Chapter Thirteen

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Alaska and Katya attempted to calm Pearl who was in hysterics after seeing Violet being carried away like that. They were sat in the back of the ambulance as it sped along the roads on the way to A&E. Violet was laying lifeless on the stretcher, her fragile hand cupped in Pearls as she stroked it with her thumb. Eventually, Pearl calmed down and wiped the tears away from her eyes.
"Alaska?" asked Pearl
"Yeah" she replied
"D-do you think Violet will be okay?"
"I...I honestly don't know at the moment babes. It could go either way, but Violet is a fighter and is strong as hell and she won't go down without a fight."
"I know, I-I just don't want to loose her"
"None of us do hun, but we are all here to support you whatever happens"
"Are you sure?"
"Absolutely" Alaska said as she impersonated Gia which made Pearl laugh
"We are here, please wait in the waiting room and someone will collect you when we have further details" the paramedic said as they unloaded Violet out of the ambulance and into the hospital.
Pearls head rested on Alaska's shoulder as she slept and Katya was stroking strands of her hair as her and Alaska talked. It seemed like hours until they finally had some news but when they did it wasn't what they expected.
"Violet Chachki?" a nurse called out
Alaska put her hand up to signal to the nurse who came over.
"Are you friends of Violets?"
"Yes we are" answered Katya
"I have good news and bad news, what would you like to hear first?"
"Umm...good news first please" said Alaska
"The good news is that Violet is in a stable condition and will recover but..." the nurse said as Alaska, Katya and Pearl, who was now awake, linked hands "the bad news is that one of the broken ribs had dislodged and was causing severe pain and so we had to operate to put it back into place and during the operation she had a seizure, now she does have a history of having seizures so we didn't worry too much to begin with but the seizure caused her heart to stop. We were able to get it going again but she will be quite weak for the first few days and will need someone to help her at all times. She is in room 937 and you can see her when you are ready. Goodbye" the nurse said
"I need to see her" Pearl said as she began to run down the corridor. Alaska and Katya ran behind her but couldn't keep up with Pearl who was racing ahead.
When Pearl got to the room, Alaska and Katya waited behind for a bit and allowed Pearl and Violet to have a moment.
~In the room~
"Hey Vi" Pearl said gently as she stroked Violets hand
"Hi" Violet squeaked out
"You scared me there babes"
"Sorry" Violets said as she looked down
"It's okay now babes, you're okay" Pearl said with a smile
"I was so scared Pearl" Violet said as a tear fell down her face
"Oh I know baby but it's okay now, you're safe." Pearl said as she held Violets hand
"I should have listened to you and gone to the hospital in the first place but i didn't and then I nearly died just like you said I would. I didn't want to die" Violet cried out as tears flowed down her cheeks
"Shhhhh, shhhh,shhhhh. Calm down Vi, you're getting yourself all worked up and anxious. It's okay your safe now-"
"BUT I NEARLY DIED PEARL!" shouted Violet
"I know Violet. So did I!" Pearl yelled back "I knew what was going to happen and that's why I called the ambulance. The same thing happened to me Violet!"
~outside the room~
"What's going on in there? Why are they shouting?" asked Katya but before Alaska could answer, Pearl stormed out of the room
"Pearl!" yelled Alaska
"What!" Pearl snapped back as she turned around
"Come here"
"Come here Pearl"
"Just come here please Pearl"
Pearl walked over to where Alaska was stood and was embraced in a hug by Alaska who rubbed Pearls back gently as the tears began to fall
"I-I didn't mean to shout at her like that" mumbled Pearl
"Oh sweetie" Alaska said sympathetically
"I just don't like seeing her so weak and vulnerable like that, it's just not who Violet is"
"I understand you hun, I think you were kinda scared of what you might see and that's why you freaked out."
"Do you want me to go and see her?" asked Katya
"Umm yeah, will you tell her that I'm sorry and I didn't mean to freak out like that" Pearl replied
"Yeah, are you sure you don't want to come with me?"
"Will you come too?" Pearl asked as she looked at Alaska
"Yeah i will" replied Alaska
"Okay then" Pearl said to Katya
"You'll be fine, don't worry" Katya said reassuringly
                                 ~in the room~
"Hey Violet, how are you?" Katya asked as she sat on the edge of the bed and Pearl and Alaska sat in the chairs.
"Sore" Violet replied
"Do you want me to get some one" asked a concerned Katya
"I'm sorry Violet! I didn't mean to snap at you like that. I just don't like seeing you so....vulnerable. It isn't like you, you're always so strong and the change in you made me freak out" Pearl said as she shot up out of her chair
"But I was scared and I needed you there but all you did was shout at me Pearl! I thought it was my fault!" Violet said as the tears flowed down her face
"I fucked it up, I know and I am so sorry. Please forgive me, I'll never shout at you like that again. I am so sorry." Pearl said as she wiped the tears from her eyes
"Really" questioned Violet
"Absolutely" replied Pearl
"I forgive you Pearl" Violet said with a small smile
"You do?" Pearl said as she wiped away Violets tears
"I do" Violet said as the smile on her face grew
"I love you Vi"
"I love you too Pearl"
"Awwww, oh sorry" giggled Katya from behind
"I wish you could come home- well at least back to the hotel" Pearl said sadly
"I know hun but we have to be patient" Violet said in reply "I wish I could leave too but I have to wait until I'm strong enough and at the moment I'm still too weak"
"I know, it sucks. But I'll be by your side the whole time"
"Aww it's okay Pearl, you don't have to do that"
"No. I want to"
"Really? You'd do that for me?"
"I do anything for you Violet"
And with that, Pearl lips were planted onto Violets in a passionate kiss that continued until Alaska let out a little cough and Pearl turned around to see the nurse.
"Oh uh sorry" Pearl said as she flushed a red colour
"It's okay darlin' don't worry" the nurse said "how are you doing Violet?"
"Not bad, it's really sore though"
"I know but you've had some pain killers so they should kick in sooner or later. I just need to check your heart to see if we can detach you from the machine" the nurse said as she looked at the machine "everything seems okay so I'm going to take you off it but if there are any problems call for someone ASAP! Okay?"
"Yeah" Violet said
"Bye" said the nurse as she did a little wave and walked off
"That's good isn't it!?" Alaska said
"Yeah I suppose so". Violet said sounding disappointed
"What's up babes?" Pearl asked
"I- I just don't want to be here anymore. I hate it here and it is so boring. I wish i could stay with you Pearl" Violet said as tears rolled down her face
"Ohh, baby. I know but I'm gonna stay with you until you leave here."
"But I wanna leave here now!"
"Shh, babes we'll be out of here soon but I'm not leaving until you're better"
"It's just so annoying"
"What is Vi?"
"I just won the competition, I should be out partying not stuck in a hospital bed in this ugly gown"
"It does suck but when you leave her we can have a huge party and we can get drunker then Katya was this morning" Pearl smirked as Katyas face turned red
"Your dancing was hilarious" Violet said laughing "oww- ooops"
"You ok babes" said Pearl who's eyes were wide in panic
"I'm fine, I just laughed to hard, that's all. Don't panic hun"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah" Violet replied "Hey Katya, how is the hangover treating you?" she said laughing
"сука!" Katya said laughing
"Katya! We don't speak Russian!" Alaska yelled jokingly
*knock knock*
I am Dr Mathews. I have been looking over your case and you have recovered well, however on your notes it says that you would like to be discharged now. Even though you have not fully recovered, there are some antibiotics that can help to support you, should you choose to go home. But first you will need to perform some test for me. First of all, I would like you to take a deep breath in and then breathe out and try to cough for me"
Violet did this successfully but the pain was visible in her eyes
"Secondly, I want you to list everybody in this rooms names and how you know them to rule out any damage from the seizure but you don't need to do mine"
"Okay, Alaska Thunderf*ck fellow drag queen, met in a hospital. Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova met her ages ago in New York and was also on season 7. Pearl Liaison met her on season 7. See easy!" Violet said with a smile
"And for the last test, I would like you to walk from one side of the room to the other and back again to test your strength"
A look of terror spread across Violets face. What if she failed? What if she had to stay here? What if she had to leave Pearl?
"Come on babes you got this" Pearl said giving Violet and smile
Violet focused all her attention on her legs. 'Left foot....right foot....left foot....right foot' She thought to herself. She got to one side and took a little break to get her breath back and then did the same on the way back. When she got there, she plopped down on the bed and was joined by Pearl who put her arm gently around her.
"You did it babes" Pearl said with a big smile.
"I did" Violet said smiling too
"Well it's seems that you are just about strong enough to leave but when you get home, you must be on bed rest as much as possible for at least 2 weeks. I will send someone with your discharge papers" said Doctor Mathews "Goodbye"
"Byeeee" Alaska said
"Hey that's good news!" Katya said happily
"Yeah you can come back home and we can cuddle" said Pearl
"Yass Kween, come through Kai Kai!" Violet yelled laughing "owww I probably shouldn't laugh so hard"
"Probs for the best babes" Pearl said as she scooped Violet into her arms and planted a kiss on her forehead
"Awww you guys are actually so cute, I can't handle it" Katya said as she pretended to dab away an invisible tear.
"Oh Katya, you're insane but I love you"

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