Chapter 9

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i feel myself go limp again What are you doing? I'm shutting us down. You need the rest. Thank you. I wrap the blanket around me and curl into a ball. "Goodnight Oli." He kisses my cheek and says goodnight.

"I'll get us out of here. I promise." He says and then everything goes black.

Wake up Raela. What? is something wrong? No. They're coming. Oh. Okay. I feel myself frown. Then I feel the power surging through my hands. Are you in control or something? No, I have my own body, but its not ready yet. Who's body? My own. Your not going to try to kill us or anything are you? She laughs. Why would I kill myself? If you die I would die too.

I feel Oliver's presence next to me. I can talk right? And like open my eyes? Duh. I open my eyes and look at him. He's staring at me. "Get back." I say. He nods and stands in the corner. I can tell he doesn't want to though. He's afraid, for me. I step towards the cell walls and smirk. "I'm getting out of here Carrie. Just like last time." I start spinning and she comes out.

"Its about time. I thought you where going to die. I mean either way I wouldn't have cared, but its funnier this way. Anyways." She snaps her fingers and Oliver appears next to her. "Your gonna have to make up your mind Raela. Oliver, or you?" Let's do both. It could kill you. No it won't I'm the best mage alive. Someone's overconfident. She says smirking. Well I have a right, don't I? I keep spinning, only faster.

"Well it looks like Raela doesn't care about you Oli, That's okay though. I can give you more than her." She grabs him by the collar, and  presses her lips to his lightly. That's when I attack. Blue lightning attacks the bars and I make a wall appear in between them. "Your not going to win. Not this time."

"Raela!" I hear Raymond scream. I can't see him because of the smoke though. I put my foot down and I stop spinning. I put my arms up in a fighting stance as the smoke disappears.

"I will always win when it comes to you." I throw a dagger at the cuffs on Oliver's hands. "No one messes with my family and gets away with it." She smiles. Why is she smiling? This can't be good. Wait, why am I staring at myself...?

"Oliver come here." I say. He shakes his head and walks over to her. "Oliver don't!" She switches our bodies this time and teleports them out. "Oliver!" My brother, Allison, and Cal run over to me.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Raymond says and hugs me.

"We have to help him." Allison looks at me and then to Raymond.

"I can't do this." She says and runs out of the room, with Cal following her.

"What can't she do?"

"Listen Raela, we can't exactly go after him."

"What! Why not?"

"He's gone. He might be alive, but for all we know she's going to brain wash him and use him against you." I shove him away from me.

"Don't talk to me unless the worlds exploding, or you have Oliver." I say and teleport back to my room. Wait she said the others were coming...does that mean no one's here? Why don't you find out. I run down the stairs and outside. Someone's hand goes over my mouth. I grab their arm and push them against the building.

"Raela?" I gasp and fall backwards. Cameron.

"Where is everyone?"

"They went to get you guys."

"Oh. I left there before everyone else so I guess I wouldn't know."

"Where's Oliver? Harley said she couldn't see him."

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?" He yells.

"She took him." I whisper.

"You let her take him?"

"He wouldn't let me help him."

"He? Oliver?"


"Why?" I shrug my shoulders.

"All I know is we have to go help them. But I know that if we do, someone isn't going to make it out alive." He study's my face for awhile.

"That someone is going to be you isn't it." I nod.

"I started this so its my job to finish it." I look at him but he won't meet my eyes. "We'll leave tomorrow at dark." Before he can reply I go back inside.

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