Chapter 5

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I run all the way to were the last guy was but then stop. Shit. They already sent someone out. Blood starts dripping onto my shirt and I put my hand up to my cheek. I take a step back and hit a tree. Cameron turns around.

"Are you ok Raela?"

I nod. "I'm fine just cut myself that's all."

He comes closer and moves my hand. "Who did this?"

"No one. I just cut myself."

"How do you cut yourself with fire?"

I smirk. "Magic of course."

"Your not a fire elemental."

"You never know."

He takes his hand away. "Come on were taking you home."

"Raela, I'm sorry-" My father says and trails off.

Cameron looks at him. "Did you do this?"

He looks at me before nodding. Cameron steps away from me and takes a step closer to him. He clenches his fist and I jump in front of him. "It was an accident, he didn't mean to."

Cameron looks at me and back at him. "An accident? So its happened before?" He looks at me questionly.


"It has hasn't it?"

"Yeah... but its not his fault. Its his other side."

"Other side? No such thing."

"Yeah I should know, I have another side to. When we get angry our other side comes out and we can't really control our powers. That's what happened to Cal..."

"Wait you did that to Cal?"


"He said that he didn't think it was you because he asked you to come back and you said No and freaked out then your eyes turned dark and he fell back."

"He's alright though right?"

He chuckles. "Yeah he's alright."

I look to the ground. "Good." I look at my dad and tell him bye before leaving with the others.

I walk over to the guy I tackled to the ground. He takes a step back. I chuckle. "Relax I just came to say I'm sorry."

His face softens. "Its okay I probally would have done the same thing. I'm sorry for calling her fake. It was obvious that she was real. I just couldn't believe it."

I laugh. "So what's your name?"

"Nick. And yours?"


"That's a pretty name."


"Raela!" I hear someone shout from behind me. I turn around.

"Raymond. Nice to see your still alive."

"Why wouldn't I be?" He says and hugs me. I hug him back.

"Do you want me to name reasons?"

He thinks about it. "No."

Nick looks at us. "Are you guys..."

I nearly start choking. "She's my sister." Raymond says for me.

"Oh." Nick says. "I'll see you later Raela."


"Someone's got a crush." He says.

I pretend to gag myself. "Are you guys trying to kill me?"

"No. So tomorrow you start your first quest."

"How'd you know?"

"Cause I'm doing the quest too."

"Aw. I was hoping I would be with someone who can kick ass better than you."

"Ha ha." He says and rolls his eyes.

"Oh well guess I'll just have to wait until next time." I say and frown. "So what is our quest?"

"We are going to meet up with some people from the states bordering us. Two from Iowa, three from Indiana, and one from Missouri."

"Isn't it dangerous to travel alone?"

"Shouldn't you be in training?"

"Yes. Now answer the question."

"Ask Cameron. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to tell you. Go to training first."

"Yes mom." I say and head to training.

"Your late."


"Go grab your stuff. It has your name on it."

Its been an hour and I'm cleaning up my stuff. "Raela, come here."

"Why are you at training?"

"Because I have to come."


"What do you mean, no?'

"Your already skilled with the bow, why are you here."

"Because all of the other weapons take close combat, I don't need that."

"Why not?"

She was really starting to piss me off. I'm starting to think she's doing it on purpose. I hurry up and turn away. "Don't test me."

"Why not?" She says smirking.

"Because I don't have control when she comes out."

"But you do. You just took control. You didn't want to hurt me, so you looked away. You do have control. Don't let her tell you different."

"Thanks, I think."

"I'm one of the other people going with you tomorrow, so I can help you get ready if you want. We should only be tone for two days, but I would pack extra clothes just in case something happens and we're delayed."

"Were are we meeting them?"



"It's were we always meet them." She's says shrugging. "Well I guess I'll see you later."


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