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3 Days before Jeju...

Third POV:

"Hmm like this Ara?"


"I think i got it!"

"Yeah we totally mastered the choreography now!" Ara finished, feeling relieved that they finished the choreography with no mistakes. Although they didn't have any dance practice today, the couple decided to practice more at home to master the moves cleanly.

"We'll practice more tomorrow..." Ara yawned.

"No it's okay. You need some rest since you've been practicing non-stop this whole week!" Xukun spoke with concern.


"Ara just have some rest please. You can stay here tonight for me to comfort you." Xukun remarked, cutting Ara off. The girl slowly nodded in response. Soon, Ara was lifted into the air as Xukun carried her bridal style to his room. He placed her on the bed and hovered over her. Ara's heartbeat rapidly increased, becoming more and more nervous.

For a few moments, Xukun gazed into her eyes and bit his bottom lip. Ara soon felt his gaze and his lips move to hers as he planted a soft kiss. After that, Xukun laid down onto the bed, facing her face. She was clearly flustered, as once again she thought something else would've happened.

"You though otherwise? Is that why your cheeks are blood red right now?" Xukun chuckled.

"You're such an idiot." Ara huffed before immediately falling asleep. Xukun looked at her a little longer himself, thinking how she got to sleep so quickly.

He kept staring until eventually he fell asleep himself.


Ara POV: (Dream)

"You really think i would love a monster like you?"

"Xukun please!"

"You've lost Jeon Ara. You've lost"

"Xukun, what do you mean? I thought you loved me?"

"Love you? I could never love a vampire."

"I trusted you, yet you hurt me...why?"

"No. You hurt me."
Xukun spoke lastly before slipping out a knife from his pocket. His footsteps became more audible as he walked closer towards me. I began crying- crying uncontrollably before i felt a cold knife against my neck.

"You don't have to do this." I begged.

"Why not? You hurt me Ara. Ever since you came into my life, you have brought nothing but pain. I want to end this pain." He responded bluntly and emotionlessly.

"Fine. But let me end it myself." I replied, before taking the knife out of his hand. I sharply held it against my neck and-


-End of dream-

I suddenly awoke from another unusual and scary dream. Could it be a warning? Could it be foreshadowing what will happen to me? I thought to myself.

Exhaling heavily, i burst out crying causing Xukun to wake up. He had noticed me crying and hugged me tightly, telling me to calm down. Eventually i did and Xukun let go of the hug, placing both of his hands on my shoulders.

"What happened?!" He asked in a concerned tone.

"N-nothing. Just a bad dream..." I stuttered. My hands were still trembling and my tears still poured out. Xukun had got up and got me a glass of water from the kitchen. I gently sipped the water and calmed down a bit.

"Are you feeling okay now ba-"

"Xukun, do you love me?" I questioned him, cutting him off. Instantly, he furrowed his eyebrows and looked into my eyes.
"What do you mean? Of course i do." He replied.

"Would you love me, even for my flaws?"

"Yes, of course."

"Even if i was a vampire?"

"Of course baby girl. I love you truthfully. But why are you asking me this so suddenly?"

"O-o-oh nothing. I just want to trust you since this is the first relationship i've ever been in."

"Don't worry. Maybe in a few years we can take this relationship further." He giggled and i lightly smiled in return, trying to look casual. Although on the inside, i still had a bad feeling about my dreams. I was still insanely nervous too.


The book is almost coming to an end?

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