Chapter 9

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 I sneak into the burrow, hoping nobody is around. I check the clock. Only Hermione and Ron are home. Molly and Ginny are lost... probably in Diagon Alley.

 "Listen here Potter!" I jump as Ron rounds the corner "It's 3 o'fucking'clock! You were supposed to be home, three, hours, ago!"

 I clutch the clock for support. Draco did a fucking number on me last night. I groan "Sorry Ron. I lost track of time this morning." I yawn.

 He huffs "Just get your arse to bed." he sighs "We told mum that you past out after two glasses of wine, so she believes you're still asleep."

 I stubble towards the stairs and he groans "I told that git not to try anything while your drunk."

 "I wasn't drunk." I hiss "I just wanted some alone time with him." I turn to Ron and smirk "And call him a git again, I'll break your damn nose."

 And with that, I crawl up the stairs.


 We got to Hogwarts a few days ago. I have snuck away a few times to hang out with Draco. We usually hang around the library. Nobody ever goes here this early in term... except Ravenclaws. But one of their qualities is exception, so they're pretty chill.

 But it's like 7am on a Sunday, so Draco is asleep, in his dorm, and I'm playing chess with Ron.

 Ron clears his throat and asks "So, what's it like dating Malfoy?" I stare at him in anger "What, I'm just asking?"

 I sigh "Well, he's very sweet and caring.... but he's damaged and paranoid.... at times, he can be shut in himself." I shrug "It's sometimes hard to walk around the landmines, without a map, but I'm drawing one."

 Ron sighs as my queen takes out his knight "Bloody hell is that supposed to mean?" he smiles when he kills a pawn.

 "Well." I sigh "If I use a certain spell, or say a certain word a certain way, he'll go into his headspace." Ron gives my a bewildered look and I sigh "It's like watching a firework show with a veteran."

 Ron scuffs "He left before the battle. What makes him a veteran?" he plays his next move and smirks at his destruction.

 I narrow my gaze as anger hits my stomach "Do you not know what he lived through?" Ron looks at me, bewildered "How would you feel if you had Voldemort as a roommate? How would you feel if you got hit with The Crucio Curse, every damn day, believing that one day it'd be the Killing Curse?" I spit.

 Ron shrugs "He lived, didn't he?" I set my jaw as anger hits my chest "Normal people wouldn't be perfectly fine." Without processing it, I slap him clear across the face. He flies to the side and hisses "What was that for?"

 I stand lean forward, hands gripping the table "Normal people would ruin under that constant pressure!"

 "Face it Harry, the git is weak." Ron shrugs "Not good for you, either." he makes a move and smirks at the crumbled pawn.

 A grab him by his shirt and slam him into the stone table of the grand hall. He pulls back and holds his bloody nose, definately broken. I hiss "I told you, I'd break your damn nose if you called him a git, again."

 He whines "Look at what he's doing to you!" he sighs "You never acted like this, before he turned you into this!"

 I spit "He didn't change me, one damn bit, Ron!" I lean an inch away from his face "Not a damn bit!"

 A hand tries to push me back and I push it away. But it's back almost instantly, it gingerly pushes me away "Hey, babe, calm down." he whispers. The hand belongs to the platinum blonde, himself. He whispers "What's wrong?"

It started in the shower (DRARRY FANFIC) Where stories live. Discover now