Chapter 7

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"Harry?" Ron asks as I walk through the floom tube. I stop by the clock that shows where everyone is. Arthur is at work, so, it says, is George, but given as he lives above the shop, it almost always at work. It shows me returning home from lost. Hermione is here. Ron, Ginny and Molly are here. The only thing that strikes me as odd... It says Fred is at school...

"Harry!" I look away from the clock to find Ron waving his hand in front of my face, trying to get my attention.

I bat my eye lashes "Oh, sorry Ron. I was just thinking..... why is." I stop short. Fred died at Hogwarts. It used to be his school. I sigh "Never mind."

"Where were you, mate?" he looks out the window and fear comes over his eyes "Mum will kill you if she see ya just got home." He pulls me to his ridiculously orange room and sits on his ridiculously orange bed. "Spill."

Hermione pokes her head in "Oh, I thought I heard you." she goes and sits by Ron "so, how was your date?"

I smirk and shrug "It was good." They look at me with a face of amazement "What am I supposed to say?"

Ron sighs "Tell us what happened! Tell us the gory details!" he shakes his head "Their should be plenty! You were out all night!"

I shrug "We had a nice dinner with Draco and his boyfriend. Then we went back to her place and..." I smirk "Hung out."

"All bloody night?" Ron asks, in amazement. He rubs his face with his hands and stares at me like I'm a god.

I shrug "Only for like two hours." He whines and clutches his hands on his balls. I scuff and lean against the wall "What was that about?"

He whimpers "Two hours?" He stares at me apologetically, after I nod "Aren't you raw?" he huffs "That's like rubbing an arm for two hours, ain't it?"

I shrug "We weren't at it for the full two hours, Ron." I smirk "More like thiryish minutes, then a hour long calm down, then another thiryish minutes." I shift uncomfortablely "I'm gonna shower."

I walk into the bathroom and turn on the water. After taking of my shirt, I scuff. I have three hickeys. One on my shoulder, one on a peck and one on my neck. Draco loves to mark his property. I quickly shower and head to my room. After I dress, Ron knocks on the door "Hey, George said he just got inventory.... do you want to come help us stock it?"

I smile "Yeah, sure." I grab my shoes and walk out of the room, after shrinking my trunk and putting it in my pocket. Yeah, I know, I should set up roots, but I still don't feel like the war is over.

When I get to the tube, Molly sighs "Harry, do you have Draco's floom powder?" I dig in my pocket and pull out the little bag.

In a flash, we're at Draco's flat. I walk out first and find Draco, shirtless. He smiles and I hear Ginny whimper, ever so slightly. Draco smirks "Nice to see you again, Potter!" he says in a cheerful way.

I smirk "Nice to see you too, Malfoy." I fling myself on the couch, beside him and he scuffs, continuing to tie his shoes. I frown "What?"

He shake his head and smiles "Nothing, just...." he clears his throat "Nothing." he stands up and walks into the bedroom.

I furrow my brow and follow him to the door "Tell me." he walks out of the bedroom, pulling on a plain white shirt. Then I notice his hair is shorter. I smack his arm "Draco, your hair!"

"It was getting long!" he chuckles and looks in the window, using it as a mirror "I can still pull it into a bun."

"Prove it." I smirk, crossing my arms and stand my ground. Why did he cut his bun? It was so cute and edgy.

It started in the shower (DRARRY FANFIC) Where stories live. Discover now