What Happened

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|~*~Unexpectedly Falling~*~|


October 16, 2012

The next morning, Kellin was woken up by a call. It was his mom. He started to panic. He forgot to tell his mom that he was in the hospital! He answered her call hesitantly. “Hey mom...” he said.

“Don't 'hey mom' me!” she yelled. “Where are you?! Your note said that you'd be at Nikki's house dropping off her necklace. And now it's the next day. Where are you?!”

Kellin gulped. “The hospital...”

“Why are you at the hospital!? Are you hurt?!”

“Sort of. But I'm okay. I swear. It's Nikki who's hurt.” he looked over to her to see her still asleep.

“What happened?”

Kellin took a deep breath. He began explaining everything that happened last night.

“That's horrible...” she said. “I hope she's okay.”

“Me too.” Kellin said.

“Be glad that you were there to save her.” his mom said. “I'm going to go. But call me later, okay?”

“Okay mom.” he said. Then he hung up.

Everything was quiet in the room. He heard some sounds outside the door. Probably just some doctors and nurses going from room to room to treat patients. The only sound Kellin could hear in the room came from Nikki's heart monitor. Her chest rose and fell at a steady pace. Her lips looked slightly pouty when she was sleeping. Her head was turned to the side facing Kellin. Her bangs covered up her left eye. She looked peaceful.

Kellin finally took the chance to look at her arms. There were cuts and bruises along them. There was a small cut on her right cheek that had already started to heal.

He felt his phone vibrate with a text. It was Justin.

Justin: Why aren't you and Nikki coming to school today?

Kellin: Come to the hospital today after school. I'll explain everything.

He heard the door squeak open and a nurse come in. she saw that Kellin was awake. “Has Nikki woken up yet?”

Kellin shook his head. “Not since she fell asleep last night. How is she?”

The nurse checked the papers on her clipboard. “She was a victim of physical abuse. Mainly bruises and cuts along her arms. Some on her stomach and legs. We checked and there were no signs of sexual abuse, but we'll ask her just in case. She has one fractured rib and Dr. Lancaster believes she was a self harmer.”

Kellin's eyes widened at the last part, but he kept his mouth shut about it. “So... She's okay?”

“Yes. She'll be let out today, hopefully.” the nurse said. “Press that button-” she pointed to a button at the edge of Nikki's bed, “-when she wakes up and one of the nurses will come in.” With that said, she walked out the door.

Kellin turned his attention back to Nikki. Despite the current position she was in, she still looked beautiful to him. He wanted to tell her how he felt about her, but he didn't know how to. Plus there was always the chance that she would reject him. Probably choose Justin over him. But despite having the fear of rejection, Kellin knew he had to tell her soon.

|~*~Unexpectedly Falling~*~|

At lunch, Isabelle nervously picked at her pasta. She pushed away her plate in frustration. “I can't eat!”

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