Chapter 8

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Vivan ran threw a dark forest yowling for her pridemates. They were no where in sight. She then skidded to a halt with her eyes wide at a starry figure. The lion was unknown. It was a female lioness. Then it spoke. "Your running out of time. Sights will vanish before long. Your pride will be destroyed if your leader doesn't change his mind."
"Change his mind About what? Why will our pride be destroyed?" Vivan panted.
The spirit didn't answer, just vanished.
Vivan then jerked her head up. It was all just a dream. Or it was a vision.
What did she mean about her leader changing his mind? Why would MetalPride all the sudden fall? Did the spirit mean changing his mind about how to run the pride and change his mind about how to settle things in peace to the pride so it wouldn't be destroyed?

Maponus, the healer of MetalPride raced across the site to Stonehenge's den. Maponus burst in with the pride leader jerking his gaze up at the healer after licking his paws. "What do you want?" Stonehenge sighed sounding annoyed. The healer cleared his throat. "Tawny is sick. We need herbs fast. I came here to give you the news that she is sick and has asthma. What lions do you want me to send to gather herbs?"
The MetalPride lion thought for a moment. "Send two trainees to gather herbs. I don't care which two you choose." Stonehenge answered. The healer dipped his head and raced off to the group of trainees who were chattering on the other side of the site. Tawny was a young female lioness, the youngest trainee who had recently just started training. The herb Maponus needed was garlic. He needed it fast before the cub's sickness would get worse.

The trainees returned with herbs as Vivan then watched them give it to Maponus. Vivan then made her way in Stonehenge's den. He was licking his paws once again. The leader let out a deep sigh. "Will any cat just leave me be?" The grumpy leader snarled. Vivan stood tall. "I had a vision." She rasped after a long moment of silence. "What about?"
Vivan didn't feel life giving all the information away such as what the spirit said about Stonehenge needs to change his mind. "A spirit from SpiritPride in the vision, came to me and said we're running out of time. Sights will vanish before long."
Stonehenge frowned and looked annoyed. "How many times do I have to tell everyone, I don't believe in SpiritPride. And I wonder why a spirit would choose you to talk to. Your one of the worst trainees. Plus you are very untrustworthy and annoying. Must be some very smart spirit to choose to tell a message to a rat like you. I get I'm your leader and all but, I don't care about my pride. Just like I don't care about you. You wonder why I'm so hateful? My father was murdered, The pride used to treat him bad, and there are things in the past that happened I don't let go and will never let go." Stonehenge snarled. Vivian's heart was pounding. Why would the leader be so hateful towards her? She had never done anything wrong that she can remember. Tears rolled down her eyes as she spoke. "You are a DeathPride lion! No one likes you! Your a no good heartless leader! You are just like your father!" She yelled loudly that some lions around the site froze and watched. Vivan then burst into tears running out of the den and flashed out of the site. She heard Stonehenge roar from the site then she froze seeing him burst out of the entrance and rapidly race towards her. Vivian's eyes widened as she felt herself being lifted from her scruff. The leader had her in his mouth. He was biting down so hard on her scruff that blood began to pour from it. Stonehenge then made his way back in the site and threw Vivian to the earth. After hitting the earth she lifted her head with one eye closed. The whole pride was watching. Stonehenge made his way closer to Vivian. When he got to her he lay his paw on her flank with his claws sticking wide out. "You foolish cub, Talking to your leader that way. And you leave the site without my permission. I understand I hurt your feelings. But it doesn't mean you have to rush out of the site and go weep about it." Stonehenge murmured with his eyes narrowed. "I'm so sorry. Please forgive me." Vivian whimpered with tears rolling down her eyes. A warrior then took a few paces up closer to the two. "You know Stonehenge, I don't appreciate you talking about my pridemate like that. And I especially don't appreciate you abusing her for no good reason. We all overheard the conversation between you and her. I agree with all the bad things she said about you. But I don't agree what you said with her. Many prides call us heartless. But we are not heartless. We have to be this way because you are forcing us. We don't want to be like you or your father. I hate this pride. You are a terrible leader!" The warrior snarled. All the pride cats yowled in agreement.
The MetalPride leader then stood in front of his gathered pride. "Sense you all are going against me, How about this, we all stay in our site while the so called fake spirts you believe in set a fire among the plains? You know MetalPride I think we should do that." The leader then paused for a long moment. "During the storm no cat is to leave the site or I will kill them! I'll be the last one living. I'll be watching you all burn in flames and I can get a new pride that respects me!" The leader announced.
Yowls of shock rose around the site. Before any warrior could speak Vivian rose to her paws. "I'm sick of this pride! Such an unfair leader who is abusive against his own pride. I rather live with one of those other pesty warrior prides! You know that's what I'll do. Anyone is welcome to join me. I just want peace for once. Farewell my fellow pridemates." Vivian spoke as she was beginning to make her way to the site entrance until Stonehenge blocked her path. "Your not going anywhere. If you do I'll kill you!"
"You can't force me to stay here you brutal rat!" Vivian yowled then sprang herself on the leader's back raking her claws among him then sinking her teeth in his pelt. Blood then revealed itself. Stonehenge roared and shook the young trainee off then swiped his paw among her that made her fly then land on the hard earth. Her world went blurry. Then the MetalPride leader came closer and dropped a rock on her head. Vivian's world was even more blurry now, spinning rapidly, her eyes taking a few more blinks then her world went black and her eyed closed.
All the MetalPride warriors then raced over to the leader with their teeth showing and roars echoing the site. The MetalPride leader had just started a battle. Blood was beginning to spread through the site and a few body's of loyal warriors hit the ground. Two dead. After the warriors got a few wounds they took a few paces back in defeat. Then one lion Alana, Vivian's mother trotted up to Stonehenge lifting her claws in the air then slashing them among the leader's eye. He let out a yowl of pain. Blood dropped from his eye and a long scar was among it.
"Thank you. Now he's got a wound to think about. I'm leaving this pride forever." Alana announced. She made her way for the entrance of the site. Stonehenge didn't stop her. He was still focused on his scar. Vivian followed by being carried by the scruff. She was out. Ten more lions then followed, and one male lion, Ashheart, and they all made their way out of MetalPride's site. The other warriors were either to afraid to leave or still on Stonehenge's side.
What would Stonehenge do with the pride now that the eleven lions left?

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