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Third POV:

Ara glanced at the mark on Xukun's neck and froze for a second. She had assumed that she let her vampire instincts loose but didn't know when.

Fortunately, Jungwoo had noticed the two lovers having their moment and skated over to them. Though he had eventually accepted their relationship, Jungwoo still had some jealousy burning up inside of him.

"What are you guys doing?!" He asked, narrowing his eyebrows. Immediately, Ara got off Xukun and they both stood up. Ara bowed her head in embarrassment still thinking about that mark she potentially left on Xukun.

"You cringey people, this is a public area. Someone might see you." Jungwoo scolded.

Xukun only huffed at his idiocy and corrected Jungwoo reminding him that the Ice rink was empty. He was only left dumbfounded when Xukun snapped back and turned his head away, trying to look casual. Of course the boys still had some bad blood between each other and continued to argue. Meanwhile, Ara held onto the edge of the ice rink, struggling to make her way towards the exit. Luckily for her, Nara noticed and decided to help her.

Once the two friends reached the exit, they made their way towards the bench and sat down comfortably. Ara thanked Nara for helping her and Nara smiled in return. However, Ara continued thinking about that mark with a worried expression. Her friend was quick to notice this and asked her what's wrong.

"I keep thinking about the mark on Xukun's neck. It looks like a vampire bite. I mean i was so hungry what if i did something to him?" Ara explained. Unexpectedly, Nara burst out laughing for some reason. "What?" Ara asked in confusion, slapping her arm.

"Pfft, I saw you guys having a little make out session earlier. Are you sure it's not a love bite?" Nara questioned, raising a brow. Meanwhile, the other girl was lost, yet embarrassed at the fact that her friend had saw her.

"What the hell is a 'love bite'?" She asked in curiosity. Nara immediately turned her head and widened her eyes.

"You watch so many of these romance movies, yet you don't know what a love bite is? Geez you are too innocent." Nara responded.


Time flew by as the girls chatted and the boys argued. Nara looked at the clock, reading what the time was. It was already 5:36 meaning they had only 4 minutes of their free time left.

"You guys! Stop arguing and come!" Nara shouted. The boys nodded and headed over towards the girls.

Timeskip because i'm too lazy to write about the rest of the date and make myself cringe~

Jungwoo POV:

We had arrived back home after a tiring day. Entering our apartment, Xukun followed as we planned to watch a movie together to end it well.

Honestly though, i was disgusted to see the happy couple show their PDA. Like can they not? That Xukun always gets flirty with Ara but at least now it's for a reason so i can't really say anything now. I continued to cringe at the sight of it and decided to leave.

"I'm off." I informed, taking my leave. Ara nodded in response but i felt someone's hands grasp onto my arm.

"Where are you going?" Nara asked.

"Doyoung's to have a drink." I drily replied.

"I haven't seen him for a while. Let me come with you."


"Cheers!!" The three of us cheered, raising a can of beer in our hands. I chugged down the cold beer and groaned as the bitterness hit me.

"Nara baby what brought you here?" Doyoung asked, causing her to choke on her beer.

"I'm not your baby!" Nara snapped, punching him lightly on the arm. I laughed at the sight of the two playing. Honestly, a little drink and a Doyoung is what i need to calm down and enjoy myself sometimes so i felt free.

A few cans later and we were already drunk, with me slightly feeling sober. "Why did you have to leave me for that idiot?" I slurred, not knowing a thing i was saying.

"Seo changbin, i hate you" Nara confessed.

"Jungwoo marry me." Doyoung slurred, pouting his lips with his eyes half open. I cringed at him and slapped his head. "Shush there's only one person i like and would marry." I admitted, while Nara grinned at me raising a brow.

"You idiot. Ara likes someone else just give up." Nara responded, laughing at my stupidity.

"Bogo shipdaaaaa." Doyoung muttered the lyrics of BTS Spring day. Nara was quickly alarmed by that and changed her expressions.

"Dad?" She sniffed, letting out a soft cry. Of course, she was sober- probably remembered something. She soon began to cry a bit more but tried wiping her tears away. She was showing a side of her that she wouldn't often show as she was always the bubbly and confident type.

"I feel sick. Be right back." Doyoung informed, covering his mouth before leaving.

I looked at Nara as she began crying uncontrollably. Hesitatingly, i moved a bit closer to her and pulled her into my chest so she could cry- not that i had such feelings for her but because she was my friend. I let her tears soak my red t-shirt as i gently patted her head.

"Shhh. It's okay..." I hummed.



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