Chapter 6- Old Frenemies.

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"Peter, thank you very, very much." Charles said, his jacket in his hand by his side. "You take care." He took Peter's hand and shook it. 

"Yeah, I saw your flight plan in the cockpit, why you going to Paris?" Peter discussed, glancing from Charles to me and then back to Charles. Charles looked at Hank and he simply raised an eyebrow. I thought he was supposed to be piloting the plane?

They then turned and started walking up the steps to the aircraft. It was time to say goodbye. I turned around, my denim jacket still soaked through and slung over my back. 

"I won't be long," I explained, seeing the plane in the corner of my eye and trying not to squint at the sun that was going to be setting in a few hours. "I would stay if I could."

"It's fine, you'll only be gone for a while." He said, turning his head to the side slightly as he looked back at me.

"Thanks." I replied, knowing that he'd understand and began to walk up the stairs to the jet.

"Take your time." Peter said, and I glanced back and smiled.

Charles quickly turned around and threw his car keys to him. "Do me a favour and return it to me." Peter agreed. "and Peter, take it slow."

Peter laughed briefly and I noticed he was still wearing the guard's cap. He threw the keys in the air and caught them before unlocking the car door. Slipping inside as I stepped into the jet, he smiled and then put the keys into the ignision. I placed my jacket on a table inside and sat down next at an available seat. It was at the back to the left, parallel from Logan. I breathed out heavily and noticed that my adrenaline levels were still high. My reflects were quicker because of how anxious I was. In the past day I had learnt that I was on a mission to stop robots being created in the possible future. I had also learnt about what I was, although that was what surprised me the least. All in all I was pretty gobsmacked about the whole situation I had been dragged into.

"Where did they dig you up." Eric cut through the silence sharply, and my head jerked up. He was staring forward and waiting for an answer. 

"You're gonna find this hard to believe but," He leaned forward and paused for effect. "you sent me, you and Charles, from the future."

Eric looked up like Logan had told a bad joke and glared at him in disbelief. Logan was goingt o have to explain a lot...

Before long we were high above the clouds and the view was amazing. I hadn't said anything to anyone and had tried not to listen to their thoughts and tried to remain invisible for as long as I could... not literally though. I felt my jacket and it was damp but not wet or dry and I hoped the present from Peter wasn't ruined. The ocean looked like a blue blur below us and the clouds looked like fluffy marshmallows placed in random positions and shapes. I looked away from the window and noticed the interior must have been expensive. I was sat on a leather seat and there was even ornaments that you wouldn't expect in standard jets. Charles must be the richest guy I know, or should I say 'encountered'. He was a friend, but I'd never had a conversation with him for longer than seconds. Whereas Eric... who even is he?

Charles hadn't stopped staring at him throughout the journey and he looked so tense. His eyes were fixed on him and there was no trust between the two of them. Logan had noticed this whenever he looked up from his newspaper.

"How did you lose them?" Eric asked without looking up.

"The treatment for my spine fixed my DNA." He replied without taking his eyes off him. Eric, as absent minded as anyone could be, looked up.

"You sacrificed your power so you could walk?" He held a horrid grimace across his face.

"I sacrificed my power so that I could slee-." He stopped speaking when he looked down to hide the sudden tears. I could relate to him. I had trouble sleeping and other people's thoughts didn't have an off switch. Three quarters of the time I ignored them but that one quarter was inevitable. "What do you know about it?"

"I've lost my fair shar-."

"Haha," Charles added in the monotone that they were both using but in a sarcastic way. "Dry your eyes Eric, it doesn't justify what you've done."

"You've no idea what I've done." I seriously don't have a clue.

"I know that you took the things that mean the most to me." 

"Well maybe you should've fought harder for them." Eric said through gritted teeth.

"Do you want to fight, Eric, I will give you a fight." Charles ignored the pitiful 'sit down' Logan murmured in the background.

"Let him come." Eric was stirring up the situation and he knew it.

"You abandoned me!" He grabbed Eric, now that they were both stood up, by his collar and raised his voice like he'd been saving it for him for years. "You took her away and you abandoned me."

Hank looked back to see what the sudden rise in volume was but he couldn't stop piloting the plane to stop them. 


The engines grew louder.


Everyone, almost synchronised, held tightly to their chair.


Eric carried on listing people and his eye began to twitch.


The jet started to shake furiously and my eyes widened in horror.

"Our mutant brothers and sisters, all dead."

The jet swerved to the right and began to plummet down to Earth. I fastened my seatbelt hastily and tried to focus and calm myself. I didn't deal well with tricky situations that involved anger.

"Captured, experimented on, butchered." 

Faint sounds of his name filled the air, pleading for mercy.

"Where were you Charles!!" 

I closed my eyes and I couldn't focus enough to freeze anyone or try something. Anything, using my abilities to stop Eric. It was obvious that he was causing this. I felt pathetic and useless and I knew I could help everyone but the state of shock I was in didn't even absorb the option to stand up and stop this.

"We were supposed to protect them, where were you when your own people needed you?" He talked about mutants like they were a different species to humans entirely. Plates slid towards the end of the jet and so did Charles who was clinging to a sofa. "Hiding, you and Charles, pretending to be something you're not!"

With one last word from Hank the engines simmered down to their original sound. My body didn't feel out of shape and the tense vibes cooled down too. My hands relaxed from clinging to the leather and left faint nail marks on it. 

"You abandoned us all." His voice was still booming against the jet walls but he had calmed down.

Everyone breathed out and relaxed and resumed their original positions. Apart from Charles who got up and took a seat next to Hank at the front of the jet. 

"So you were always an asshole." Logan lifted up a cigar and held a lighter in his other hand. Eric turned around.

"I take it we're best buddies in the future." He sarcastically uttered, peering above Logan.

"I spent a lot of years trying to bring you down, bub." Laughing briefly he held the cigar to his mouth.

"How's that work out for you?"

"You're like me. You're a survivor." He took the cigar away from his mouth and looked at the objects on the ground. "Wanna pick all that shit up?"

Eric replied with a raised eyebrow.

This isn't edited by the way and I will tomorrow but I hope you liked it! :P ~ thehowlingfish

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