Chapter 7

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Every warrior was froze. One warrior looking at another. Then one spoke, it was Ashur. "Warriors of NightPride, MetalPride, and SunPride, this battle is finished. We have had enough lives taken in the war we have just fought. Why are we even fighting? Why can't we all settle in peace? Ease Day isn't far away. And with this behavior from all the prides, Ease Day won't happen. We need to bring peace to the Savanna, especially sense the great storm will soon rise with the flaming fires that will rule the Plains. We need to practice friendship and peace. We will all unite together, every warrior pride to escape the fire that will reach us. The warrior prides have never united before. But I say we make it happen, for the first time ever. The battle must be ended now. We have lost brave, loyal, strong warriors for the mistaken battle that shouldn't have gotten this messy." Ashur explained to all the prides. Many yowled in agreement. Some silent. A few MetalPride lions let out a short of disgust at Ashur's idea. Ashur shot his head behind him at the MetalPride warriors. "You MetalPride cats need to go home now! The battle is over. And it's your choice or not you want to unite with us or not during the fire, or you can stay in your site and die with your body turning to black ash." Ashur hissed. The MetalPride lions didn't respond, a few just let out snarls of fury and grunts of frustration then turned to go home.

"Thank you SunPride. We will never forget this. You were brave. NightPride thanks you very much." Shadow bowed. A lioness then came up to Ashur with her head close to his. "I like your little brave speaker over here. He sure is one handsome male lion." The lioness purred. Ashur's ears fell in embarrassment, as he tried to avoid staring at the warriors who were watching the scene. "Um W-whats your name?" Ashur asked the lioness shyly. "I'm Amias. And you are?" "Ashur".
"Hmm Ashur? That's a nice name. You sure are one brave and strong warrior. Thank you for saving my pride."
Ashur bowed to the lioness and wished his farewell and followed his pridemates back to SunPride territory.

Aidan hit the earth. He was training, trying to spring attack at his guru. "Apparently I went past your level on training. We will do the spring attack after you've mastered the springing claw. The springing claw is where you have to try to leap at me from any angle and swipe your claws among my face while leaping. It would be most helpful if you aim towards the eyes, face, or throat. If you aim for the throat, it'll injure your enemy more. Now you try." Sharp instructed. Aidan took a few paces back, he ducked in an attacking position, his tail lashing, then he sprang in the air his claws ready to slash. And within a heartbeat while in the air, Aidan's claws swiped his Guru's throat and his guru made a choking sound. When Aidan landed on the earth he swung his head back to his guru, his eyes full of worry that he hurt his guru too badly. After a few more heartbeats the choking sound stopped and he looked at his trainee proudly. Blood was flowing down from his throat. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you! Your bleeding! Its all my fault! I hurt my own guru. Oh I'm such a terrible trainee!" Aidan panicked. Sharp let out a little chuckle. "Aidan that was the whole point. You were supposed to hurt me. It's to test how strong you are. Don't worry Althea will treat me. With this wound, it shows your becoming a strong, powerful warrior, and a fast learner." Sharp praised. The two touched heads and made their way back to the site.

The moonlight glittered on the pride's pelts. The MetalPride lions were getting ready for their doze. Stonehenge was sitting alone near the site entrance licking his past wound on his paw from the battle with SunPride and NightPride. After a few licks he settled in his den then closed his eyes prepared for sleep.
Vivan, a MetalPride trainee waited until every lion picked their sleeping spots. She didn't feel like sleeping with the pride tonight. She made her way over not far from the site entrance where no lion's were and lied down on the chilly grass. She stared up at the blazing stars. It looked as if millions of stars were in the sky. Her ancestors were watching over her now. There were a few lions in the pride, including Stonehenge who didn't believe in the spirts also known as SpiritPride. SpiritPride are bringing a harsh storm to destroy the Savanna. But why? Did the prides upset SpiritPride? No one knew. Or it could be a curse from DeathPride, the evil underworld lions. DeathPride once lived among the Savanna. But that was centuries ago. They were a pride of killers. Not one lion in their pride believed in SpiritPride. DeathPride will always try their hardest to destroy all the warrior prides living. Usually their plans fail because SpiritPride stops them. When SpiritPride and DeathPride try to go to war, the earth crumbles causing a huge earthquake and a deadly storm that destroy the Savanna. But that hasn't happened in almost three decades. DeathPride must be behind this prophecy SpiritPride was trying to warn them about. Instead of sending it to the prides why couldn't SpiritPride stop them themselves? Its been a long time sense the evil spirts of DeathPride have come to try to destroy the warrior prides. Vivian tried to think more about the prophecy and if SpiritPride was upset with the warrior prides or DeathPride just wanted victory.
Vivan shook her head to wash away the thoughts and rested her head on her paw and closed her eyes. Not long after closing her eyes she fell into a deep sleep.

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