Chapter 7- Grief

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One of the worst pains is grieving over someone who is still alive. I locked myself in my room and blasted my earphones so loud that I couldn't hear myself cry. Cry for a friendship that is gone. Cry for feeling betrayed. Cry for my trust in everyone, now gone. My parents comforted me a little telling me that he wasn't worth it. That he's a lowlife douchè. I couldn't help but agree. I spent the whole weekend crying. I was a mess. I didn't want to come out of my room. I didn't answer any texts. No, I wasn't depressed. I was hurt. All the promises Owen made was fake. Everything was Fake. Hell, even the friendship was fake.
Gus came into my room in the afternoon.
"What is it Gus?" I asked grumpily. Gus looked confused.
"Doesn't Owen come over on Sunday's?" Gus asked me. I rolled my eyes. Fuck Owen.
"I'm not friends with Owen anymore." I told Gus. I was about to put my earphones on but Gus continued.
"Why not?" Gus asked me. I sighed. Gus wasn't quitting anytime soon.
"Because Owen is a liar so we're not friends anymore." I told Gus. Gus looked taken back.
"What did Owen lie about?" Gus asked me. I couldn't tell Gus about the party. He was too young and wouldn't understand.
"Everything that matters," I responded. I must of looked a bit too emotional because Gus came and hugged me.
"I'm sorry Marlee." Gus said. I returned the hug.
"It'll be okay." I said. Then Gus grinned.
"Can we go rollerblading today?" Gus asked me excitedly. I shrugged. I didn't really feel like it. I wasn't really in the mood for anything these days.
"Not today Gus." I told Gus. Gus frowned but then perked up again.
"Can we play cards then?" Gus asked, doing his puppy dog face. I gave him a tiny smile.
"Okay fine. Go get em." I answered Gus. Gus smiled and ran to go get the cards. Gus and I played Uno on my bed the whole afternoon. His company felt nice. Like he cared that I was alone.
Sometimes that's all I needed. To know someone cares.

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