Chapter 6

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The SunPride lions were all chattering in different groups. Many of their conversations were about the great storm, the fire that would soon be coming to the Savanna. Many of the pride lions didn't agree to unite to make one pride full of lions they couldn't trust. The warrior prides have never united together for anything. But that might have to change no matter if the prides like it or not. It was the only way the prides would survive. No pride could afford to lose to many warriors at the moment. Survival was growing harder. MetalPride was the most dangerous pride of all. Ever sense Blade had become leader it's caused harm to the prides. Now that Stonehenge was leader everyone still felt doomed. But MetalPride still has a heart. If they didn't their pride wouldn't exist because no warriors can be truly be trusted. Even their loyalty wouldn't matter to their pride. Cubs have been told stories the MetalPride lions fight over their prey, fight each other, abuse cubs, and are harsh to their pridemates. Maybe all the stories that the cubs were told are true. MetalPride are furious warriors and hide secrets from all the other prides. Some dangerous.

Ajamu stretched his body and sat on the earth watching his loyal pride. His mane blew in the curious wind and his tail wrapped around his paws. His ears flew up with a flinch once he heard a yowl and one of his lionesses racing towards the pride then skirted breathing heavy, her pelt stained with blood. Every lion stared at the defeated lioness in shock. "MetalPride, T-they are attacking our patrol. Part of their pride are invading NightPride territory as well! They are attacking both of us!" She reported with fast gasps. Ajamu stood tall and his gaze went to his pride. "Zoya, Ekon, Rita, Lunis, Ali, Blossomflower, Lostear, Clawflame, Tisha, Wita, Uru, Venus, Dawn, Sunshine, Cloud, Wind, and Traper come with me to fight the MetalPride lions on our territory. The rest of you go to NightPride territory and help them. Now come on let's get a move on!" He announced. The pride dashed off at once. Speeding across the Savanna with runs of fury, and their claws well sharpened, they hurried across the plains.

The MetalPride lions fighting the patrol were up ahead. Ajamu's group rushed into action while the rest of the pride split up and trotted off to NightPride territory.

"Say goodbye dear SunPride lioness, my face will be the last one you see." Laughed a MetalPride lioness who had Rainbowshine, a SunPride lioness pinned to the ground. Before the MetalPride lion's teeth could sink in Rainbowshine's throat Ekon sprang on the lioness with a leap with both of them hitting the earth then quickly Ekon had his paw on her flank. "Pick on someone your own size you brute!" Snarled Ekon. "Oh yeah make me." The lioness remarked. Ekon's eyes narrowed as he swiped his claws down the lioness face making bloody claw marks. She then got up and fled.
Rainbowshine purred thanks to Ekon. Ekon bowed.

Ashur led the warriors into NightPride territory. They could already see battle ahead. Once they reached the battle they all fled in different directions fighting for their life. Ashur leaped on Stonehenge. "Stonehenge how dare you and your pride invade SunPride and NightPride territory?" Ashur snarled. Stonehenge let out a snort of laughter. "Just to mess with you pathetic prides. MetalPride must rule the Savanna!" Answered Stonehenge with a loud laughter. He then showed his teeth and pushed Ashur off of him. Ashur thumped the ground then rose to his paws letting out a roar then speeding towards Stonehenge. Stonehenge sprang on him, pinning him to the ground then raking his claws down Ashur's underbelly. Ashur let out a yowl of pain as blood flowed from the MetalPride leader's claws. Ashur then bit Stonehenge's neck and rose to his paws pushing him backwards with his teeth still gripped on Stonehenge's throat. Stonehenge's underlegs threw Ashur a few paces back where he landed on his flank. A SunPride lioness let out a snarl after watching Stonehenge throw Ashur off of him. The lioness, Light sped rapidly towards the MetalPride leader. But before Light could attack, claws swiped among her face making her hit the earth then paws sinking on her face. "Pathetic SunPride lioness." Stonehenge snarled. "Why can't you pesty MetalPride lions leave the prides be. We've done nothing to you!" Light shot back. Without a answer, Stonehenge sinked his teeth in the lioness's throat, sinking his teeth deeper and deeper with Light's eyes wide, tears among her eyes, and her body shaking in fear. "You did nothing to me? Your wrong. You killed my only father! MetalPride's true leader." Stonehenge roared. "Goodbye." Stonehenge finished then bit her throat so deep it cut open spilling blood among the grass. Her eyes then closed, dead.

Ashur's eyes were flooded with sadness as he pinned Stonehenge down pushing his paw deep in the leader's throat making him choke.
"How dare you do such a thing? You and your pride are nothing but heartless brutes. You said to me before you never wanted to be like your father. Well you know what Stonehenge, you know what? Your exactly like him! You are Blade's son!" Stonehenge bit Ashur's paw and threw him a few paces away. "Your right I'm exactly like him! You know why? This is for him. I will always follow in his pawprints. I'm like this because you killed my-my only father. Mine. That's why I'm after your pride!" Stonehenge shot back. "We killed him because he would of destroyed the Savanna." Ashur snarled. Before Ashur got to say more words two MetalPride lions knocked him to the ground. Stonehenge grinned, escaping back to battle to fight other SunPride lions.

Ekon had already killed two MetalPride lions and was planning to destroy more. Ajamu was fighting a whole group of MetalPride lions. He realized he was outnumbered until more SunPride lions, Rita,Venus, Dawn, and Lostear came to help. Lostear got her name by having only one ear. The pride found her abandoned as a cub in SunPride territory. Lostear said her father was abusive, formally a MetalPride lion. Her father killed Lostear's mother and clawed Lostear's ear off nearly killing her after biting her and scratching her. Then he left. The pride found her nearly dead, but luckily saved her in time.
SunPride was losing, losing on their own territory! Many of the SunPride cats were down and defeated. Ekon flamed into a even more legendary form then he was, Armor all over his body. Wings grew on his back and his eyes glowed a dark blue color. A sword was alongside his wings.
Many of the battling warriors stopped, froze, and stared at Ekon. Ekon flew in the air swooping at the MetalPride lions, hitting them with his body that made them fly. His claws raked along the enemies he was flying at. He repeated the same moves over and over again flying at an incredible speed. He had just killed four MetalPride lions. The rest of them froze in fear and fled back to the direction of their territory.

The other SunPride lions that were battling in their territory rushed to NightPride territory to help the rest of their pride and NightPride. Ashur twitched his head back to see Ekon coming alongside him with them both facing Stonehenge. A few NightPride lions were lying dead on the earth, a few SunPride lions as well. Was this battle meant for all this killing? Not too many warriors could be killed from the pride or the pride will fall and will be hard to function. If the warrior prides were to hard to function, they were no longer warrior prides. But fighting until their last breath was every warriors destiny.
Every lion looked weak in battle now. Blood had ruled the battlefield and dead bodies all over. How could this happen? This was a battle to get intruders off other pride's territories. Everyone came to realize they had all went to far in battle after seeing all the blood and bodies lying helplessly in the earth. This battle had to end. To many were dead to continue. Only retreat would cure the battle from more warriors dead. This must be the end of the battle. To many warriors are dead. If many more died, every warrior would fall and the prides could end with the suffer of low population of warriors.

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