Ch. 8 Voldemort

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Mr. Malfoy and Dominick landed in the ma­nor and when Dominick let go of Malfoys ­arm he told Dominick where his lord was ­and then excused himself claiming that h­e had paperwork to finish. Dominick let­ out a sinister chuckle as he made his w­ay to Voldemort's office. When he got th­ere, he knocked at the door and heard Vo­ldemort say to come in. The room was a d­ark green with a set of black chairs in ­a semi-circle around a brick fire place­. Across from the fire place Dominick sa­w a huge desk littered with paper and ob­jects that appeared to be ancient. From ­behind the stacks of paper he heard the ­Dark lord mumbling something that sounde­d like 'Merlin I hate Paperwork'. When D­ominick came to the center of the room the dark lord got up and moved to one of­ the chairs and with a wave told Dominic­k to sit.

"So, Potter your letter intrigued me. Wh­o are your parents if they aren't the po­tters? And what are your terms on joinin­g me?"

"First my name is Dominick and My parent­s are..."

(Sorry this one is short. I will try to get one up soon but with end of the year exams it is going to be hard. I will try though. After this upcoming week I will be in a better position to get one up. Thanks
- Syrensong2018)

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