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Ara POV:


I awoke, finding myself inside a dark room, with specks of light illuminating through a tiny window. Shit. Where are my tablets?

I tried moving, but i was tightly tied to a wooden chair.

The emptiness in the room suffocated me, as i slowly saw myself fading away.
What's going on? Where am i?

"I cannot love you like this Ara" A voice echoed around the room, as a tall figure began revealing itself.

"Kunkun?" I questioned.

"You're a monster." He spoke, emotionlessly.

Those words hit me like a bullet. As much as i wanted hide the pain, it choked out creating a flood of cold tears. My lips trembled aggressively, letting out a silent scream of pain. I tried blinking the tears away from my bloodshot eyes, but the tears continued tracing down.

"I cannot love you"
"You've lost."
"How can i love a monster?"
"It's best if you disappear"

His words continued on, cutting through me like a sharp blade. They tore through me as i continued crying. I felt like i was losing my mind; my brain was being shredded. The world became a blur, just like my body as it faded away...

I suddenly felt his cold lips brush onto mine. My tears collided onto his cheeks. He sharply kissed me. It wasn't gentle. It was emotionless. Toxic. It sent shivers down my spine.

He parted his lips from mine and whispered near my neck. His cold breath, made me shiver.

"This? Nothing. You? Nothing."

"CAI XUKUN PLEASE!" I cried hysterically.

"You're a monster. Why would i love you?" His words continuously echoed in my mind.

~End of dream~

"ARA WAKE UP!! WAKE UP!!" Nara screamed at me. I eventually woke up.

There was sweat formed on my forehead as i was breathing heavily.

"Ara calm down calm down. It's okay i got you." Nara gently whispered, pulling me into her embrace. She rubbed my back, calming me down.
"It's okay i'm here. Tell me what happened." She added.

Being unable to speak, i buried my head into her shoulder clutching onto my bed sheets. Tears began to drip, soaking her shirt. Nara began rocking me slowly as she gently patted my back. The sobbing broke apart by short pauses of recovering breaths, as i pulled myself away from her.

"You okay now? Did you have another panic attack?" She asked in a concerned tone.

"Don't worry. It was just... a bad dream." I mumbled.

"You're lucky i'm here else you would've fully had a break down."

A ray of sunlight beamed through the tiny gap between the curtains. I turned to her in realisation.

"Yeah. I am... Can you give me my tablets?"

"Oh yeah. I almost forgot that you're a vampire."
Nara got up and closed the curtains as she headed towards the kitchen.

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