Favorite Son

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In the early morning of Los Angeles, the LAPD had arrived at a recent thief and murder in a warehouse know of its holding of illegal contraband of gangs and dealers.

"This guy did not have a pleasant shift," Azazel says looking down at the corpse of the guard that was killed. Squatting down, Azazel took a look at the body and saw there were noticeable hand imprints impressed on his throat.

"Azazel, What are you doing here," Chloe calls out to him. Azazel looked over to her before returning his attention to the body.

"I thought you're ex-douche would have told you, Detective," Azazel says standing up. "I was able to get reinstated on the of San Diego before transferring over here."

"So you're the new forensic scientist?" Chloe asked.

"Plus the part-time up autopsy. It's better to have an eye on Lucifer for you." Azazel says moving the corpse head to get a better look of the marks. "Anyway, the guard was killed by strangulation from the laceration marks on his necks."

"Know how long he was dead for?" Chloe asked as they both squatted down near the corpse.

"Give or take 10-12 hrs. The guard worked until 3 am before switching with the morning guard," Azazel explains. "But that guard called out due to a hospital incident."

"Any idea on who we're possibly looking for?" Chloe questions.

"I say possibly a male since a average woman doesn't have strong muscular hands nor strength." Azazel narrows it down. "But I'll see after getting samples and cutting him open."

"Wonderful," Chloe says before the lovely voice of Lucifer. "Tell what you find."

"Howdy, partner. Azazel, I see you decided to help out the detective." Lucifer says as the two stood up from the corpse.

"It's better to keep an eye on you than just waiting for you to do something rather idiotic," Azazel replies and walks off to one of the setup tables. Before long, Chloe walks over to him after Lucifer had finally left.

"How can you even live around him?" Chloe asked him. Azazel turned his head to her and simply replied, "I just other things occupying my mind than him. Sometimes, I think it's better to let things play out."

"Have we got any information of the crate that was stolen?" Chloe asked changing the subject.

"Nope, but someone else went to notify the owner of said container," Azazel says. "So we got a killer robber on the lose that knew about the security of this warehouse, fun. Now I'm wondering if San Diego was any better."

Quickly packing his stuff up, Azazel whistled out to his canine companion. "Ruth, come here boy." With the sound of soft tapping paws against the concrete, Ruth appeared and ran towards Azazel. Kneeling down to his companion, Azazel scratched Ruth's face.

"I guess you haven't found anything yet have you?" Azazel says before patting his side and getting up. "See ya, Detective."

After getting notified by Mazikeen that it was Lucifer's container that was stolen. Azazel went to work on any evidence and the autopsy of the guard at the department.

"Everything seems normal.." Azazel says to himself as he finished the autopsy of the corpse. "You were pretty much a healthy and innocent human aside from being suffocated. Have fun with Uriel's boring speech."

After filing his finding of the man, Azazel headed to analyze evidence until Detective Douche came rolling on in. Ruth was laying on the floor near the door underneath a desk until being altered by Dan's presence. Before Dan could knock on the wall to get Azazel's attention, Ruth barked loudly getting his master's attention.

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