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|~*~Unexpectedly Falling~*~|


October 15, 2012

On Monday Kellin was sitting at his usual table with Justin and Liam at lunch.

“So what exactly happened with you and Nikki on Saturday?” Liam asked Justin.

Kellin's grip on his soda can tightened. He wanted to know what happened, but at the same time he didn't. Just the thought of them kissing made Kellin want to strangle Justin. Kellin had spent all of yesterday straightening out his feelings. And when he did, he realized that in the short amount of time he and Nikki had been hanging out, about two weeks, he had managed to fall hard for her.

A smile played on Justin's lips. “I don't kiss and tell.” he said.

If Kellin held his soda can any tighter, he was sure it would have burst. “You two kissed?” he asked in a forced calm voice.

Justin took a sip of his soda. “Sadly, no. But I did figure something out.” he said.

Liam's eyebrow rose. “And that would be?”

“If you nuzzle her neck in just the right spot, it'll make her shiver and her breath hitch.” Justin said while smirking.

That was enough to send Kellin over the edge. But he had enough self control to keep himself from beating Justin to a pulp. He shifted in his seat slightly and saw Nikki sitting with her friends a few tables away. He also noticed that she was wearing Kellin's red beanie. He remembered arguing with her on Saturday about how she looked with it on. She thought she looked horrible, claiming that red didn't look good on her. He had tried to convince her that she looked really good with it on. She only believed him when he took a picture of the two of them and showed her how she looked.

Kellin smiled as that picture popped into his head. Then he realized that he hadn't sent that picture to Nikki yet. He pulled his iPhone out of his pocket and looked for the picture. Once he found it, he sent it to her. He watched as she got her phone out of her pocket and check the message. As she saw it, she smiled and blushed. Her eyes flickered to Kellin. Kellin smiled at her and she smiled back.

“Who you smiling at?” Liam asked.

Kellin's attention was brought back to his friends. “Oh just Sami.” he lied.

Justin turned in his chair and found the girls' table. He caught Nikki's attention and winked at her. Even though they were tables away from them, Kellin could see the blush rising to Nikki's cheeks. The smile on Kellin's face disappeared.

Liam watched Kellin carefully. Am I crazy or did Kellin just get upset because Justin was flirting with Nikki?, he thought. Liam pushed those thoughts out of his head. He was obviously going crazy. He caught Isabelle's eye and smiled at her. He offered a small wave and she waved back. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Justin watching him.

Nikki turned her attention back to her phone as she felt it vibrate with a new text. It was from Kellin.

Kellin: Nice hat. ;)

Nikki: I actually really like it.

Kellin: You want it?

Nikki: Are you serious?

Kellin: 100%. Plus it looks better on you than it ever did on me. Keep it. You look cute. :)

Nikki felt herself blush when she read that last text. She texted him back.

Nikki: In general or with your hat on?

Kellin: Both. ;)

Her blushed deepened and she smiled to herself.

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