Tortured Heart

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It was how he had first seen her, or perhaps that was his memory playing tricks on him. It was more like how he had first imagined her. With her youthful faced bathed in the light of an LED screen, the millions of precision pixels each illuminating her graceful features with subtly different colours. Chatting to him online about interests that they shared, they seemed so alike, and he would imagine that she was in her bedroom on her laptop as they chatted.

She was so beautiful that his heart had ached for her from the first time that he had seen her. But she was off limits to him, so even when he had engineered it so that they could spend time together he couldn't tell her how he felt. Couldn't tell her how much he wanted to touch her, feel her, he buried his frustration as deep as he could and consoled himself that at least she was near to him.

He gazed at her now as she sat with her back to him leaning towards the laptop screen her face bathed once more in a million hues.

"God you're so beautiful ", he couldn't help but murmur, but she didn't hear him. His voiced drowned out by the sound of hundreds of cooling fans, drawing air through the racking cabinets that surrounded them.

She must have sensed he was there, perhaps caught a reflection of him on her screen, as she started to turn her head towards him. Which meant that the bullet from the 9mm Beretta penetrated her skull just off centre of her left parietal bone. The obtuse angle of impact adjusting its trajectory and causing it to tumble as it carved a ragged path through her once brilliant mind. Before it  collided now almost side on with her lower right mandible fracturing the bone and adding it to the bullets mass as it tore it's way free from of her skull finally embedding itself in the laptop's display.

As her body slumped forward he gazed at the face that had once been so perfect that it haunted his dreams. Her left eye stared blankly towards the ceiling devoid of life, the right side of her face pressed against the keyboard and the remnants of her once exquisite jaw line lay beneath it. The piece of shattered jaw bone, still barely attached by sinews, lay trapped beneath her face causing her nose, that he had once thought was so, ever so cute, to be now distorted and misshapen. The blood splattered across the keyboard sparkled beneath randomly pulsing lights from the fractured screen. A front tooth that once constituted just over three percent of her perfect smile now lay almost ironically on the escape key.

He had once thought that he loved her, that he couldn't live without her. But when he had read the data reports, showing the internet search activity for her real name, he knew that the relationship must end. Still it was a shame about the laptop, quite definitely beyond economical repair. He really didn't like wasting such expensive technology, but somehow he hadn't considered that the bullet would come out of the other side of her head.

He leaned in to look a little closer, yes he thought, definitely not worth repairing the screen and anyway the keyboard was also now coated in a gruesome mess of blood and grey matter. He'd have to clean the mess up and perhaps look online for a bit more information about bullet velocities.

He glanced once more at her lifeless face, her dull staring eyes. He had been concerned that killing her would upset him, he was after all, he thought, a sensitive soul. But looking at her now she wasn't really that attractive and he really couldn't remember what he had seen in her.

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