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(Edited 7/7/2020)


In the dead of night of LA, the popular night club, Lux, is filled with dancers, newcomers, and the regulars. Unknown them, the club is owned and managed by three residents of Hell or used-to-be residents. Behind the bar of the club was a young male with shaggy dark hair that reached his chin wearing edgy clothing as the well dressed owner came over to him for a drink.

"Where the hell were you, Luci?" He demanded than asked the well-dressed man.

"Oh Azazel, I was taking a drive," Lucifer said to him. Shaking his head in annoyance, Azazel shoots daggers at him.

"I didn't follow you out of hell to become one of your bartenders, brother, " Azazel states, leaning forward against the bar. "There are plenty of other things I could be doing than this." Pushing himself off the bar, he walks off to make drinks.

"He's right you know. Shouldn't the lord of hell be doing something more significant with his life," Maze, a dark-skinned woman dressed in leather, says to Lucifer.

"I'm retired, Maze. I've got nothing but time." He tells her. Soon everyone and everything slowed down as Maze was refilling his drink.

"Well you look at that, we've got a visitor from the Heavens," Azazel says setting the mixer down onto the bar. Grabbing two glasses of whiskey, Lucifer heads over with him to meet the unexpected guest.

"Amenadiel, how's it hanging, big guy?" Lucifer said to the dark-skinned man.

"Your return to the underworld has been requested along with Azazel's." He informs them rather bluntly. 

"Oh, right, okay. Let me just, uh, check my calendar." Lucifer said grabbing a small book from within his blazer. "Yeah, here it is. Uh, the seventh of never through the 15th of ain't going to happen. How does that work for you guys?" He sighed heavily as Amenadiel looked at him with an unamused face.

"Does Father need another explanation why we aren't going to return to hell," Azazel asked tiredly as he leaned over against the railing that was behind Lucifer.

"You two are mockeries of everything divine," Amenadiel tells the two.

"Thanks... But do remind Father, that he's the one that cast us down to Hell in the first place." Azazel smirks at him smuggling.

"Azazel, stop pestering him," Lucifer tells him before looking back at Amendadiel, "Now do you think I'm inherently evil just because dear old dad decided I was?"

"What exactly do you think happens when the devil leaves hell?" Amenadiel asks Lucifer as Azazel just watches them chat quietly. Lucifer scoffed before Amenadiel grabs him by the arms. "All those demons, all those tormented and tortured souls, where do you think they go?"

"Don't know, don't care. Not my problem, brother," Lucifer says no longer interested in the matter of Hell. "So consider my position officially opened."

This however angered him causing him to burst his wing out at the devil but stopped it near his neck. But for the other brother, it had caused him to instinctually grab the handle of his special dagger. Raising a hand, Lucifer gestured to him that he had it under controlled, which had stopped Azazel from drawing his blade.

"You think dad's pissed, do it and see what he'll do," Lucifer warns his eldest brother. Taking it seriously, Amenadiel pulled his wing away from the Devil's neck.

"This isn't over, Lucifer. Azazel, you still have a chance to go back nicely." Amenadiel reminds them before he leaves Lux, letting everything resume to its normal speed around them.

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