Chapter 10- Sacrifices.

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Okay, I really want to get this story finished and right now it's now or never... but I'm not as obsessed as I was when the film came out (* cough * I haven't updated for ages * cough * and I am beyond sorry for that although it did give me time to think about the ending... which will possibly be sad... mwahahaha). Kidding.

Anyway as always enjoy, enjoy and enjoy this chapter and i can most definitely say that there WILL BE REGULAR UPDATES FROM NOW ON. 

Swiftly leaving the building we took the least obvious exit. The front entrance. Followed by various important people, I thought it would be best to keep my head down. There was also the press and I didn't really want my face smeared on the front page of every best-selling newspaper. What if Peter saw me? All over the news and in the papers? I didn't want to lose a best friend, but I knew he'd understand. I felt like a criminal but, deep down, I wasn't and was only being treated like one. Treated like a freak. Now everyone knew I was different, and I had evidence to prove it. I could hear what they were saying in their minds as we passed a roaring crowd. Freak, crazy, mutant... the list goes on. Most of the voices were just questions about what had happened, but the ones that were aimed at us were the loudest and most painful. I had managed to keep my powers a secret from the world, but now everything had hit me like a ton of bricks. I knew there were people who had it worse that me but this was pretty bad. Peter said that normal people were just jealous of us being able to do amazing things. Part of me felt that part of that was true, and that thought made me smile, but I wasn't so sure anymore. Who am i kidding? Of course they're jealous, how could I even doubt myself for a moment but maybe they're right? Maybe I'm just the genetic code that was never supposed to happen?

Logan slipped on his shades and headed for the nearest edge of the crowd and quickest route there was. But it seemed that people were letting us through anyway. It seems that maybe humanity is kind afterall. Or maybe not, they were only moving away from us and letting us pass because they wanted to get away from us as much as they could. I just hoped it was because we were strangers, not mutants. 

We slipped into the car and everyone relaxed. Especially Hank. Thank god he couldn't hear anyone's thoughts, he would despise what they were saying; far far worse than anything about me. Charles placed the key in the ignition and drove away faster than I've seen anyone ever drive away, okay, maybe not Peter though.

"We have to go back to the mansion and set up cerebro. If anyone's got a chance of saving the future it's Azalia." He said to everyone.

"Cere- what?" 

"But Professor, you're the strongest telepath I know and the only one who knows how to work that thing."

"Why do you keep calling me that? And... look, I just can't, only without the use of my legs."

Hank looked at him from the opposite front seat, giving him a 'did I just hear what you said?' sort of face.

"The future is at stake, and you're not going to do everything you can? Even if that means a few sacrifices? That's not the Charles I know."

There was a silence before he replied.

"Well, I'm not him, yet. Am I?"

Nobody said anything after that, but it gave me time to think as I ignored everyone else's thoughts. I wonder how bad the 'possible' future really is? I wasn't going to ask Logan though. Because, number one- it is never a good time to ask him anything and two- we had bigger problems and needed to take action now. Although Hank said that there would be time to analyse my DNA to learn more about my powers.

After at least two hours of occasional talking, we got out of the car and walked up to a building. The signpost had read Charles Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters but it looked like it hadn't been open for years. This was Charles' school, I wonder if there could maybe be a place for me. I was sick of home-schooling and I knew Peter didn't like it either, we both wanted to explore the world but were afraid of what people would say. Me more so than Peter, but I knew he felt like it too. Afterall, there isn't a way of turning off mind reading.

"Ahhhhh." Charles fell to the floor as we made our way inside. 

"What happened?" Logan asked after closing the door, me and Hank helped him up. "Can he walk?"

Charles placed one hand to his head, displaying that he was beginning to hear voices again. It's okay I said in his head and tried not to think too much but ease the thoughts he heard in his mind at the same time. His senses were much more sharper than mine and trying to turn down the volume was proving harder than I realised. It was like he had trained his mind to hear over long distances, and select different thoughts quieter than the rest. If I could do that it would be amazing, but also harder to cope. Charles didn't exactly seem calm.

"He needs his treatment." He pulled Charles up and rested him against the pillar. I don't think this happens a lot, but there wasn't a lot Logan and I could do. Except, maybe not think so much...

"I can hear them."

"It's okay." I said.

"Make it stop."

"I'll get it." Hank said, referring to the treatment, followed by dashing up the stairs.

"Hey, hey. Pull yourself together." Remarked Logan. I shot him a glare, and said that's not helping in his mind. "I know what I'm doing." I let him speak, which results in even more voices, but he does know the 'professor' more than I do.

"It's not over yet." He was right, it was just beginning, I still don't know what I have dragged myself into. 

"You don't believe that." Charles said, gaining control of his breathing.

"How do you know?" I don't think Logan has grasped that yet...

"As these go," He gestured to his legs. "This comes back." He tapped his head, Tell me about it... no, wait, I already know.

"They all come back!" He put his hands over his ears. It reminded me of what I used to do when I was 11 and I began hearing the voices. My parents had taken me to many psychiatrists, asking why I was doing this and wanting to know the answers and what was best for me but no one ever knew what it really was. Everyone seemed to forget about after a year or so and it became normal to me. It was only until I recognised their thoughts as other people's when one of them was talking about me and things only my friends knew and happened to be their voices. 

"Look, I- I'm still here." Logan stated. Charles rolled up his sleeve, ready for the injection.

"And she's still out there. But we need your help, Charles. Not like this, I need you to come and find Raven, not without your powers."

Logan was right. I couldn't possibly work the cere- something. I didn't even know what it was. Although I would have given it a try. This was a now or never situation and we needed an answer. If we didn't get the right one, all this would have been for nothing. 

"I added a little extra because you missed the dosage." Hank came rushing back, injection held tightly in his hand.

"Charles." Logan began one last time, seeing his face, he knew this wasn't the way forward and a coward's way out.

"Don't." I added, even though it wouldn't make a difference.

I took the injection from Hank, forcefully. Charles positioned the needle into the vein of his arm. Steadying his hand, he became ready to push the plunger. Just a little trigger. Just to make the thoughts go away. I would give anything for one of those every so often. He looked back at Logan. He knew the future wasn't pretty. Charles was better than this. He needed to prove it. 

He placed the injection beside him, and wiped his hands over his face. Continued by a sigh of relief. 

"Hank, do me a favour, would you help me to my study, please?" 

Hope you enjoyed it! Votes and comments much appreciated! :3


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