Chapter Fourteen

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Violet sat patiently on the edge of the hospital bed as Pearl laced up her shoes for her.
"Sorry I can't do them myself" Violets said
"Oh it's alright babes. I just want you focus on getting better, do you want your jacket on?"
"No thanks babes"
"Come on hun lets get you out of here"
"Ugh finally, it's been ages since I've seen the outdoors"
"I know, here pass me your hands" Pearl said as she put her hands out. She took Violets hands in her own and gently pulled her up.
"You okay?" Pearl asked as she helped Violet steady herself
"Um yeah, I think so" Violet said as she rubbed her forehead
"Fuck it, I'll just carry you" Pearl said as she scooped Violet up in her arms
"What are you doing?" Violet asked looking confused
"I'm carrying you?"
"Because I don't want you to hurt yourself more then you already are"
"But I'll be okay, I'm only walking to the car"
"I know but I care too much about you to let you get hurt or feel even worse"
"Oh Pearly-girl you're so sweet" Violet said as she kissed Pearl on the lips gently
"My pleasure" Pearl said as she returned the kiss
"I'm so glad you finally woke up" Violet said with a laugh
"Huh you bitch!" Pearl said as she laughed out loud
"Oh you luuuve me" Violet said laughing
"Oh yeah, I luuuve you" Pearl said taking the Mickey out of Violet
"Oh if anyone saw us now they'd wonder what was wrong with us" Violet said laughing "oww"
"Are you okay babes?"
"Yeah I'm fine, it just hurts when I laugh too much"
"Oh I feel so bad for you,I wish I could do something to help you."
Pearl said sadly
"It's okay hunny, you being here is all I need"
"You have no idea how much I love you right now"
"Oh I do! I hate to kill the moment but I'm dangling in mid air right now" Violet said with a smirk
"Oh shit sorry" Pearl said
"It's okay, let me down I wanna walk"
"I don't think that's a clever idea, you're still pretty weak"
"No I'm not" Violet said stubbornly "I'm fine"
"Violet" Pearl sighed as she put Violet down on the bed and sat down next to her "what's wrong"
"Vi I know something is up, you can trust me"
"I'm fine"
"No your not. Come on babes you can talk to me"
Violet stared at the floor trying her hardest not to cry but she couldn't stop them and they were soon flowing down her face.
"Oh honey, shh shhh" Pearl said as she hugged Violets and tried to calm her down
"I don't like it" Violet sobbed
"Don't like what babes?"
"Everything! I don't like hospitals, I don't like being ill. I thought I was going to die Pearl, I was on that table and I saw it get brighter. I thought I was over. I could her everyone panic at one point and then they stuck stuff to me and shocked me. I thought I was going to die Pearl and I was so scared!" Violet choked out in between sobs
"You could hear what was going on?"
"Yeah, I could hear you crying, then Alaska's voice and then Katya who was sobbing into Alaska or someone and then I got put into the ambulance and I could hear you saying about what if I died and you were crying so hard. Then I was in the hospital and there was lots of beeping then a long beep and then it went quiet and then I woke up in this room"
"You could hear what I was saying?"
"Yep, sorry I made you cry so much" Violet said looking at the floor
"It's okay, you couldn't help it. I'm just glad you're okay" Pearl said as she hugged Violet "now let's dry those eyes and get out of here"
"Thanks Pearl" Violet said as she wiped her eyes
"Do you wanna walk or should I hold you?"
"I'll have a go at walking but we can link arms so I don't fall flat on my face. Is that alright?"
"Fine by me hun" Pearl said as she linked her arms with Violets
They walked arm in arm through the hospital waving goodbye to the doctors who helped look after Violet.
Vi made it through most of the hospital but got short breathed toward the end so Pearl scooped her up in her arms and carried her the rest of the way and into the car where Alaska and Katya were waiting. The journey home took around and hour and in that time Pearl had fallen asleep on Katya who was also asleep. Alaska was sat in the front with Violet who was looking pale.
"Vi you okay babes?" Alaska asked
"No, I always get travel sick but being ill isn't helping"
"Do you think you're gonna puke?"
"I think so"
"Shit, um I'll pull over here and you'll just have to be sick at the side of the road. Not great but it's better then sitting in your own sick all the way home"
"Okay" Violet groaned
Alaska got out of the car and into her chair and wheeled herself over to where Violet was throwing up.
"What's going on?" asked a very confused Katya
"Vi got sick and where's Pearl?" replied Alaska
"She's absolutely shattered, Vi are you okay babes?"
"I don't know *bleugh* it just *bleugh* keeps coming"
"Oh honey, better out then in eh?"
" *bleugh bleugh* I wish this would stop"
"it will stop coming soon Vi" Alaska said as she rubbed Violets back
"I think I've finished now. Yuck I can taste it in my mouth"
"I think that there's a drink in the boot" Katya said as she looked in the boot "here it is"
"Thanks" said Violet as she drank the water
"You all right now hun?"
"Yeah I'll be fine, I just wanna go back to the hotel now"
"Oh babes I forgot to tell you but our hotel stay ran out so you and Pearl are gonna stay with me
and Katya for a bit but don't worry we packed all your stuff"
"Oh that'll be fun" said Violet "Can I sit in the back with Pearl for the rest of the way please?"
"Yeah if you want to but she keeps lolling over so just be careful babes" Katya said
"I will, sorry about um that"
"It's okay hun"
The drive home was peaceful, Katya and Pearl both slept whilst Alaska drove the rest of the way home. Violet was sat next to Pearl with her head laying on Pearls shoulders and her hand intertwined with Pearls. Violet thought about everything Pearl had done for her in the past few months. Where would she be without her? She loved Pearl so much and she loved her back too. Violet wrapped her arm around Pearls chest and took a deep breath in of his aftershave and fell asleep.
Violet woke up 3 hours later in a bed. Where was she? She looked to the left and saw Alaska sleeping peacefully?
"Alaska? Lasky? Wake up!" said Violet
"Huh What?" Alaska asked confused "oh hey Vi"
"Where am I?"
"At my house in my room."
"Oh yeah, I thought I knew it from somewhere, it's been ages since I was here. Where's Pearl and Katya?"
"They're sleeping in Katyas room but since us two are 'fragile' we're down here so we don't get squashed in our sleep because we all know how much those two move in their sleep"
"Oh... I thought you were getting stronger though?"
"I am but because i did all the walking and standing and driving recently, my legs are like jelly now. But DON'T tell Katya and if she asks just say I'm tired. I don't want her to worry and besides you're far worse off than me"
"Lasky! Why didn't you tell me? I could have gotten Pearl to drive the car or something. You know what happens when you exhaust yourself, do you not remember the trial day?"
Alaska thought of that horrible day. It should have been a happy day but instead it ended in Alaska being rushed to hospital in an ambulance. She hated how it made her feel. Weak, useless ,vulnerable. This list went on. Alaska couldn't help it. Her breathing became shorter and quicker and her chest became tight. Oh how she hated that feeling.
'What have I done?' Violet thought to herself as she shouted for help. She couldn't do anything. She was stuck in bed for the next few weeks at least. Her thoughts were interrupted by Katya racing through the door and seeing Alaska her face dropped. Violet couldn't help but feel guilty, she knew how fragile Katya could be and she had upset the one thing that mattered most to her.
Alaska couldn't focus. She was trying to steady her breathing but it was just getting shorter and quicker. She felt the warm embrace of Katyas arms go around her and pull her in tightly.
Katya whispered comforting words in her ears as she rubbed circles on Alaska's back but it wasn't working. She knew that Alaska wouldn't like what she did next but she had to do it for Alaska's health and safety. She turned the little knob on the tank and put the mask on Alaska's face but to her surprise she didn't fight back this time, instead she just sat there staring blankly at the floor. Is this what the doctor had warned her about? About what would happen if Alaska became too weak and tired. Katya shook the negative thoughts from her head and turned her focus back to Alaska.
"Lasky? What's up babe?" Katya asked
"I can't do it anymore. I'm always weak and tired. I can't do anything for myself. I'm plagued by the memories of what happened in the past. I need to go Katya. I need to leave this all behind" Alaska said as the tears plummeted down her face.
"What do you mean? You CAN do this Alaska!"
"I can't Kati, I have to do what's best for everyone"
"and what's best for everyone is if you stay so that we can help you"
" but I don't deserve to be here"
"YES YOU DO BABES! Everyone has rough days but we can get through it together"
"But it's not just one day I've felt like this. It's been since the attack that I've felt like this Katya. I'm not worth your time"
"Alaska" Katya said as tears fell down her face "You are a beautiful person which shitty things have happened to but you are unbelievably strong and determined. You just walked down the aisle at your wedding, at our wedding! I know that your confidence has been low and on some days practically none existent but I know how you feel. Before I met you I had nothing to live for and if you hadn't have come along then I have no idea where I would be. I feel your pain. I know that you hate yourself and how you look. I see you look in the mirror and that sad look in your eyes. I want to be there for you as much as I can and I know that you have to do somethings on your own but I am always here if you need someone to talk to so is Violet and Pearl and Bianca and Adore. Everybody loves and cherishes you babes and especially me. So dry those beautiful eyes and try your best to calm down."
Alaska loved how caring and supportive Katya was but she could never tell her about what she had done to herself. What marks she had given herself. Katya would never find out, not if Alaska has her say.

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