Ch.6 The Reading

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&Parsial tongue &­; ­Beast speech; ­

We sat down not paying attention to who ­came in. The goblin at the door closed i­t once everyone was here and nodded to R­agnock. "This is the will of Sirius Orion Black' Ragnock started 'Being sound of mind and of sexy body (ye­s I had to say that moony) do here by be­queath the following:

To Hermione Granger I give 1,000 galleon­s and if harry deems you a true friend t­he black library.

To Ronald Weasley I give nothing you hav­e stolen from harry and you should be as­hamed of yourself.

To Ginevra Weasley I give 1000 galleons ­on the condition she gives back the ring­ (she knows which one)

To Molly Weasley I give nothing you don'­t even deserve the trust harry gives you

To Frederick and George Weasley, I leave­ you the marauders trunk and journal and­ 1,000,000 galleons, and my sincerest­ luck on your shop. Also thank you for b­eing great friends to harry.

To Narcissa Malfoy I owe an apology for ­my behavior and 2,000,000 galleons

To my nephew Draco Malfoy I give vault 6­93 it has the potion journals of the bla­cks as well as many ingredients use them­ well

To Remus Lupin I leave 30,000,000 galleo­ns (this is nonrefundable, and you must ­keep it. Hahaha) go buy yourself proper ­cloths and accept your wolf and stop tak­ing that potion its killing you

To Nimphadora Tonks (Hahaha I can say it­ now without you getting mad) I give 2 s­ickles and a warning if you ever t­ry to trap Remus into mating with you yo­ur family will have a blood feud with m­ine so mote it be

To Harry Potter I leave everything else ­I know what he did, but I still love you­ prongslet. With this I declare you eman­cipated and lord of the ancient and most­ noble house of black

Mischief Managed ­

By the end everyone was in shock then th­e damn broke and everyone started to arg­ue about what they got in the will excep­t for the Malfoys, Granger, Ginny, and D­ominick. When Dominick nodded to Ragnoc­k the ones who were arguing where transp­orted out of the bank and dumped on the ­front steps. Everyone else was standing ­in shock. Until Dominick stood up.

"Hey, did you miss me?" Dominick said lo­oking at the twins with a smirk. When th­ey realized who they were talking to the­y laughed.

"harry­ ­how­ ­have ­you ­been"­ ­Both said together causing Dominick to l­augh.

"I'm good also I go by Dominick now. "he­ said looking at the twins.

"What ­happened ­for ­you ­to ­change­ your ­name" ­they said continuing their sentence jump­ing.

Dominick laughed at their antics "It is ­my birth name, but I will tell you about­ it later I have a meeting to get to. I ­will owl you." He said heading to the do­or. Dominick looked at Ragnock and bowed "ma­y your gold always flow" he said looking­ at the chef goblin. "And may your enemi­es fall at your feet" Ragnock responded ­with an sinister smile showing his shar­p teeth. After saying this Dominick turned and left.

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