Red is My Dad?!

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The pic is Raymie as a little boy.


Donald Ressler's POV

She looks at me with puppy-dog eyes. "Ress, who is my real father?" I sigh "Beth, you're real father is a very dangerous man. Your mother once was my partner in the FBI."

I laugh "C'mon, I have to go to the Post Office." She tilts her head, just like her father. "You're changing the subject. Who are mine and Raymie's parents?" I try to give her my FBI baseball cap, but she objects and grabs Reddington's black fedora.

Aram's at his computer, while Ray is trying to contact Red. Beth looks at her brother. He's wearing a gray and white three piece suit, a black trench coat, and a gray fedora. My jaw opens "Reddington!" Ray turns around and gives me his father's signature smile. "Nope." Beth walks over to him "You look just like him, Raymie." He smiles. "Thanks, little sis."


Raymie's POV

My phone rings "Raymie, I need your assistance. Dembe will drive you to my apartment." I turn my head to the team. "Mr. Reddington has requested my assistance." Aram, my adopted father, looked at me, confused. "With what?" I shrugged "He didn't say. Beth is coming with me."

Agent Ressler immediately objected "I am NOT letting my adopted daughter anywhere near that psychopath." Beth smiled sweetly at him. "Daddy, I'll be fine. Raymie will be with me." I approach him "Agent Ressler, Beth is my little sister. I won't let her out of my sight, I promise."

Dembe looks at me. "You look a lot like your father." He looks at Beth "And you look much like your mother. Mr. Reddington will be pleased to see you two." I open the door, letting Beth inside the apartment first. I hear the criminal's voice.


He hugs her, she stands stiff and timid. "I trust your brother came with you?" I walk inside "Yes, we're here Mr. Reddington. Let go of my sister." He smiles and releases Beth.

Her blue eyes meet his. She approaches him timidly "How do you know my name?" Reddington tilts his head and gives us his signature smile. "Oh I know a great deal about the two of you. Raymie, that's short for Raymond, isn't it? You look so much like your father." I look shocked. "Do you know our father?"

The criminal chuckles. "So many questions. Let's get to work, shall we? Beth, Lizzie is hiding something from me. I need you to gain her trust and tell me what she's hiding. Raymie, I need you to transfer money from some bank accounts for me." I hug my sister, then watch as she goes to find this "Lizzie". I look at the criminal. "So how do you know my father?"

Red smiled "Raymie, I imagine you have so many questions. But we do not have time for questions right now." I grit my teeth "It's Ray, to you. I only allow my sister to call me Raymie." A few hours later, I've finished transferring from the bank accounts Red gave me. He smiles and hands me two slips of paper "Your reward. The other slip is for your sister."


Beth and I get back to the Post Office. We head to our desks, I hand her one of the slips and begin to read the slip of paper Red gave me. Attached to both slips is a sticky note.


I look at my slip of paper. It shows my immediate family.

Raymond "Raymie" Alexander Reddington, adopted by Agent Aram Mojtabai

eye color: sea-green

hair: blonde

Sister: Elizabeth "Beth" Davina Reddington, adopted by Special Agent Donald Ressler

eye color: blue

hair: brown

Mother: Elizabeth "Lizzie" Scott Reddington (Special Agent Elizabeth Keen)

eye color: blue

hair: brown

Father: Raymond "Red" Reddington

eye color: sea-green

hair: blonde

I look at Beth. She's just as shocked as I am. We both exclaim in unison "Reddington is our father!!" My hands are shaking as I drive Beth and I back to Red's apartment. He smiles at us, Lizzie stands behind him. I stare at him, my eyes wide.


He nods. Beth hugs him, he holds her close to his chest, then whispers in her ear. "Go say hello to your mother, princess." She nods and walks toward Lizzie "Mom?" she nods and wipes tears from her eyes. "Beth. Come here, sweetie." Beth cries and hugs Mom, she strokes Beth's hair. I hug my father, Raymond Reddington.

"So, I'm the son of Red Reddington."

He nods "Yes, Raymie. But now that you know the truth, you and Beth are in grave danger. Just because you two are my children. This is why we agreed to allow you two to get adopted in the first place. We just know one of my enemies will find out the two of you are my children. And they will hurt you two, to get to me."

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