat down next to her.
"Yeeesss" Katya said in a silly voice
"How much did you have to drink" asked Pearl
"Ummm....not that much" Katya said with a mischievous smile
"Let's get you a coffee" Pearl said as she flicked the coffee machine on
"I NEED A WEE, I NEED A WEE!" Katya shouted as she ran towards the bathroom door *THUD*
"Owwee" Katya said as she lay on the floor
"Did you forget to open the door?" Pearl said laughing.
"Yeah" Katya said as she sat up
"Here"  Pearl said as she put her hand out for Katya to hold. Katya took and then walked into the bathroom, after Pearl had opened the door for her, and closed it behind her.
"Don't lock it Katya" added Pearl
"I won't" Katya said laughing to herself
Pearl left Katya to do what she needed to and went a sat next to Violet. It worried Pearl how long Violet had been napping for so she decided to waked her up gently
"Violet...wakey wakey...Violet, it's Pearl" she said quietly as Violets eyes fluttered open. "Hey" she said with a small smile.
"Hi-oww" Violet moaned "why do I hurt so much?"
"Your corset made your ribs even worse and they went all swollen and bruised" Pearl said
"Oh" Violet said weakly
"You okay Vi?"
"No, it really hurts" Violets said as her face scrunched up in pain
"Are you sure that you don't need to go to the hospital? It looks really painful"
"No, not yet anyway. I really don't like them"
"I know you don't, but if it gets any worse then I'm taking you. Okay?"
"Okay. Can you sit me up for a bit please" Violet asked
"Yeah sure, here grab on to the pillow because it going to really hurts"
Violet grabbed onto the pillow and gripped it so hard that her knuckles were white. By the time Pearl had gotten her into position, sweat was dripping from Violets forehead and she was as white as a sheet.
"Vi? Vi! Okay stay with me Vi. Just breathe through the pain as best as you can." Pearl said as she tried to stop Violet loosing consciousness "I'm going to run and get some ice but I won't be long. Katya?" Pearl asked as she knocked on the door "will you look after Violet while I go and get some ice please?"
"Yeah sure" Katya said smiling as she opened the bathroom door.
Pearl left the room and ran down to the reception as fast as she could, she asked the receptionist for some ice and waited anxiously for her to get some. Once she had got the ice and thanked the receptionist, she ran back as fast as she could, not bothering with the lift and skipping multiple steps at a time. Meanwhile in the room, a still drunk Katya was dancing around in her boxers completely unaware of the unconscious slump that was lying on the bed. When Pearl got the room she flung the door open and ran over to Violet who was folded in on herself. Pearl laid her out straight, on the bed, and placed the ice over her bruised ribs and held it there
"Katya! I told you to look after her! I was gone 5 minutes and now look!" Pearl shouted at Katya
"I'm s-sorry" Katya said as burst in to tears
"No I'm sorry" Pearl said as she held her arms out to give Katya a hug "I shouldn't have shouted at you like that" she said as she rubbed Katyas back
"It's okay, I'm not mad at you" said Katya as she wiped away her tears.
"Come on Kat, lets get you in to bed" Pearl said as she helped Katya up
"Can I sleep with Lasky" Katya asked as she did her best puppy eyes
"Yeah sure" Pearl whilst she led Katya out of the door.
She tucked Katya into her bed next to Alaska who was sleeping peacefully, turned off the light, closed the door and went back into her room. Pearl pulled the covers over Violet and went to go and sleep in her bed.
"No, stay please" Violet said quietly
"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you" Pearl said
"I'm sure"
"Okay" Pearl said as she got under the covers, trying not to hurt Violet. Once Pearl was comfortable, Violet rolled over and lay her head on Pearls chest. Pearl gently slid a pillow underneath Violet and put her arm around her.
"Why are you here?"
"What do you mean Vi?" asked Pearl
"Like why are you being so nice to me? All I did for the whole season was be a bitch and now you're being nice to me. Why? I don't deserve it" Violet said as a tear fell down her cheek
"Vi, it doesn't matter if you were a bitch, you've changed now. You put your life on the line to protect us and I'm fairly sure that a 'bitch' wouldn't do that. You are clearly in pain and I want to help you, I know what it's like to have broken ribs and it's hell and I don't want you to be in as much pain as I was. So don't get yourself down, we all make mistakes but it's how we comeback that matters and you had one hell of a comeback, dry those eyes and try to sleep"
"Do you really mean that?"
"Yeah" Pearl said as she wiped away Violet's tears
"Please don't cry Vi"
"I'm sorry." She replied "are you really warm? I'm roasting"
"No, I'm fine. Do want me to turn the air con up?"
"Nah, I'll have a cold shower or something."
"Do you need any help"
"Yeah, I can barely see straight. My head is pounding"
"Vi, I really think you should go to the hospital-"
"NO! I'm fine. I just need a bit of help"
"Okay, but next time it hurts, tell me because the pain will only get worse" Pearl said as she helped Violet in to the bathroom.
"I don't think a shower is a good idea" said Violet "I might have a bath. You can go now, I'll be okay"
"You're literally on the verge of passing out, I really don't think it's a clever idea to leave you alone"
"Fine, you can help me but don't tell anyone"
"Don't worry I won't" Pearl promised "Let me help you in"
Pearl helped Violet get into the bath and filled it with water. Pearl held Violets hand as she cried out in pain and tried to calm her but to no avail.
"Vi babes you're in too much pain. I'm taking you to the hospital. No denying it anymore Violet, you can barely handle the pain."
"Please don't Pearl, I don't want to go on my own, don't make me leave you" Violet said as she started to panic.
"It's okay, I'm not going to leave you. Let's try to get the robe on and then we will get Alaska and Katya when we've called an ambulance. Okay"
"NO! NO! NO! Please I can't do it-OWW"
"I'm really sorry Vi, but you're going to the hospital wether you like it or not!"
"No Pearl, IM NOT!"
"Y-y-you nearly died?" Violet asked as her eyes went wide with worry "why didn't you say? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME PEARL!"
"Fine, I'll go but not without Alaska and Katya" Violet said quietly "I'm not going without them"
"Okay, lets get you out" Pearl said as she scooped up  Violet "Sorry about shouting at you like that"
"Don't worry Pearl, I forgive you and I promise to go to hospital and get sorted out but only if you never leave my side, I really don't like hospitals. At all."
"It's okay babes, I won't leave you. Calm down Vi, I've got you."
"Owwww! I can't do it anymore, it hurts to much Pearl!" Violet moaned in pain
"Oh shit! Right that's it I'm calling the ambulance right now and we are going to get you sorted out right now because I can't stand seeing you in pain"
Violets clung onto Pearls spare hand, as she called the ambulance, wavering in and out of consciousness. She tried so hard to stay focused but the pain that was radiating through her stomach was just too much to handle and she eventually lost consciousness completely. Pearl, whose face was now covered in tears carried Violets body out of there room and thumped on Alaska's door.
"Alaska? Katya? Somebody please help me! Anybody!" Pearl cried out as she slid down the wall
Alaska flung the door open and saw Violets lifeless body in a distraught Pearls arms.
"Oh Pearl! What happened to her?" Alaska said as she took Violet out of Pearls arms and lay her on the floor
"Her ribs got worse and the pain was too much to handle. Then she got too hot so had a cold bath and then we had a massive argument and then she lost consciousness and then I bought her here" Pearl said as the tears got heavier and faster
"Oh Pearly-girl, she'll be okay. Violets a fighter babes, she'll power through. Did you call an ambulance?" Alaska said as she soothed Pearl
"Yeah, it should be her any minute, please don't leave her alone. I promised that you and Katya would come too."
"I promise I won't, I'll go get Katya babes" Alaska said as she went back into her room and woke up Katya who was fairly hungover but when she saw Violets body, her eyes began to cloud with tears.
"Is she-?" Katya asked as she hugged Alaska
"No Kat, she's just unconscious babes" Pearl replied
"Oh" Katya said quietly
2 paramedics came running down the corridor with a stretcher being pulled along behind them.
"Hello, what is the patients name?"
"Violet" said Pearl
"And what is the problem"
"She broke her rib cage but the pain has worsened and she lost consciousness"
The paramedics exchanged worried glances at each other and carried Violet away.

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