Chapter 14

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 "Did you get it?" I ask Draco as he steps on the train. He nods and pulls the shrunken frame out of his pocket. "How did you find him?"

 "I walked around the castle, looking at every last frame, before I found him, I simply hung the frame next to it and he walked right in." Draco shrugs "He can't talk though... I asked a Hufflepuffs to paint him a chalk board."

 "Why can't he talk?" I ask, taking my hands to the frame. Fred stands in the middle, waving. I wave back and he goes to explore the burrow.

 "It'll take time for his to talk... but once he can, he might actually be able to leave, if George holds contact at all times." Draco explains "Something about holding onto a mirror."

 I nod and we join the others "So, how do you guys feel about leaving Hogwarts?" I close the door of the compartment.

 "About bloody time!" Ron groans, plopping down in a seat. He sighs "I'm going to miss it, though..."

 "You're going to miss the place your brother died?" Hermione asks, before biting her tounge "I'm sorry..."

 "It's already" Ron sighs, his sunny demeanor gone "I'm not going to miss that... I'm going to miss the memories we made." he shrugs "The time we had to go into the forbidden forest, because there was a wounded unicorn."

 I chuckle "Draco was scared to death."

 "There were werewolves!" Draco hisses "You'd be petrified if you saw a bloody werewolf in the woods!"

 "We did!" Hermione smirks "Professor Lupin! Our third year, we fought him off in the bloody woods!"

 "Speaking of petrified!" Ron smirks "Do you remember the duel from our second year?" he chuckles "The one where Harry knock Draco on his arse!"

 I chuckle "Or the time Hermione sacked you in the face..."

 "Shut up." Draco smirks "But, all in all... we had a pretty terrible Hogwarts experience..." he sighs "I mean, you three were constantly getting attacked by Voldemort."

 "Well you had to live with him!" Ron chuckles.

 For a second, I'm fearful of Draco going into his headspace "Yes, it's quite awkward walking out of the shower and seeing him leaning against your sink."

 "Wait." Ron insists "What's that story about?" Hell, I don't even know that. I look at Draco, pondering.

 "That was the day I was assigned to assassinate Dumbledore..." Draco sighs "That's exactly what happened. I walked out of my shower and he had a talk with me about it... while I was wearing nothing but a towel." he chuckles "It... it was also the day I got the mark..." he quickly goes silent and I can tell he's in his headspace.

 Reaching over, I squeeze his hand and he gives me a small smile. "I love you." I whisper, rubbing my thumb over his hand.

 "I love you, too." he whispers back.


 "Mum!" Draco screams as he enters his flat. A dog runs up to us and starts barking. Followed by Shakespeare, who contrasts the dog in every way possible. The dog is completely black, with dark grey eyes, almost black. Shakespeare is white, with pale blue eyes.

 "Draco?" Narcissa walks out from the kitchen, smiling. They run to each other and sink to the ground. "My beautiful, beautiful boy!" she cries out "I missed you so-o much." She sobs.

 Draco sniffles "I missed you too, mum." he wipes his tears on her sleeve and looks at me "Mum, that's my boyfriend, Harry."

 She sniffles and looks at me "We've met before... he told me that you were still alive." she smiles weakly.

 I nod "You saved my life." Draco's eyes go wide and he looks at his mum "You both did." I scuff and pat the dogs head "I always preferred dogs to cats."

 "He's yours." Narcissa smirks "I wrote Draco last week. Asked if he'd like a dog." Draco helps her up.

 I smirk "Does he have a name?" she shakes her head and I look down at the dog. It's jet black and it's grey eyes are soul piercing. It reminds me of a legend I once hear. It was of a man who murdered and drank the blood of his victims... it was the story behind Dracula. I smirk "Vladimir." the dog barks and sits.

 "Babe?" I look up "Should we show George his surprise?" I nod and follow him down to George's flat "George?" Draco asks, poking his head in.

 "Come in, if you'd like..." I follow Draco in, to find George sprolled drunkenly, in his chair "What do you want?"

 "We have a surprise for you..." Draco sighs. He pulls the frame out of his pocket "He can't talk yet... but once he can, he might be able to come out of the frame, if you hold onto him, the whole time." he enlarges the frame and places it in Fred's chair.

 Fred waves at George and pulls out his chalkboard, writing something down 'Wow, about bloody time I get home!'.

 George walks forward and kneels in front of the frame "Freddy... is that really you?" he whispers as a tear slips down his cheek.

 'In the frame' Fred covers his mouth and pantomimes a chuckle.

 Draco sighs "We'll let you two talk and write... I'm going to go unpack with Harry." He leads me back upstairs and sits me on the bed "I believe we'll all be alright."

 I smile "Yeah, me too."

 "Draco, darling, I'm going to the store. I'll be home soon." Narcissa says, before I hear the door shut.

 Draco smirks "How about a shower?"

 I bite my lip "Well, all of it started in the shower."


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