Chapter 10

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"Dear Mum, I'm sorry to say, father has turned himself in, to make sure you'll be safe. Unfortunately, he received a dementors kiss, as soon as he the arrangement was made. You can come home mum. I know this letter will be given to you later this term, but please, come to my flat, as soon as possible. If I'm not yet home, ask George Weasley for the key. You'll have to watch George. He hasn't been the same since his brother died. You might have to feed him or snatch a bottle out of his hands. He might snap when he's drunk, but he won't hurt you. When you get there, feed Shakespeare for me. You can have the room behind the kitchen, but please don't go in my room. You might not be able to look me in the eyes again. Once term ends, I'll let you meet my boyfriend. You're son, Draco."

Draco sighs and looks up at me "What do you think?" the looks around the table. Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Draco and I sit in the library.

"Who is your bloody boyfriend, anyway?" Ginny asks, picking her nails. I smirk and grabbed Draco's hand, slinging it on the table. Ginny frowns "Okay, that makes sense." She goes back to picking her nails.

I lean against him and smirk "Are you okay?"

He smiles "I'm completely fine." he looks at me and scuffs "What's that smirk for?" he chuckles.

I lean forward and whisper "I have plans." When I pull back, I see him staring at me, probing "Room or Requirement. After supper."


I wipe my mouth, making sure I don't have cake on it, before glancing up at Draco. He talks to a second year, but he glances up. I stand and leave the grand hall, ready to mess with Draco.

As soon as I open the door to the Room of Requirement, I smirk. After the fire last year, it burnt everytime out of it. Literally everything. But you can still summon anything.

A large bed, beside one of the beams, which has handcuffs on it. I chuckle at the thought and walk over to the nightstand, next to the bed. I open it to find oh so many things. Lube, a massive dildo that can stick to a surface, a blindfold, a gag, and a bottle.... I didn't wish for that. I read the label "Spike anything and stay hot for 24 hours." I blush. What am I going to put it in?

The door opens and I turn around to see Draco, walking up to me. He grips my hips and slings me on the bed. He grips the bottle and chuckles "What's this?"

I take it back and smirk "Nothing. Get off." he frowns and I smirk "I told you. I have plans. Now get off." he does as ordered, not struggling as I make him sit, and chain his hands onto the beam, after taking off his shirt. I smirk "Now, what's the password to Slytherin?"


"What's the password to Slytherin?"

He frowns "Why do you need to know that?"

I smirk and hold out my hand, summoning a trotting whip. I bring it down, smacking him in the abs. I trail it up his chest and up his jawline, leaning close to his face "Tell me, or you get another."

He sighs "This'll only lead to you getting it worse when I'm free." he snickers below me and I smack him on the peck "Fine, it's licorice leeches."

I leave him there, handcuffed to a beam, as I run through Hogwarts. All of the Slytherins are still at supper, so I get away with spiking his shampoo, conditioner, bodywash, hair gel, body spray, his toothpaste, his comb and a water bottle in his room.

When I get back, he's where I left him "What did you do?" he asks, in his compromised position.

I smirk "You'll find out." Before I sit on his lap and suck his face, violently. He whimpers as I get up "That's all you'll get."

"What is that supposed to mean?" He whines, as I yank on his pants, leaving history bare arse on the cold floor, his hard dick, exposed.

And with that, I walk over to the nightstand and grab the gag, before putting it on Draco. He whimpers and I smirk "Now that your silent, I'm going to learn how to use this." I hold up the dildo with a slight shake.

I stick it to the ground, just out of his range. He whimpers as I drop my pants and grab the lube. I waste no time with it, as my arse is begging to be filled. I let a weird moan as I graze my prostate "Fuck!" he groans and rests his head back onto the beam.

Turning to the dildo, I kneel with my back away from him, bending over to work the lube up and down the dildo. Draco moans through the gag and I smirk, before sitting on it, letting it get swallowed inside me. Draco practically breaks his restains. I move fast, pumping my cock as I grind back in forth on the massive thing inside me, moaning "Fuck! Shit! Oh my! Merlin! Fuck!"

Draco screams into the gag, so I get off the dildo and take off his gag "What?" I spit, rather rudely.

"Please keep the gag off. I don't like it, never have." he frowns "Nobody should stop moans, it's apart of sex."

I shrug and toss it on the ground, before returning to the dildo and sits on it, grinding. Draco squirms as I pump myself. I lean forward and rest my forehead on the cold floor as the didlo grazes my prostate. Angling just right, I hit every time, and Draco moans at the sight "Bloody hell, how I envy that dildo."

I couldn't help but moan out "You're better." I feel the orgasm pool in my stomach and feel precum dripping from my cock.

"Then why are you using a dildo, when you could fuck yourself on me." I pull off the dildo and walk towards Draco, pumping myself.

I point myself at his face and shoot my white seed all of his gorgeous pale face. He lips the places he can. I unchain him and put on my boxers. He frowns "Aren't you gonna get me off too?"

I point at the dildo, still stuck to the ground "Go ahead, that's the closest to a three you're going to get." I smirk and crawl into bed, watching as he starts fingering himself, before sitting himself onto it, letting out a gasp, as it pushes in all at once. This'll be fun.

It started in the shower (DRARRY FANFIC) Where stories live. Discover now