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Hyunjin POV:

I couldn't believe what i saw that day. She actually backstabbed her own member (well past group member) like that! I knew the only thing to do was to tell Ara.

A couple of minutes passed by after i tried calling her over and over. She wasn't picking up. I guess i had to go to her personally and tell her.


I finally arrived in front of her apartment or so i thought it was. I accidentally knocked on the wrong door.

"Hey- Oh uhh"

"Yes?"  Replied the guy with the grey-ish hair.

"Is Ara here?"

"Jeon Ara? I think you got the wrong door. She lives next door."

"Ahh... I apologise for disturbing you. But thank you"

"You're wel-"

"Wait. How do you know Ara?"

He raised a brow at me and grinned.

"Uh... Ara is actually my best friend well i think"

"I'm Hwang Hyunjin. Wait. Hang on you're that guy from the other day... Cai..."


"Ah yeah. Ara always talks about you non-stop"

He looked at me, widening his eyes as he stepped out of the door, exposing his bare chest. This dude is fit as fuck what the hell? Ara did the right thing choosing this guy why is everyone so mad? Oh... yeah.

"She does?"

"Yeah haha i'm guessing she likes you" I winked at him, as his cheeks turned to a light shade of pink.

"Uh i'm sorry. Nice talking to you. gotta go!" He said as quickly shut the door in front of me. What a nice guy?

I snapped back to the original reason why i came here and knocked on Ara's door a couple of times.

The door slowly swung open revealing a short figure standing in front of me. Yikes. Looks like she's in an emotional mess. I stepped a foot into her house as i felt her head banging against my chest.

"Hyu-hyunjinnnnnnieeeee" She sulked.

"I'm ruineddddddd" She continued, this time aggressively banging her head on my chest.

"Heyyy! That hurts stop!" I complained until she eventually stopped.

"Hyunjinnieeeeee why did this happen to meeeeeee" She sobbed.

"Shh that's the reason why i came here idiot now for gods sake stop crying my name out. I know you missed me okay!"

She punched my chest as and i winced in pain. I flicked her head in return.

"I need to tell you something for god's sake stop!" I said once again, this time grabbing her wrist making her sit in the sofa with me.

"W-w-what is it Hyunjinnie?"

"I came to tell you about you know... that thing with Cai Xuk-"


"Heyyyy! what's the long face? i'm just trying to tell you who did it."

She looked at me with her eyes filled with confusion. She began wiping her tears away.

"What?" She sniffed.

"It was Hyeri. Lee Hyeri."

"Hyunjin... She's my friend how do you know?"

"Look i saw what happened that night too. I mean honestly that guy is the right choice though. He's nice, hot, good-looking; i don't blame you."

"Hyunjin just get to the point. You can compliment my ma- i mean my best friend later"

"Chill. Anyways i was there that night and i was planning on visiting you and saw Hyeri taking pictures an-"

"Hyeri? Why?"

"I'm sorry you had to go through all this shit..."

I felt her delicately wrap her arms around me as she tugged her head into my chest.

"Hyunjin. Why are you sorry?"

I heavily sighed before giving my answer, knowing it was partly my fault.

"This happened because of me. I'm sorry Ara" I responded, placing my hands on her back.

"Hyunjinnie you don't need to apologise!"

"But this is my fault! I hurt you."

She deeply exhaled, feeling her breath hit against my chest.

"Fine. If i forgive you. Will you stop apologising then?"

Even though i knew i still felt sorry for her on the inside.

She curved her lips into a delicate smile. She seemed back to her usual self except she seemed like she still missed him.

I heard my phone ring, which made her loosen the hug. I reached into my pocket, grabbing my phone and answered the call.

"What is it Felix?... Changbin's doing aegyo what?... So?...Ugh fine..."

"Well i have to go save Felix then i guess."

"Okay thanks for comforting me Hyunjinnie." She chuckled.

I left and gave her a grin before leaving.

I made my way out her apartment and saw Xukun peeping out from his door. This time with his shirt on.

"Hey bro, is Ara okay now..." He asked out of curiosity.

"Yeah... well i guess she will be."

He slightly frowned as he was about to go inside.

He looked at me and raised his eyebrows.

"She needs you."

"I don't know. What if she still hates me? What if i hurt her? What if i cause another scandal?"

"Don't worry. I'm pretty sure she needs your company."

He looked down, scratching the nape of his neck.

"You sure?"


"Thanks for being cool with me."

"It's okay. How about we become friends from now on?"

"Sure." He said, giving me a friendly handshake.

"Well don't you have to go?"

He nodded as he nervously knocked on the door. I jogged down the stairs and made a way to my van, knowing things would go well.

Xukun POV:

To be honest, Hyunjin was actually a nice guy.

"Pfft. Much nicer than that Jungwoo guy." I scoffed. Turning around, I waved goodbye to Hyunjin as i nervously knocked on Ara's door. Hoping she would answer, i walked around in circles until her door swung open.

She was about to close the door, until i put my foot in the way. I knew she wouldn't want me in but aghhh.

She eventually let me in and on the spot i immediately started apologising.

"I'm sorry Ara. I'm really sorr-" I got cut off as i felt her soft lips peck my cheek.

"Xukun. I waited for you to be honest."

My eyes widened, in reaction to her confession.

"Kunkun... I missed you."

Unable to hold back my happiness, i leaned in, brushing my lips against hers. She flinched slightly, but her lips were still touching mine. The kiss was gentle, yet there were still many emotions; many emotions such as love and confusion. I felt her eyes meet mine and slipped out a few words from my mouth.

"I love you."



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