Chapter 11

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"Bloody hell, Harry. What happened to you?" Ron asks as I stubble towards the lab table in potions.

"Hot night..." I groan and sit awkwardly on a stool. He flashes red and I chuckle "Not with Draco." he stares at me in disbelief and I shake my head "No, I didn't cheat on him, so get that out of your head, right now."

He nods and stares down at his book, before looking back up and smirking "Here comes your boy."

I turn around just in time to see Draco grab my arms "What did you put it in?" I chuckle and blush down at his pants. You can see the outline of his cock in his jeans, which goes about a third of the way down his leg "Hey!" he shakes me "It's not funny!"

"Malfoy!" Ron hisses "Calm down, or I'll punch you in the face." he spits "He's already had an abusive family, he doesn't need an abusive boyfriend."

I shake my head, laughing "No, Ron. This is on me." I chuckle "I put something in something of his, and it's effecting him weirdly." he looks at he, in bewilderment "It's a potion that makes you horny for twenty-four hours."

Ron blushes and groans "I didn't need to know that!"

Draco sighs "Okay, what did you put it in? The water by my bed?" I nod and he sighs "Thanks, you bloody arse."

"Why didn't you come to breakfast?" I ask, running my fingers through his messy white hair.

"What do you think?" he hisses "I thought if was just morning wood. Which only made it worst! It gets harder everytime I..." he blushes "You know."

I practically fall over laughing. I hug him for support, until I regain my composer "I'm guessing I'll get it later?"

"Yeah." he says, not so nicely.

I smirk "Go to your table." he sighs and I smack his arse before he walks off. Ron gives me a scowl and I shrug "This'll be fun."


"Harry fucking Potter!" Draco says, walking up to me in the hall. He grabs my shoulders and hisses "Tell me what you put the bloody potion in!"

I smirk and rub his dick through his jeans, which makes him let out an erotic moan, causing my friends to stare at him "I think I like this better."

"Okay, you might be a nymphomaniac, but I can't handle this." he points down at his crotch which is quite different than yesterday "I had to do the drag queen method!"

"What's the drag queen method?" Ron asks, not really wanting to know "What's a drag queen?"

"A drag queen is a man that dresses up as an over dramatic women for art, or maybe they just want to be a woman." I explain "The drag queen method is so they can hide their dick." I chuckle "They stick their testicles back into the place they were, before they dropped, then they tape their dicks back."

Ron stares in horror "B-but the hair...." he looks to Draco "Doesn't it hurt, peeling off the tape?"

I smirk "Draco is bare, down there." Ron stares in bewilderment, and Draco blushes in embarrassment "I've helped him wax a few times."

Ron whimpers and stares at Draco, who groans "It's a preference, okay? I just like being bare and smooth."

"Wait." Hermione frowns "Have you ever done a drag show?" I stare at him. I don't even know that.

He blushes and scratches his head "Maybe.... once....." he sighs as I burst into laughter "I'm slinder enough to pass as a woman, okay?"

"Wait, tell me everything." I say, after I stop laughing.

He sighs "They called me White Widow..." I chuckle "My mentor was a big black guy who is very much straight... has a wife and an eighteen year old daughter, who he tried to set me up with." he chuckles softly "Anyway, I had to wax my whole body... so that's when that started..."

I chuckle and sigh "Tell me the rest."

He shakes his head "The rest it way to embarrassing..." he says in a very feminine voice, that must have been his stage voice.

I chuckle and wave Ron and Hermione off "I'm sorry guys, I have to hear the rest of the story. I'll catch up with you later." I grab Draco's arm and lead him down another hallway. "Okay, tell me."

"Well." he sighs "It took a few hours of learning to walk in heels, which I did when George was at work." he sighs "We had to make hips and breasts..."

"Do you still have it? The outfit?" he nods and I smirk "You'll have to show me sometime." He stops and I frown "What?"

He blushes "Follow me..."


"Draco, what are you doing in there?" I ask, as I sit on his bed. He ducked into the laboratory right after we got into his dorm.

"First, I didn't mean to bring this, I just used my trunk as a carryer. Second, I'm sorry for what you're about to see. Third, please put a privacy spell on the dorm door." I quickly do it and lean back onto his bed.

"Okay, please just show me." A chair appears out of thin air, in the open space between the two bed closest to the bathroom.

"Sit." he demands. I sigh and walk over, to plop in the chair. He sighs "Okay, I'm so so sorry about what you're about to witness."

Music starts playing "I'm the girl you're thinking about
The one thing you can't live without
Yeah, I'm the girl you've been waiting for
I'll have you down on your knees, I'll have you begging for more
You probably thought I wouldn't get this far
You thought I'd end up in the back of a car
You probably thought that I'd never escape
I'd be a rat in a cage and be a slave to this place
You don't know how hard I fought to survive, waking up alone when I was left to die
And you don't know about this life I've lived, all these roads I've walked, all these tears I've bled."

He walks out and the music goes incoherent to my ears. My cock twitches violently. He wears a tight black skirt that barely covers a third of his thigh, with fishnets under, which you can see the ends of. He wears a tight black long sleeve shirt, that has a red hourglass where his fake breast lay. He wears a wig that lays perfectly on his shoulder, with it's platinum locks. His stiletto heels are at least eight inches, black with red souls. His makeup is rather dramatic. Highlighter, shadowing, black glitter eyeshadow, crimson red lipstick. All dramatic. He looks like a rockstar, or a biker, or a murderer. When the singer screams "I CAN BE YOUR WHORE!" Draco moves closer.

He runs his fingers over the tight little skirt, subductively, as he staddles my knees. I reach forward and run my fingers across the bare skin, on top of the opening of the fishnets, before he smacks my hands away "No touching or the bouncers will throw you out." he smirks, before giving me his work.


"What took you so long, mate?" Ron asks as I sit on the opposite side of the table from him and Hermione "What's the lipstick about?"

I chuckle at the memory of ten minutes ago. I bite my lip and blush "I just gave a blowjob to a drag queen."

Ron stops eating and stares at me "You're bloody disgusting. I'm trying to eat and you're talking about blowjobs." I shrug and he sighs "Eat something, before we have to go to Defense Against the Dark Arts."

I dig in and scuff as Draco walks past, still wearing the light black thong I saw earlier.

On the way to Dark Arts, I stop in from of a moral that has an FW on it... bloody hell is that supposed to mean?

It started in the shower (DRARRY FANFIC) Where stories live. Discover now