Chapter Sixteen

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Once Adore had calmed down a bit she lay cuddled up on Pearls lap, who was sat on the bed next to Violet. Katya had gone to get the food and Alaska had fallen asleep with her head resting on Pearls shoulder.
"Hey look" Violet said pointing at Alaska
"Awww bless" Pearl said as she looked at Alaska
"She looks so cute when she sleeps" Adore said
"She does" Katya said as she walked in with a tray of food
"Should I wake her up?" Asked Pearl
"Yeah, it'll be good if she has something to eat" katya replied
"Lasky, wake up hun. Do you want any food?"
But Alaska just grunted, rolled over and embraced Pearl in a hug
"Oh yeah she likes to cuddle the first person she sees when she wakes up" katya giggled
"Aww thats so sweet" Pearl said as she hugged Alaska back " Lasky do you think want some pizza"
"Yeah" Alaska yawned as she sat up and yawned
"Tired babes?" Asked Katya with a smirk
"Im bloody shattered, pass me a slice of pizza please Kati"
"Here you go babes" Katya said as Alaska took the pizza and began to nibble at it.
"Vi do want some pizza babes" asked Adore
"No I'm alright thanks" replied Violet
"Are you sure babes, you haven't had much to eat today" said Pearl
"Fine, I'll have some chips" Violet said reluctantly
"Any ketchup?" Asked Pearl but Violet shook her head "here you go hun"
Violet took the the chips but just sat there staring at them and Pearl saw this but decided that she would talk to her later.
"Oh my god Adore, how much pizza have you ate?" Katya asked laughing
"Not that much...oh maybe a bit more than I thought" Adore said joining in with the laughter
*knock knock*
"I'll get it" Pearl said as she left the room. She came back 5 minutes later with a solemn looking Bianca.
"Adore can I talk to you please" asked Bianca
"No" Adore replied
"Please Adore"
"Why should I listen to you?"
"Just please hear me out" begged Bianca
"After what you said to me? I don't think so!"
"I know, but i was mad and i didn't mean it"
"You called me an ugly slut and said i had no talent! I think you did mean it!" Adore said as tears rolled down her face
"Look Adore, I know I hurt you but we all make mistakes and I really fucked it up this time but please just hear me out"
"Fine, you've got a minute to explain yourself" Adore snapped back
"I was upset about something and i took it out on you because i didn't understand why you cared so much about me and i hurt you and that made me feel even shitter because i hurt someone as caring and loving as you. Im so sorry Adore"
Adore sat there for a moment thinking about what Bianca had just said and then she stood up walked over to Bianca and slapped her round to the face which made the whole room gasp and then gave her a massive hug.
"I missed you B"
"I missed you too 'Dory but why did you slap me?"
"Revenge for making me sad" giggled Adore
"Oh" Bianca said laughing
"That made me panic when you slapped her" laughed Katya
"I know, i thought we were gonna have a full on bitch fight on our hands" Pearl smirked
"Thanks for letting me stay for a bit guys but me and B are gonna go home now. Bye guys"
"Any time babes, byeeee" said Alaska

Once Adore and Bianca had gone home, Pearl and Violet were chilling on her bed whilst Katya helped Alaska bathe.

"Vi, I need to talk to you about something" Pearl said looking at the floor
"What is it babes?"
"Im-" Pearl mumbled, worried about what would happen next "im worried about you"
"Why?" Violet asked confused
"It's just that you've not been eating or drinking very much recently and I know you don't feel great at the moment but I don't want you to get any worse and have to go to hospital or something" Pearl blurted out as she fiddled with the edge of her top and tears began to trickle down her face.
"Oh Pearly-girl" Violet replied as she gave Pearl a hug "You're right, I'm not feeling 100% in fact at the moment I feel like 20% but sometimes just looking at the food makes me feel even worse but I am trying to eat a bit more each day but it doesn't stay down very well because of my medication. And I know that you want to care for me the best you can and you are doing an amazing job but if I do have to go back into hospital then you have to remember that it is NOT your fault, okay?"
"See babes, now come snuggle with me and dry those eyes too. I need some cuddling with my Pearly"
"You know I love you Vi" Pearl said as she laid down on the bed
"I do and I love you too" Violet said as she lay her head on Pearl chest
"Do you not get bored of lying in bed all day?"
"I do, i am so bored of being stuck in here all day, i think I've forgotten what outside looks like" Violet giggled
"Can you walk?"
"A bit yeah"
"Hold onto me and I'll grab the duvet "
"Um okay"
Pearl lead Violet out into the garden and lay the duvet down on the grass and then helped Violet sit down and let her lean onto her chest.
"This is cute" said Violet
"It is isn't it" replied Pearl "i thought it we be a change of scenery"
"You're so sweet Pearly-girl"
"I try my best" Pearl smirked
Pearl and Violet lay there for ages and watched the sum go down and the stars come up. Pearl didn't realise that her and Violet had fallen asleep outside until she woke up the next morning.
"Hey Vi wake up babes" Pearl said but no reply "Violet hunny wake up" again to no reply.
Pearl leaned over and saw Violet shaking and with blue lips.
"Oh shit! KATYA!" Pearl said as she scooped Violet in her arms and ran back into the house.
"What's up babes? Oh crap! What happened?" Katya said as she led Pearl into the bedroom.
"We went outside last night for a bit and we must have fallen asleep or something and i woke up and she was just like this" Pearl blubbered as Alaska wrapped her in her arms
"Oh babes, she's absolutely freezing" Katya said as she felt Violet "Lasky babes can you go and find all of the blanket and hot water bottles and fill them up please"
"Of course hun" Alaska said as she ran out of the room
Alaska returned with an armful of hot water bottles and a ton of blankets. She helped Pearl and Katya to place them over Violet and then sat on one side of her and held her hand whilst Pearl did the same on the other side.
"Its all my fault isn't it?" said Pearl
"No it isn't hunny, you did something really kind and it went a bit wrong but it happens to everybody and Violets one hell of a fighter, she'll bounce back" said Alaska reassuringly
"I know, i just feel guilty y'know"
"I know, Katya used to be like that with me"
"I did" giggled Katya
"She used to feel guilty every time I threw up" laughed Alaska "and that was a lot!"
"It was!"
"Violet really loves you guys y'know, she used to tell me stories about you two. I think there was one where Katya sat on the mute button and thought she had gone deaf" Pearl giggled
"That's one of my favourite" wheezed Violet
"You're okay baby" Pearl said as she gave Violet a big hug
"Oww... you can't get rid of me that easily bitches haha oww"
"I'll try harder next time babes, are you in pain?" Pearl asked
"Yeah, i haven't had my meds in ages and it really hurts" Violet grimaced
"You'll be okay hunny, just try and breathe through the pain until I get back babes" Pearl said as she raced out the door. She came back in two minutes later with the meds and a drink. She held the cup up to Violets mouth and helped her to take the meds and wash them down. Then she got in the bed next to Violet and snuggled together for a bit and she let Violet squeeze her hand if she was in pain.
"Hey guys im getting some lunch if you want some" Pearl said
"What are you getting?" asked Katya
"I was thinking Subway maybe?"
"Go on then, what about you Vi"
"Yeah I'll have some" replied Violet
"What about you 'Lasky?" Asked Katya
"Im fine" replied Alaska
"You sure hunny"
"Yeah" Alaska said faking a smile
"Oh uh okay, I'll be back soon, call me if you need me" Pearl said as she left
                                 ~1 hour later~
"I'm getting worried Pearl should be back by now" Violet said
"Im sure she'll be back soon hunny" Katya said reassuringly
*ring ring*
"Hello?" Said Violet
"Is this the partner of  Pearl Liaison?" Said the person on the phone
"Yes it is" replied Violet
"Hello, its Jane from the National Hospital-"
"Is Pearl okay?" Violet asked worriedly
"She was involved in a car accident. She was ejected from her seat and went through the  front windscreen. She was conscious at the scene and has remained conscious since"
"Oh my god! What are her injuries like?" Violet asked as Katya and Alaska exchanged worried looks
"They're not life threatening but because of how she landed they are quite bad. She landed with a lot of force on her shoulder which broke her collarbone and the majority of her right leg was shattered on impact and her jaw is severely swollen and very sore to move. There were no injuries to her spine, organs or brain so it shouldn't be too long until she should be able to be discharged and you may visit her as soon as you are able to be here. She is in room 382. Goodbye"
"Thank you, Bye" Violet said as she hung up the phone
"Whats up Vi" asked Alaska
"Pearl was in a car accident" Violet said solemnly as a tear trickled down her face
"Oh honey, is she okay?"
"She will be"  Violet said
"Do you want to visit her?"
"Why not?"
"I don't want to see Pearl in hospital. I don't like them"
"I know you don't but its a long drive to the hospital and i don't want to leave you on your own for that long"
"I'll be fine, I'll call Fame or something"
"Are you sure?"
                           ~at the hospital~
"Hey Pearl" said Alaska
"Hi" replied Pearl
"Does it hurt to talk?" asked Katya. Pearl nodded.
"Here use this notepad to write down what you want to say"
"Wheres Violet?" Pearl wrote
"She doesn't like hospitals at the best of times so seeing in you in one would have been to much for her"
"Oh, when can I go back home"
"Whenever you are ready honey"
"Can we go now?"
"Yeah, ill just tell the doctor"
~at home~
"Okay so with your good arm in need you put it round my neck and I'll put my arm around your waist whilst Alaska lifts your legs and we'll get you into bed"
Pearl groaned as she was lifted and let out little whimpers of pain as she wriggled around on the bed as she tried to get comfy but once she was comfy she relaxed a bit.
"Honestly, you trying to kill me or something? First you leave me outside to freeze like i live in fucking Arendelle or something and then you nearly give me a heart attack" joked Violet
"Sorry, didn't mean to (both times😉). I guess I'll try harder next time!" She wrote
"*gasp* you bitch! You did nearly scare the life out of me though. I thought I'd lost my Pearly-girl" Violet said as she planted a gentle kiss on Pearls lips
"I couldn't stop thinking about you when I was in hospital. I felt bad for scaring you" Pearl wrote as silent tears began to fall
"Oh Pearly, I'm just glad you're okay and anyway it is just revenge for when I scared you in the hotel" giggled Violet

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