Chapter 1

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"Bloody hell, Potter!!!" Malfoy screams, running down the boards, after the raven. I simply smirk, knowing exactly what I am being chased for. "Potter!" I look back to see the blonde running up to me, wearing nothing but boxer briefs. A noticeable bulge under the dark green cotton. "Where are my bloody clothes?"

I laugh and duck under the wooden support beams of the Quidditch field "Come and get them, Malfoy!" I shake the bag on my hip, continuing to run through the beams.

I noticed Malfoy likes to run extremely early in the morning, last week. I guessed it was a coping mechanism for the trama he faced during Voldemort's re-rise to power. But, this morning, I found that Draco uses the shower in locker room, to get ready for school. After Voldemort's death, Draco lost the mark, via carving it out of his skin. Nobody knows what really happened after that. Lucius left, with Narcissa. Draco lives alone, in a flat, just above George, who's never really left his flat after Fred died.

All of the seventh years, last year, had to come back as seventh years. So did everyone else. The first year have eleven and twelve year olds. Malfoy came back buff. He's sleek muscles are hard not to look at. His hair hands at his shoulders and he often wears it in a bun.

I noticed awhile ago, Malfoy was quite sexy when he was anger. So, I snuck out of his dorm and ran into the locker room as Malfoy showered. I stole the bag of clothes and was quite flustered when I saw Malfoy stroking himself in the shower. I let out an unexpected moan, which alerted Malfoy and caused this little chase through the support beams.

Soon enough, the athletic runner catches up to me and slams me into a beam "Give me, my bloody, clothes" he says, annoyed. I gulp and lets out a moan as Draco's hands are around my neck, but gently, he doesn't apply pressure "Bloody hell are you moaning about, Potter?" Malfoy spits.

I blush and shakes my head "N-nothing Malfoy." I blush down as Malfoy releases me. I couldn't help but stare at the thick bulge that ended right above the seam of his boxer briefs.

Malfoy scuffs, abruptly "Unless you're going to suck me off, stop staring at my cock like it's a lolli." I look up at him with a blush biting my face. Is it odd that I really wanted to? "Potter?" Malfoy asks, waving a hand in front of the ravens face "Hello, Draco to Potter? Come in Potter?" I soon realize I had got back to staring at the massive bulge "You're drooling." Malfoy smirks.

I let out a breathy moan "Sorry, Malfoy... just, umm, kinda hard to focus." I stare back at the insane cock, desperately wanting to brush it. I gulp and looks back up at Malfoy.

Malfoy smirks "You want it, don't you?" I blush at the floor and lets a nervous smile creep across my cheeks. Malfoy smirks "Follow me" he started walking and turns back "Unless you want it hear?" he smiles "Or the shower? We have breakfast in an hour."

I follow Malfoy out of the wooden structure as my cock twitches violently, at the sight of Malfoy's arse in those tight boxer briefs.

As soon as we get in front of the shower, Malfoy steps off of his boxer briefs, with grace. He starts the water back up it hits his chest, only to drip off the tip of his amazing cock. It has to be a foot long and six inches around. Malfoy smirks and starts stroking himself as he leans against the closest wall. I gulp at the size. It's the biggest I've ever seen! Then again, Malfoy's dick was the only one I've ever seen, except my own.

My cock twitches as Malfoy leans his head back and releases a breathy moan. In an instant, I knows it's wrong. I have Ginny! But... Ginny has never turned me on like this...

I'm shaken out of thought by a pair of hands, unzipping my pants. Malfoy kneels before me, smirking up at me. He pulls down my pants and boxer briefs in one swift motion. I whine at the cold morning air.

It started in the shower (DRARRY FANFIC) Where stories live. Discover now