Chapter 14- Inescapable Thoughts

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Exhausted after using cerebro to contact Raven I collapsed on my bed. Well, my bed if I decide to stay here a while when the school is up and running again. My current headache beats all the previous headaches I've had. It's like someone using a potato masher on your brain. I reached into my pocket, pulling out a packet of tablets. Two pain killers left. Pain killers were always on me and handy as headaches where often a reoccurring problem.

I placed the empty packet on the bedside table after swallowing the tablets without water, with difficulty. I noticed there was one of those balls made up entirely of elastic bands also on the table. I picked it up, trying to guess how many elastic bands it was made up of.

Elastic bands at stupid, what are they used for anyway... hmm, a possible hair tie? I lent forward from laying on the bed put my hair up. The elastic band viciously bit my fingers as I wrapped them around it causing a stinging sensation. Oh, and of course they're good for annoying people-

Why the hell does this even matter? What am I thinking!?

I could be a fugitive, or worse. I helped a "former" criminal mastermind escape from an extremely high security prison. I know what we must do but I can't help but wonder what I've gotten myself into. It's too late now. The next place we're headed is Washington DC. A sudden drop like feeling shuddered through me. Jesus- what if i'd been shown on national television!? What if my mom had seen me!? No, she couldn't have. I mean, on the phone she sounded as if... as if she didn't suspect a thing...

I threw the ball made of elastic bands up in the air. I stopped the ball in mid air before gravity could make a move.

- but, each day that goes by, each hour, each minute, each second... is closer to her learning about where I really am. Peter can't pretend I'm at Jennifer's house forever.

"Azalia, your thoughts are echoing throughout the house."

My ears twitched. I lost concentration and the elastic ball fell back into my hands. By reflex, I glanced to the doorway where the sound originated. Charles was standing there. Well, he wasn't, he was in his wheelchair. That was the choice he had made.

"I'm sorry- but this is crazy." I sighed, easing the distressed tone that tried to reveal itself.

He came in and towards me as i sat upright, putting my legs off the side of the bed and my feet on the ground.

"Well, that's certainly one way to put it-"

"The only way to put it." I bluntly added. I pulled off one of the many elastic bands from the ball and looped it around my fingers.

"We can do it, together." I had to admit,  Charles was good at persuading people. "You didn't leave while you had the chance, why was that?"

"I-." Several seconds later I said- "I wanted to save the world and be part of something. And...I didn't want to let Peter down."

"Well, you're a real help to us and I promise you'll be home soon. But we need to get to Washington as soon as we can." He smiled and i placed the elastic band around my wrist. Just that moment Hank burst into the room followed swiftly by Logan.

"- Guys, there's something I need to show you."


Hank opened two large doors into a room filled with televisions hooked up to wires and computers. There were huge shelves covered in video tapes and various assortments of different film. They each had labels and dates, some dating back to 1962. We followed him inside. "You see, there's this system I designed to record any news about Paris over all three networks and PBS."

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