Chapter 1

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Ekon swished from side to side dodging the beast's horns. The beast was growing frustrated with his fails to kill the lion. Ekon roared a signal to his warrior pridemates to help him battle. All at once the warriors began to jab their jaws into the beast then raking their claws along its flank. One warrior gripped its neck while the beast lashed his head back and fourth making some of the warriors fly off. One horn sliced Ekon's scruff. He let out a yowl of pain while blood flowed from the scruff. Ekon then yanked on the horns with his claws gripped on both sides and his feet hanging down from the beast. The beast tried to fling him off but failed. Ekon's jaws grabbed the beast's horn and pulled it as if he were trying to force the meat out of prey's body. After a few long pulls the horn snapped and fell to the earth. The beast, Buffalo squirmed in the air in pain and after the buffalo got a few more wounds from claws and teeth it fled away from the pride with loud grunting sounds.
"And stay out!" Ekon roared. He then faced the pride. "Well done SunPride. He will know not to come back here again." All the warriors purred in agreement.

The story of Ekon as the legendary lion and his battle with Blade had spread to every warrior pride and now became a popular story. Many warriors from other prides were invited to visit him to chat and meet him. Ekon was now a famous lion and was hyped for Ease day which was only weeks away. He had went to one shortly after defeating Blade and returning home. Now it was almost time for another one. All the prides would come together in peace. Ease day was a fun holiday all the warrior prides celebrated. It celebrated their freedom and their respect of being warriors by the power from the sprits. On Ease Day, young cubs who were in training would practice fighting each other and play contest with one another. the leaders would do a fun activity together and discuss the news of their prides. all the regular warriors would chat or also practice fighting each other. And lastly healers would come together to discuss the herbs and if there was any sick or injured warriors in one of their prides in case one needed help.

Ekon was a young teenage lion, he didn't ever need training. He kept his white colored pelt, not turning back to his African lion color.
"How did you do SunPride? Has that buffalo got some wounds to think about?" Asked the SunPride leader, Ajamu as the lions returned.
"Yes now he's got a missing horn!"
"He ran back home!
"Our claws are filled with his blood"!
"He fled like a scared hyena!"
The lions continued yowling their victory. Ajamu stood up tall and bowed to his warriors in respect for their win.

Ekon's scruff stung like claws were stuck in his pelt. The horn from the buffalo left a long bloody mark. He had to see Apollo to see if the wound was infected. He shot off over to the healer.

"Well your one lucky lion. It's not infected. Just a nasty wound. The herbs I gave you should help. It will heal quickly. There is no scar. You had a little to much blood loss though. You will be fine. But if you need any more herbs or if it bothers you again come to me." Apollo finished. Ekon bowed in thanks. "Thank you Apollo. You are a gifted healer." Apollo dipped his head in honor.

Ekon made his way over to Rita, his sister who was sitting down not far from the other lionesses. Her tail was wrapped around her paws. Rita was about the same age as Ekon. Rita was also a young teenage lion.
"Hello Rita". Ekon purred then sat down beside her. "Hello Ekon." After a long silence Rita spoke once again. "Ekon, I got some great news and I've already told the whole pride about it. I bet you'll be exited to hear the news."
Ekon shrugged. "What is it?"
"Well before I tell you I just wanna tell you, with the new responsibility I will have I will need your help more then ever. So I know I'm young and all but I, I'm pregnant."

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