Chapter 10

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The ShadowPride lions ducked behind some bushes not far from a zebra who was gnawing on some grass. The zebra was unalarmed of the lions. Ashheart took a long look at the zebra then ducked back under the bush gazing at Rose. "Ok Rose this is your first hunt. Are you ready?"
"I don't know. I mean this is a zebra." Rose breathed with a sigh of fear.
"Well this zebra isn't fully grown. This is about the size normal warrior trainees hunt." Ashheart pointed out.
Rose gazed at him then the ground. A heartbeat later she rose to her paws letting out a long breath of hope. The ShadowPride lions took a few paces back to give Rose a chance to hide herself from the prey then leap out at it.
The zebra kept lifting its head every few heartbeats to check its surroundings. It gnawed on the grass with its back then turning away from Rose. Rose narrowed her eyes at the prey then unsheathed her claws and licking her teeth.
Rose the sprang out of the bush alarming the zebra. The zebra began to run with Rose chasing after it. She began to chase it in many circles until she was right behind it. She tried to snap at its tail but kept missing. She then lifted both of her paws with her claws out wide, getting ready to sink them into the prey until all the sudden she went tumbling among the earth up and down many times after the zebra had kicked her in her face. She flipped over several times then the pace of the fall stopped with her body still, her vision blurry, and lying down on the grass in pain. Blood streaking down her face and flank with a wound on her arm and a long bloody scratch above her nose.
The ShadowPride lions raced out of the bushes to Rose. "Rose! Oh no!" Ivy yowled. All of the lions skidded to a halt beside her after a gasp of all the blood that covered her pelt. Rose let out mumbles of pain and a quiet whimper. "Oh, look at all that blood." Ivy said pitifully, sorry for her sister. Ashheart circled around her body then froze. "That's not good. Kayle carry her. Ivy we need big help from you. When we get back to our site I need u to check her wounds and get herbs for the blood and pain." Ashheart said. Ivy nodded. "I already got plenty of herbs."
ShadowPride's site was surrounded by many trees and bushes behind it. It was big enough for a whole pride to fit in. The site was pretty empty but it was safe. Many of the warrior pride lions called it Plantytrees.
Kayle, one of the ShadowPride lionesses picked up Rose by the scruff holding her softly. Ashheart then signaled his lions to follow him. Rose let out painful mumbles and whimpers with her eyes closed. "Don't worry little one. It'll be alright." Kayle murmured. Rose let out a tired grunting noise.
Sunset was glittering in the sky, blazing on the lions pelts. They all made their way back to ShadowPride site to rest and help Rose.

The night began to grow dark. Stars were vanishing in the sky. All the FirePride lions stared in shock. Only dark clouds showed. They covered the stars. "Is SpiritPride angry?" One of the lionesses from the pride blurted. Aidan's pelt blew in the royal wind then he rose to his paws staring gazing at his pride. "The time is near for flames to rise and sights vanishing."
All of the warriors gasped in shock at his words.
"It can't be yet!"
"We have to get ready!"
"How do you know?"
"It's just clouds!"
"Quit trying to scare us!"
"You gnat pelt! You don't know that!"
All the lions in the pride kept blurting out protest or words of disbelief.
Before Aidan could let out another word, thunder made his ears fly to the sky. Lighting scattered across the sky reflecting in Aidan's eyes. "Well. It's time." Aidan said to himself. He then swung his head back to his panicking pride. Before Aidan could let out anymore words to his pride lighting struck the ground not far away. A fire began to spread. "Everyone, out of the site now!" Aidan yowled. Aidan led the way out of the site with his pride following him. The noises of lighting and thunder along with the evil noise of fire reflected out of all the lions ears. Some of the lionesses were carrying the really young cubs while all the trainees struggled to catch up. Aidan swung his head behind him to see his guru, sharp helping the trainees with their pace.
Up ahead shapes moved along in the direction of FirePride. It was SunPride! The SunPride lions skidded to a halt when they spotted FirePride. "We need to get out of here! We need to go meet with all the other prides and unite and work together to escape this fire. The fire is getting stronger and bigger. Let's get a move on. I'll lead the way!" Ajamu announced with some yowls of protest coming from the FirePride lions. "Guys, we don't have time to argue right now. This is a life or death situation. Now listen to Ajamu and follow him!" Aidan roared sharply to the crowd of lions. Ajamu purred in thanks then led the way with all the other lions following after him.

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