Just Dreams? Or Fate to Come

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Raymie Reddington's POV

Finally, after a long day in the office, I go to my room. Skylar's not here. I shrug, Agent Ressler must've took her home. I turn out the lights and drift off to sleep.


I'm no longer respected as the boy Aram once adopted, but I'm treated like a criminal, because now I am one. I've been helping Dad with his criminal empire. Anyway, just like Dad, I surrender myself to the FBI voluntarily.

"Raymond Alexander Reddington, son of Red Reddington. He was being groomed to be a field agent here in this task force, but later we found that he stole information from our cases to help his father with the criminal empire."

"They call him something in the papers. The Prince of Crime." I hear Agent Ressler's voice. He's speaking with Director Cooper "What do you want to know, sir?"


I smile "Well, obviously someone with authority has taken over. Remember me, Director Cooper? No? Let me refresh your memory then. A young 4 year-old boy that looks like Red, adopted by Aram, but later, when he's twenty, he leaves Aram when he finds his real father is Red Reddington. Anyway, let's talk about why I'm here. In a few minutes, Ryker Gibbs is going to arrange an attack."

Cooper speaks "Ryker Gibbs has been dead for 3 years."

"Then a dead man just got clearance to enter the States." Cooper sighs, I smile "Was I right?"

"You were right." I nod "Yes, and you were wrong. I'll help you catch him, but you have to honor my conditions. One, I'm not staying in this box. I get my own hotel room and the pleasure to roam free wherever I please."

"We're not putting you in the Characin." I chuckle "Relax, Director Cooper, the Characin's not really my scene." Cooper mumbles "You really are like your father."

"Two, if I help you, I don't want clumsy agents around messing things up. And thirdly, most importantly, I speak only with Skylar Ressler."


Skylar Ressler's POV

"Goodnight, Dad. I love you." He smiles and kisses my forehead "Love you too, little agent." I smile and close my eyes.


I'm about to walk into the Core. Dad looks at me "Are you sure you don't want me to go with you?" I smile "I'm Special Agent Skylar Ressler now, Dad. I'll be fine."

I walk into the room. There he is, I swear I've seen him before. I shake the thought away. If I have seen him before, that doesn't matter now. The box opens, he chuckles "Agent Sky, what a pleasure."

I stare at him "I'm here now. What do you want?"

"Your hair has grown longer now. You look ravishing, Skylie." I blush.

"You didn't send my dad to my house so you can flirt with me in here." I tell him, getting agitated. "What do you want?"

"I want to help you catch Ryker Gibbs, I want to teach you to think the way I do."

"The way you do? And what way is that?" he smiles "Like a criminal. I can give you Ryker Gibbs, but I can't do that from in here." He says. Raymie looks down at his restraints, then back at me.

He walks with me into the main room. He chuckles, "Well at least you know what Gibbs looks like." he looks around at other photos of evidence we have on the glass. "I don't know what the hell any of this is."

He smirks and points out a particular photo "Oh my God! I haven't seen him in years! Such an interesting fellow! This has nothing to do with this investigation."

A/N: Sound familiar? Now you tell me, are these dreams that Sky and Raymie are having simply that? Just dreams? Or, is it fate to come? Their future?

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