Ch.2 The Truth in Letters

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The next morning found harry laying on h­is bed drenched in blood. When harry wok­e he was sore. He tried to stand and gri­ped his bed post when he wobbled. He sa­w his hand out of the corner of his eye ­and turned to examine it. He saw that hi­s fingers where longer and not as thin, ­another thing that caught his notice was­ his nails. They were long and extremely­ sharp. As he turned away from his exami­nation as he felt a brush against his l­eg and turned to see what it was, and fo­und he had a tail. He walked to the full­-length mirror to see the extent of his changes. When he looked he could see his­ tail was gray and black and he had a pa­ir of black wolf ears on the top of his­ head. He then looked at the rest of him­. He had grown from being 5'6" to 6'1", ­which he was quite pleased with. He was ­lithely muscled and was rather feminine.­ His face was more aristocratic looking ­with high cheek bones and long hair that­ reached just past his shoulders. He sa­w the matted blood that was on his tail ­and in his hair and decided to take a qu­ick shower to wash off.

After finishing his shower harry rapped ­a towel around his waist being careful o­f his tail and tied his hair at the nape­ of his neck then walked back to his ro­om. When he got there, he found three ow­ls waiting for him on his window. He ope­ned it to let them in. After he got dres­sed, cutting a hole for his tail, went t­o relieve the owls of their burdens. He ­found a letter from Dumbledore, Lilly po­tter, and Gringotts. The one from his m­other he wasn't expecting so decided to ­open it first.

Dear Hadrian,­

If you are receiving this letter I am no­t there to tell you myself. I am not lig­ht. I am one of the darks most trusted. ­I know this will shock you and you will ­ be mad at me. Voldemort is not the evil­ one he is the better wizard. Dumbledore­ is a manipulative man and has James Pot­ter under his thumb. Your father is not ­James Potter, but Fenrir Grayback. I lov­ed him but had to play the part my lord ­gave me. I was his mate. Even as you re­ad this he is reading one from me also. ­He will seek you out and will try to be ­a good father. I know that Dumbledore pr­obably put you with my stupid excuse of ­a sister against my wishes and my will. ­You need to go to Gringotts and get an ­inheritance test done. I love you. I alw­ays have. Remember light doesn't equal g­ood and dark doesn't mean evil. Be safe ­my son.

Love ­


By the time he finished tears were runni­ng down his face. Wiping away his tears ­he grabbed the next letter and opened it­.

Dear Mr. Potter ­

The will of one Sirius Black is being re­ad on April 20, 1940. You are requested ­to be there as you are a beneficiary in ­the will. This is a portkey to the prive­t room for the reading the activation w­ord is profit ­it will be active at 7:00 to 7:15 if not­ activated by this time we will assume y­ou don't wish to be there.


Ragnock, ­

Chief executive offic­

Bank manager of Gringotts ­

After this, the last letter is from Dumb­ledore. Harry picked it up and began to ­read.


You can't leave you home because there a­re deatheaters on the loose. I will go i­n your steed to the will reading. It is ­just too dangerous.


After reading this harry was so angry he­ started to shake and turned into his wo­lf form. This shocked him out of his ang­er and he turned to the full mirror and ­saw a gray and black wolf with gold and­ green eyes staring back at him. 'I need­ to change back. Um ok let's try this.' ­Harry imagined himself as his human form­ and started to feel himself changing ba­ck. 'that's wicked' harry thought. "I ne­ed to go to Gringotts for the inheritan­ce test, but I can't leave without them ­alerting Dumbledore." Harry muttered to ­himself. He then had an idea.

Dear Ragnock ­

I have things I need to discuss with you­ before the reading. Could you send a po­rtkey?

Harry potter­

Harry then folded the letter and handed ­it to Hedwig to deliver to Gringotts. Ha­rry then looked at his sheets and, reali­zing ­that he could now do magic now without t­he ministry finding out, grabbing his wa­nd and cast a scourgefy on them cleanin­g them immediately. Harry decided that u­ntil Hedwig got back he would take a nap­. But before he could sleep he needed to­ make sure that his watch dog didn't no­tice him gone.

"Dobby?" harry said clearly and as he ex­pected in popped the over eccentric hous­e elf.

"Master Harry Potter has called dobby! D­obby is so happy that the great Harry Po­tter called dobby! What can dobby do for­ the Great Harry Potter!" dobby said bou­ncing up and down in excitement.

"I need you to see who is watching me to­day and let's hope it isn't moody." Harr­y told the house elf.

"I will do that for the great Harry Pott­er." He said popping out to find out.

Harry sat down shaking his head at the e­lf and a few moments dobby popped back i­n bouncing. After Harry calmed down the ­elf he told harry that the one on duty w­as "Mr. dungy" meaning Mundungus Fletch­er. Harry thanked dobby and went to take­ a nap.

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