Natalie Ressler

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The pic above is Natalie Ressler. *Spoiler alert!* Ressler's not her real dad.

Raymond Reddington's POV

I couldn't believe my eyes. My son and daughter are here, standing right in front of Lizzie and I. I took Raymie to his room to have a chat with him. "Raymie. Son, your mother and I have agreed to let you and your sister to come with us. The two of you need my protection." My son nodded, his sea-green eyes focused on mine. I swear, if one of my adversaries just takes a look at Raymie, they'll know he's my son. Raymond Reddington Jr.

Knowing how overprotective Raymie, my Raymie, is with his sister, he'll be more than willing to help me protect her and Lizzie. "Raymie, I need you to help me and Dembe protect your mother and Beth." He tilts his head and gives me his signature smile, which is much like mine. "Of course, Dad."

We walk together to my tailor. Raymie eyes a young girl about his age, walking with Donald. She eyes me, suspiciously. He walked toward her and bowed, taking off his fedora.

"Raymond Jr. . And you are?" She smiled and extended her hand "Natalie Ressler." Raymie takes Natalie's hand and gently kisses it, then rubs his thumb over her hand. "Call me Raymie if ya want. I won't mind."

Natalie blushes. I watch as my son flirts. Donald looks up. "Reddington, I'd appreciate it if you keep your son away from my daughter." Natalie gasps "You're Raymond Reddington's son?" Raymie smiles and nods. "I got my dad's charm, Natalie." She giggles and blows a kiss at Raymie. I roll my eyes. "You certainly have the Reddington charm." He chuckles "Got it from you, Dad."


Natalie's POV

Raymie looks so cute, and he looks like Red a lot. Wait...Red isn't really his dad, is he? That would mean Raymie is the son of the man who used me, to get what he wanted from my mom. That man is Raymond "Red" Reddington. My real mother is Madeline Pratt. My eyes close as I remember that day.


"Natalie dear, I have to go take care of some business. I promise I'll come back." She kisses my forehead "I love you, sweetheart." A few minutes after that, I see her with Reddington. Seconds later, Mom, Reddington, and myself are kidnapped.

"Why didn't you show, Raymond?"

"I ran out of gas. It was Christmas Eve. I was so excited to get home, see my wife, hear my daughter playing the piano. I walked there. I stepped inside the door, and I saw.....blood. All I saw was blood, all there was.......... was blood."

The cell door opens, Red and I are taken out. "No. No please!! Raymond! Natalie!" I cry "Mama!"

"I'll tell you what you want to know!" A guard shows up. Mom gives him a piece of paper. "There, you got what you wanted. Where's Red? And where's my daughter?"

Red walks out in front of her, dressed in his three-piece suit. He's tightly gripping my arm. My mother cries "Natalie! Raymond, give me back my daughter you son of a gun!"


I glare at Reddington at smile at his son. It's not Raymie's fault that Reddington is his dad. Reddington goes inside a tailor shop. I spot his son outside, waiting for him. "Raymie."

He grins "Hey Natalie!" his smile vanishes "Something wrong?" I sigh

"Raymie, can you keep a secret?"


"You can't tell your dad, or your sister. No one in your family can know about this."


"Donald Ressler isn't my real dad. My real father died when I was little. I'm actually Natalie Pratt. Madeline Pratt's daughter."

His eyes widened "Whoa." Reddington came out. "Ready Raymie?" he nods "Yeah. I'm coming Dad."

I pulled out my cell when Don wasn't looking. I tried calling my mother. "This is Madeline Pratt. May I ask who's calling?" I smile "Your daughter. It's me, Mom. Natalie."

She gasps "Natalie!! Are you alright, darling? You're not still with Reddington, are you? Where are you dear?" I giggle "I'm fine, Mom. An FBI agent adopted me. But don't worry, he doesn't know you are my mother. I did run into Reddington's son, though."

"Raymond has a son?"

"Yes. Raymond Reddington Jr. They call him Raymie for short."

"Hmm, interesting. Tell me, where is Raymie now?"

"In a tailor shop. With Red."

"Distract Red. I'll get Raymie."

I walked into the tailor shop "Mr. Reddington!" He smiled "Well, hello Natalie. And please, call me Red." I giggle "Red. Umm, I was old is Raymie?" Red raised his brow "He's twenty. His sister Beth is sixteen. Why do you ask dear? Are you attracted to my son?" I blush "I...I think so, yes."

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