24: FINAL.

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Listen to actually feel the emotions lol ^

Third POV:
While they were walking, Ara had unfortunately tripped over and bled her knee. "Are you okay?" Jungwoo asked with concern. Ara nodded as they continued walking.

While at the park, Ara saw a happy couple reminding her of her short past she had with Xukun. The sight of it made her mad as she pleaded Jungwoo to go home.


The friends arrived back home as they walked through the empty and wide hallways leading to their apartment. In all of a sudden, Ara stopped on her tracks as she was met face to face with Xukun. It had been weeks since she has met him and she couldn't help but cry. She let go of Jungwoo's hand as her lips trembled to speak.

"Cai Xuk-" She stopped when Xukun had avoided her and walked away. She stood there frozen and dumbfounded. Once again she had a mental breakdown and fell onto her knees. Completely broken, she screamed out her emotional pain she was feeling.

Jungwoo tried hushing her as he hugged her tightly. Her sobs, wet his shirt as she grasped onto it tighter.

"Jungwoo why does this always happen to me?" She choked. Jungwoo tried to hush her and brushed her hair soft. He patted her back to calm her down. Ara yelled out hurtful statements mindlessly. One of which was "I want to end myself please."

This hit Jungwoo badly as he shouted his response. "NO! Don't even think about that Ara, please."

"But Jungwoo, I'm a monster!"

"No you're not. You're my princess and always will be. Don't think about such things!" Jungwoo screamed at her.

A few days later...

Ara weakly got up from her bed and stumbled towards the front door. Jungwoo quickly noticed and asked her where she was going in which Ara replied with a simple 'goodbye'.

Jungwoo was slow to realise but he knew what she had meant. He grabbed onto her hands and cried in front of her.

"Ara you stupid girl, don't even think about it!" He shouted, trying to stop her. Ara pulled Jungwoo's hands off hers and ran out the house.

Jungwoo tried going after her but failed. Instead he had another idea and began banging on Xukun's door aggressively. Once Xukun opened the door, he was welcomed with a harsh punch in the mouth and began to bleed.

"What the fuck dude."

"YOU IDIOT! ARA'S GONNA KILL HERSELF AND ITS YOUR FAULT!!" Jungwoo exclaimed not giving a shit about his volume.

Xukun stood there for moment, as a warm tear fell out from his eye.

"Move out of my way." He spoke before running outside of the building.

Xukun searched all over the city for Ara but she was no where to be found. He tried calling her numerous times but she didn't answer.


Hours had passed by before he reached his final destination; the cliffs. He hopes she was there in time for him to stop her. Luckily for him, he had spotted a short figure standing by the edge.

Feeling relieved he ran up to her and turned her around meeting with her beautiful face. Without a second thought he pulled her into a hug and burst out crying with her still in his embrace.

"I'm sorry Ara... P-please don't do this." He apologised countless times.

"It's too late." She spoke softly, before looking up at him, giving him a bitter smile.

"W-w-what do you mean?" Xukun choked on his sobs. He squeezed his eyes shut as tears began flooding out from his eyes.

Within seconds he felt her warmth being replaced with nothing but cold air. As if she had completely disappeared.

As that happened, Xukun dropped onto the hard grass and pulled his hair. He cried hysterically just like she did.

That's it. She was gone.


Sorry for the depressing ending but yeah. I will explain some other things about the story that you may or may not have understood, Including Ara's character, past and background. Also the reason why for this angsty endings. I will explain in the future updates.


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