Sweet Revenge

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Raymie's POV

I'm handcuffed. A lady about as old as Dad comes toward me. "Why, hello dear. It's Raymie, isn't it?" I groan "Who-who are you?" She smiles "I'm a friend of your father. My name is Madeline. I'm sure you've already met my daughter, Natalie." She smirks "Natalie's going to help me do something. Your father took Natalie from me a long time ago. Now it's my turn. I've asked my sweet Natalie to hurt you, hurting you will hurt your father. It's all sweet revenge."

Natalie looks at me "I'm sorry, Raymie." She rips open my shirt, revealing my bare chest. Then she turns me over so my back is facing her. I feel something hot on my back. I scream as I feel the hot object burning the skin on my back. Natalie drags me to a mirror. I look at my back, burned on it is the word REVENGE. Madeline positions her phone on a tripod. She dials Dad's number.

I look up at the screen. "Dad!"

"Raymie! Son, are you okay?" I nod. Dad's eyes are getting watery. I see Mom beside him, trying to comfort him. "Madeline, what have you done to my son?" Natalie speaks to her mother's phone

"Mr. and Mrs. Reddington, this wasn't my idea! Honest!" Madeline scowls "Get away from the phone, Natalie." Mom glares at her "You! You're that brat's daughter! I knew you were too clever to be Ressler's kid!"

Dad nods "Donald is certainly nowhere near as clever as you are, Natalie. You even distracted me, and made me think you're attracted to my son, only so your mother could snatch him away from me." Natalie cries "Sir, I am attracted to Raymie! This was my mom's idea! Honest, Red!"

Dad stares at her sternly "I only let you call me that when Donald admitted you're his daughter. But now, seeing that clearly you're Maddie's daughter, it's Mr. Reddington to you. And I already assumed Maddie is your mother. Because like I previously stated, you're far too clever to be Donald's daughter."


Elizabeth Keen's POV

Of course that little brat is Maddie's kid. I try to comfort Red all while I fight back tears, staring into my son's sea-green eyes. He looks exactly like his father. I smile as I hear Raymie talking to Madeline.

"Torture me all you want, it's not going to do you any good."

"And why is that?" Maddie smiles. I feel a low growl escape me. I swear, right now I just want to punch those bleached white teeth out of her mouth. Raymie's sea-green eyes are fixed on Maddie.

"Because I will never tell you where my mom and dad are! And you can forget about finding my little sister! Beth and I are the son and daughter of Raymond "Red" Reddington. We inherited our father's stubborn attitude, and his loyalty." His eyes move to Maddie's phone. "I love you Dad, Mom, Beth. I know you're proud of me, Dad." The screen shuts off.

Red's eyes are filled with tears, but he can't help to chuckle. "That's my boy." He turns to me "Am I really that stubborn?" I giggle "Worse." I brush the tears away from his cheeks "Hey. Red...Raymond." He looks up at me, holding Beth in his arms. "We WILL find our son." My gaze falls to my sixteen year old daughter. Like myself and her father, she's blinking back tears. I smile. "Beth, don't worry sweetie. Your brother will come home."

Beth looks up at Red. "That lady wants you, Dad! If she doesn't get you, will Raymie die?" Red smiles down at her at presses his lips against her cheek. "Princess, do you really think Red Reddington would let his son die in the hands of a thief? A simple cat burglar like Madeline Pratt?" He brushes her tears away, Beth giggles and shakes her head. "You're more stubborn than that, Daddy!" Red tickles her "Hey!" I laugh "Told ya. You're more stubborn than they are. Beth sweetie, you should get some sleep. Let your father and I worry about bringing Raymie back home."

I watch Red tuck Beth in. He's about to leave her room as she calls him back. "Yes, sweetheart?" Beth's big blue eyes stare into Red's sea-green eyes. "Dad, tell me the story of how you first met Mama, and fell in love with her." He chuckles and sits on the edge of Beth's pink bed. He looks at me "Care to help me out here, Lizzie?"

I smile and walk over to Beth, holding Red's hand. "Well, sweetie...it all started on my first day as an FBI profiler. I didn't know your father, never met him before. But he asked to speak with me."


"........And thirdly, most importantly, I speak only with Elizabeth Keen."


Red looked at Beth. Her eyes filled with wonder. "I sent the FBI to bring your mother to me. At the time she was married to someone else. Someone, who only pretended to love her."

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