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Jungwoo POV:

I sat down, lifting my legs up resting them on the sofa. I brushed back my black hair and dazed off for a bit. After Ara and Xukun were actually confirmed to be dating, i didn't want to go back because i felt broken. Showing up in front of her while feeling like this? I don't want to seem like a dick and interfere with her love life. This was the first time she's ever had a boyfriend, but the fact that i couldn't be her first burned right through me.

"Jungwoo! what's up?" Doyoung interfered, chucking me a can of coke. He stood next to me narrowing his eyebrows at me. He said my name again, alarming me to give him a reply.

"Nothing." I dryly responded exhaling heavily.

"Is it Ara?" He asked. I looked at him and gave him a cold glare. "Dude, i told you to go back to her an apologise." He continued.

"Why?" I coldly responded, opening my can of coke.

"One. there's only enough food in this house for me. Two. She clearly misses you. You've got like 30 miss calls from her in the past few days. Don't you feel bad?"

My grip on the can got stronger as i gulped down like 5 sips of coke.

"Why would she miss me if she has a boyfriend now? Where's my name in 'i miss you'?"

"You're an asshole. You've been ignoring her for so long so just go to her."


"Go to her else i'm gonna have to force you myself."

"Do it then."

Half an hour later...

"HEYY KIM DOYOUNG!!! AT LEAST GIVE ME MY COKE!!" I yelled, aggressively banging on his door.


I sighed heavily. I got kicked out from my own friends house and i didn't even get to finish the coke. This seemed like the perfect time to go for a few shots of soju.


I entered the club with music blaring out. People were dancing mindlessly, dragging themselves across the floor. I tried dragging myself towards the bar through the sweaty bodies.

"Hello sir what would you like?"


A few moments later, a small glass of soju slid across the counter and i caught it in between my hands. I took the glass and gulped it down in one shot. I haven't had it a long time so i shook my head left to right.

"One more please"
"Another one please"
"One more"

Taking countless shots, i gulped down the god knows how many i had shot and banged my head on the counter. I felt my phone vibrating and lazily answered it.

"Jungwoo! I'm so happy you picked up!" A female voice said.

"A-ara?" I hiccuped

"Yes it's me! Where are you?"

"Hhavingg fUUn!" I slurred.

"Jungwoo! Are you drunk? What the hell?!"

"Araaaaa cOme JOIn MEee i MIss yOu"

"Okay i'm coming just tell me which club."

"Gangnam style??"

"Wha- Ohhh okay im coming"

"I'll wait for you babyyyyy"


The call ended, as i felt a small pair of hands creep up to my thigh. My vision was blurry and being unable to tell who the girl was, i played along anyways. While i was still sat my seat, i intertwined with her fingers for a while and pulled her into my lap. She ran her fingers through my hair and grinned.

"Ara i love you" I blurted out.

"Ara? You're a fan of Jeon Ara?" She questioned

"Yes. mY ARa."

"Fine i'll be your Ara" she chuckled as she placed her hands on the back of my neck, pulling my face closer to hers. She smacked her lips onto mine, getting ready to play with my face. The kiss deepened, as her hands locked onto my neck. Soon, she parted her lips from mine and breathlessly spoke.

"So want to take the next step?"

I lazily nodded, still drunk as she wrapped her arms around my waist forcing me to get up. I stumbled with her until i felt a strong grip onto my arm.

Ara POV:

I entered the club with a mask and cap on so no one would recognise me. I tried sliding past the sweaty zombies who were fused with the blaring music. I tried scanning the club, trying to find Jungwoo.

In the corner of my eye i saw jungwoo wearing a black bomber jacket looking all sweaty and tired. I walked up to him, stumbling on the way and saw another girl sitting in his lap? It looked like they were having a make out session but too bad i had to disturb it. Eventually, they stopped but the girl dragged Jungwoo out of the seat trying to take him somewhere?

I quickly approached him and grabbed onto his arm causing them to both stop. The girl looked at me, giving me a questioning look.

"Who are you? Let go of him!!" She yelled.

"Araaaa" Jungwoo slurred, pulling the girl's hand off his. The girl scoffed and eventually left. He looked at me, smiling away. "YAy!! YOu've FINallY comE! LEts have some fun!!" He cheered.

"NO! We are going home!" I shouted over the loud music.

"WhYYyy!!" He whined.

I rolled my eyes and dragged him out, using all my strength.
"Araaaaa! I want to have some more fun!!" He continued.

"NO! You need to rest for gods sake you're too drunk."

He pouted, as i dragged him into the taxi making him sit down beside me.


We finally arrived inside my apartment while Nara welcomed us, giving Jungwoo a lost look.

"How did he get here?" She asked while stuffing a bunch of crisps into her mouth.

"This idiot was drunk and i had to drag him away during his make out session."

She looked at me and mouthed an Oh before heading into her bedroom.

I shut the lights of the living room and took him into his bed room, sitting him down onto the bed. I got a tissue to wipe the sweat of his forehead and took off his jacket before he laid down onto the bed. I smiled at him and spoke.

"I'm so glad you're back."

"Me too." He hiccuped.

I made my way to his closet to hang up his jacket and left his room shutting the lights behind me.

I felt so much happier now that he was back.


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