Chapter 5

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The FirePride lions limped back in the site with all the warriors coming up to greet them with their grooms. "Where is Dritan?" Thunderlight asked. "He is already asleep. He had a bellyache." Explained one of the lionesses. "Did he see Althea?" Flamestorm added. A few of the lionesses nodded. Althea was the healer of FirePride.

Aidan lied down on the night grass with fireflies sparkling the night. Aidan's gaze was at the stars. They twinkled with a shooting star shooting across the sky. Aidan felt more peaceful then ever. His spirts would always be there for him. He believed their eyes were gazing on him now. Aidan thought back to earlier at MetalPride when Stonehenge said he didn't believe in the spirits. How could such a leader say that? Every pride knew how harsh and dark MetalPride was. Before Blade became leader their pride was in peace but when he became leader he caused tragedies and his son, who is leader now, Stonehenge is following in his pawsteps. He was already beginning to turn into his father. Aidan had told all the prides to unite together in order to escape the upcoming wild fire. MetalPride was disgusted by that idea. Aidan wasn't surprised.

Aidan's mind was full of thoughts that images from his thoughts interrupted his glimpse at the stars.
I must take a walk. No need to wake Dritan for this or he will be upset. But I'll be quick. No lion will know I was gone. Plus they must understand that I needed time alone and they'd be more pleased to hear that then saying I went out alone just to walk. Aidan thought. He rose to his paws making his way to the site entrance.

Owls were hooting and crickets were chirping. The Savanna was empty with animals. Every animal must be dozing. But the darkness made Aidan's heart pound. It was spooky being alone in the Savanna at night. It was also very dangerous!
After getting further and further away from the site and thinking things through, a scent made his thoughts vanish. The scent was unfamiliar. He stared in every direction. Nothing was there. Aidan shot off into a run, going even further now from the site.
All the sudden he felt himself crash into a shape. He fell to the earth with his head aching. His vision was blurry for a few heartbeats then he heard a snarl, "watch it zebra brain!" The creature hissed. Aidan rose to his paws and stared at the creature. It was a young lioness. She looked his age. Was she a warrior pride lion or from the outsiders, the prides that lived among the warriors?
"What are you doing so late out at night? Do you live in one of the warrior prides?" Aidan asked. "Psst, of course, what do you think I'm one of those stupid lonely outsider pride lions? No way, those lions are little pussy cats, with their tail between their legs!" Laughed the lioness. "I'm from NightPride by the way." The lioness added. "Oh I'm from FirePride." Aidan responded.
"Hey your that cub who came into our site earlier to let us know about the prophecy, aren't you?" The lioness asked excited. "That would be me."
"My pride doesn't even know I left. I'm the sneakiest cat around?" The lioness laughed. "Me too!" Aidan panted.

"NightPride never realizes that I leave the site almost every night."
"Do you ever follow the rules?" Aidan teased.
"Honestly I came to walk to think about stuff. Me and my big brain." Aidan sighed.
"Oh by the way Aidan, which I already know you, lemme introduce myself, I'm Luna."
"I apologize for running into you like that." Aidan said, sounding ashamed.
"No worries, the blind bee always mistakes!" (Meaning:No need to be sorry).
"Oh the sun is beginning to rise! I must get back to my pride before shadow has my tail!" Panted Luna.
"Me too!" Agreed Aidan.
The two wished a farewell and ran separate ways back to their prides.

The sun was up and Aidan entered the site. Dritan stomped up to him. "Where have you been?" He snarled in an unfriendly tone with his claws sticking out. "Oh I ugh-" Aidan paused.
"Speak Aidan!" The leader snarled more unfriendly.
"I just went for a walk to think about stuff."
"You could of done that here! How far did you go?" The leader challenged. Some of the FirePride lions were watching. Aidan felt embarrassed, his pridemates were watching the scold.
"I think I went near NightPride territory, that's where I met Luna, a lioness my age. We sorta ran into each other and became friends quickly. I kinda like her." Aidan explained picturing the pretty lioness until Dritan's roar distracted his thoughts.
"Go to my den Aidan!" Roared Dritan.
Aidan's ears fell and he bowed and raced to the den.

Aidan's ears flew up when he heard his leader enter the den. Dritan sat down and wrapped his tail around his paws. "Aidan do you care about the laws?" Dritan asked, his voice calm now. Aidan nodded. "Well it sure doesn't seem like it!" Dritan shot back sharply.  Aidan let out a sigh. "I was feeling really lost and I needed time alone to clear my head so I'd be ready for training soon."
"I understand Aidan. I'm sorry I yelled at you. You just had me worried sick." Dritan apologized. "You do realize you broke two laws of a warrior right? You left without permission and you went on another pride's territory without permission too. You do understand that any warrior who breaks to many laws gets kicked out of the pride due to their untrusted loyalty." Dritan explained.
Aidan nodded.
"I hope you didn't give any important information to that NightPride lion."
Aidan shook his head.
"It seems she broke a law to. She said she left without permission as well and she also said she does that almost every night without her pride knowing." Aidan explained, feeling sorry for betraying her like that. What would happen if Dritan told Shadow? Luna would hate him after that!
"Me and Shadow will discuss that on Ease Day. She won't make a loyal warrior if she keeps on breaking the laws. If she keeps on i doubt her pride would let her become a warrior or stay in the pride. Shadow needs to know about that young trainee's secret of leaving her pride at night." Dritan said sounding serious, with his eyes narrowed at Aidan. Aidan was even more scared now. Luna would think he is a taily if she heard that. Taily means a lion that tattles to much. But a bigger thought struck Aidan, Luna may bring on a fight!

Nonsense! I'm sure she won't rip my ears off for betraying her! Well, I hope not. Aidan thought with tail swishing around. A voice made Aidan's thoughts vanish. It was Dritan. "You need to go now Aidan, you need to start training with Sharp. He won't be pleased if you are late for training." Aidan dipped his head at the leader's command and shot out of the den.

Eyes were blazing on him. The pride stared at him, some whispering in each others ears. They must of been discussing his scold from Dritan. Aidan lifted his head high forcing his head not to turn away to look at the pride. Sharp was at the site entrance. Sharp said no words, only gave a signal from his tail for Aidan to follow. The training grounds weren't far away. Hopefully the training would take him off the thought of Luna and what will happen to her once Shadow knows. Whatever happens, Aidan must pray to the sprits no fight or angry words would happen between him and Luna. He regretted spreading the words to Dritan. But this was his leader, leader of FirePride! No secrets of his travel during the night should be kept. Hopefully the young lioness will forgive Aidan for spreading her secret of how she broke one important law, all warrior lions must follow and respect.

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