Chapter 7- Hidden Emotions.

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"Fancy a game? It's been a while." I heard Eric's voice as soon as I woke up. Pulling the blanket from over my head I sat up in a sitting position. I licked my lips at the first sign of dehydration. Before I got up I saw that outside the jet was dark and I had fallen asleep at sunset. I was only asleep for a few hours and nobody seemed bothered... wait, what if I'd been snoring or something? 

Logan didn't look sleepy at all and he didn't look like he'd been asleep either. The chair he was sat on was gripped tightly and he hadn't taken his eyes off Eric and Charles in case they started fighting again. 

"I'm not in the mood for games, thank you." Charles was reluctant to say and peered out of the window.

 I got up to get myself a drink, water will do just fine for me. As I lifted my glass off the side table I noticed Logan's was empty and offered to get him another drink. I was still pretty tired but I managed to get the words out of my mouth and sneak in a yawn.

"Thanks kid." He replied raising his glass for me and not daring to look away from Eric and Charles. 

Eric poured himself a drink, "I haven't had a real sip in ten years." He sighed and turned to me and offered the bottle. I was reluctant to take it but smiled anyway and took it from him. 

"Thanks." I murmured and poured Logan a drink.

"I didn't kill the president." Eric's voice cut jagged through the already tense atmosphere. Like a bullet through iron. I placed the bottle on Logan's side table and noticed my hands were shaking slightly. Part of my abilities allowed me to experience other people's emotions. I know, not the greatest thing in the world and I didn't know how to stop it but if someone was sad I would start crying, if someone was happy I would smile. This had first occured one day at Peter's when I came down to his room and he wouldn't tell me what was wrong. He kept staring at the floor, staring into a dark void of despair, he hardly said anything that day, just answered what I asked him. By the end of the day he was almost crying and it was awkward for me because I had to hold back tears as well, and I didn't have a reason for it. I never knew his reason either. The next day he was fine though, I didn't need 'psychic emotions' to know that.

"The bullet curved, Eric-" 

"because I was trying to save him." Eric finished for Charles. "They took me out before I could."

"Why would you try and save him?"

"Because he was one of us."

He was one of us? That's... hard to believe. I sat back in my chair and silently listened to their conversation whilst looking out of the window. There wasn't much to see outside because it was night but there was nothing else to do.

"You must think me so foolish," His tone then changed. "you've always said they would come after us."

"I never imagined they'd use Raven's DNA to do it." ...Wait, who's Raven?

"When did you last see her?" Charles held back the lump in his throat and so did I. They were both making light of the situation but had deep hidden emotions. Deeper than I'd ever experienced, making them harder to conceal and not feel. I could read their minds to see why they were so sad but this wasn't the time.

"The day I left for Dallas." Eric took a seat, as if on cue, like he was going to tell a long story. 

"And how was she?"

Eric sighed. "Strong, driven, loyal," Charles knew he wasn't going to get anywhere with Eric listing words so he rephrased the question.

"How- How was she?"

"She was..." He paused. "I could see why she meant so much to you... You should be proud of her, Charles."

"She's out there fighting for our cause-"

"Your cause." Charles corrected, avoiding eye contact. "The girl I raised, she, she was not capable of killing."

"You didn't raise her you grew up with her, she couldn't stay a little girl forever, that's why she left."

"She left because you got inside her head." Charles' teeth gritted at the true but painful words.

Eric smiled and corrected him. "That's not my power. She made a choice."

"But now we know where that choice leads, don't we?" He told him, more like a statement than a question. "She's going to murder Trask, he's going to capture her and then they're all going to wipe us out."

"Not if we get there first. Not if we change history, tomorrow." Eric made a good point. "I'm sorry, Charles. For what happened, I truly am."

Charles seemed to accept his apology and agreed to play. "It's been a while since I've played." He added a light cough and tried to cover the hidden emotions once more. It was no use, my powers had already sensed them and I buried my head into the blanket on my seat and dried my unstoppable tears. They ran down my cheeks and I wiped at them furiously, hoping no one saw me even though I had my back turned and I was curled up on my seat. The worst thing is I don't even know why I'm crying...

"I'll go easy on you." Eric finished and they began playing as soon as he placed his glass down when he gulped the last bit of whisky. "It might finally be a fair fight."

"You have the first move."

Hi everyone!! *hands out apologies* I am so so so so so so so so so sorry I haven't updated in days and days and days. This isn't a great chapter and I'm a little rusty because I've been on holiday with no 4G and no laptop. D: Seriously, it was hell. And *drum roll please* I'm Back!!!! Hope you enjoyed it and I will probably update another chapter in an hour or so because you all kinda deserve one because you're still reading when I didn't update in a loooooooooonnnngg time :P again, sorry. ~ thehowlingfish. 

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