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Ara POV:


I immediately stormed out the bed room door and saw Xukun on the couch, watching TV. He suddenly looked at me and grinned.

"Did you have a nice sleep?"

"Xukun? What happened last night? How did i end up in your apartment?"

He lightly frowned and replied.

"Well uh don't take this the wrong way but you kinda fell asleep and since i didn't know the password to your apartment so um i kinda brought you into mine... BUT DONT WORRY NOTHING HAPPENED!"

So this was all just a big misunderstanding? I wasn't drunk?

I stomped my way towards Xukun and showed him the article. Seems like he was shocked as well.

"Well shit..."

Being the sensitive person i am, tears began to form. I was unable to lock them in, so they flooded out.

"Ara... I'm sorry" He said, trying to hug me, but i pulled away and made my way towards the door.

I slammed the door behind me and leaned against it trying to block my tears. Once my tears stopped flowing i entered my apartment, seeing Jungwoo's eyes being filled with anger and worry.

"Ara. Why the fuck were you at his?"
He yelled as he marched towards me. I felt his large hands, aggressively grasping onto my arms. His veins visible, holding a tighter grudge onto my arms as he began shaking me.

I closed my eyes and looked away. I did not want to see him like this until he yelled at me again.


Being unable to hold in my anger, I pushed him away.


"Don't lie to me..." He growled, clenching his fists together.



"Misunderstanding? Well why don't you clear it off yourself? You don't need me for this. You left me to go to him. How many times did i had to fucking tell you not to go out on your own? Well why don't you try fixing this mess up yourself?"

Unclenching his fists, he marched to his room slamming the door behind him.

I leaned my back against the door as it slid down causing me to sit. I hugged my knees together as i bursted our in tears. My tears fell uncontrollably, no matter how many times i tried wiping them away.

"W-what am i going to do?" I sobbed, choking on my own words.
"Not only do i need to fix this misunderstanding, but my friendship too."

I continued sobbing until i heard my phone buzz again. As much as i wanted to ignore the buzz, i hesitated to glance at it for a second. My mind froze in confusion.

Lee Hyeri?

HyeriLee_ Messaged you.

Hey Ara... i know it's been a while but i heard about the article


Don't worry i'm still here for you.



Hyeri POV:

After hearing about her scandal, i decided to message her on instagram. She wouldn't be too surprised right?

I laughed in my mind now that she got a taste of her own medicine. Except a step ahead. Wouldn't hurt right? After all that bitch, yes one of my own group members, caused me and Hyunjin to break up.

Although our relationship wasn't public, she still managed to destroy it.

I had to do what i had to no matter how childish it was for me. I still feel sorry for doing this. *Sigh*

Flashback to yesterday~

So just casually minding my own business, I decided to visit Ara's today since it's been quite some time after our group disbanded. I wanted to congratulate on her solo debut forgetting about our past "hate you love you" relationship.

I saw something interesting which caught my eye.
Is that Ara? With a guy? Is she drunk wtf?

I hid myself behind the building nearby as some horrid thoughts came to my mind. No i couldn't to this. But she destroyed mine?

I nervously took out my phone from my pocket and opened the camera. My fingers trembled until i heard a click.

I had to do it no matter how sorry i felt. I posted the picture, whilst mentally slapping myself.

I'm sorry Ara...

I ran away and bumped into someone i recognise.

Flashback end~

I had just realised i dazed off as there were several miss calls from my phone. I checked to see who was.

Hwang Hyunjin? Shit.

I nervously picked up the phone.

"You psychotic bitch" He mumbled.

"Look hyunjin i did what i had to."

"You didn't need to. No one told you to."

"She ruined us though?"

"No you're to one who snaked me off."

"Listen hwang hyunjin. That bitch got all flirty with you. She got in between us. She deserv-"

"No now you listen Lee Hyeri. She did nothing. She didn't get all flirty with me. She was my best friend who kept me company. Keeping me company was something YOU couldn't do. Instead you go snaking me off. Anyways why are so quiet now? Fucking hell, why are we even bringing up our past? I don't care anymore! I'm going to tell her!"

"N-no don't you dare hyun-"
I got cut off.

"Fuck you Jeon Ara"


I guess we know who spread that rumour.

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