Chapter 4

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Thunderlight stepped a few paces closer to Aidan. "We've never heard that tale before, if its such a secret and forgotten tale, how do you know about it?" "Dritan told me to never share this story due to its dangers and thats how I know. Only trusted warriors hear the tale, special warriors. It seems i'm special. Very few warriors in this Savanna know about this story...
Long ago Fireslash, leader of a pride called, Stormpride was known as a dangerous lion. He was once a good warrior but after his beloved father died due to an accident with his brother, he raged and killed his brother blaming him for the accident. Then his own pride began to go against him after he murdered his brother. As time went by with things not going his way, he grew even more evil. He was a bloodthirsty cat. After all his tragedies he went to the underworld and his tale says someday he could return and start a fire for revenge on all the prides and kill every animal in the Savanna." Aidan explained.

All the lions stood in wide shock. "There was six prides?" Flamestorm asked.
Aidan nodded.
"Anyways we must get back to delivering the message to the rest of the prides." Aidan pointed out.
All the lions nodded in agreement.

The FirePride lions made their way into NightPride territory to see a group of lions making their way up to the FirePride cats. "Hello FirePride. There must be something important to tell us if you've come this far." The NightPride lion's voice was calm. Aidan nodded. "We have a message for your leader. Can you take us to him? Its an important message that all the prides must know." Aidan explained.
"Very well. Follow us." The NightPride lion murmured.
The FirePride lions were relived at least one pride didn't go so harsh against them. It seems NightPride wasn't as furious as all the others.

The warriors entered the NightPride site (home) with every lion staring at them. Aidan wanted to hide himself in a hole to avoid all the eyes. "Shadow, these warriors have a message for you." One of the NightPride lions said bowing his head at the leader. Shadow was the leader of NightPride. "Greetings FirePride. What is it so urgent you must tell me, coming this far." His voice was beginning to grow sharp.
Aidan explained his vision and the danger that was coming to the Savanna.
"I see. Well I'll keep aware of this. Thank you. All though it sounds hard to believe."
Shadow then turned his head to some of his warriors. "Moon, Cloud, Darksky, and Ghost, please escort these cats out of my territory." Shadow finished. The warriors dipped their head and the FirePride cats followed.

Now they were heading to WaterPride. The last pride they must tell. It would be hard getting there. They would have to climb down several rocks beside a waterfall to get there. They didn't have much time, the sun was beginning to set.

Aidan led the way down the slippery rocks. His paws were beginning to lose balance. The FirePride lions remembered how Ekon tried to return home climbing the cliff beside the waterfall and got attacked by the MetalPride lions and being prisoned in a cave.

After many leaps, rock to rock, the FirePride lions made it down and now were beside the river. They all stopped for a quick drink then tried to scent their way to WaterPride.

The scent made Aidan's nose rise. "This way!" He panted sighting the WaterPride site up ahead. They entered the site with warriors gazing at them. Ahumai made his way up the warriors. "Greetings FirePride. What can I do for you?" Ahumai murmured. "We have a message, a important one. We already let all the other prides know about this." Aidan explained.
"Well spill the prey!" Ahumai said in a friendly voice.
Aidan explained his vision and the prophecy he'd received.
"Hmm I see. Well thanks for letting me know. But why should we all unite together Aidan? We already know for a fact MetalPride will claw our pelts off if you told them that." Ahumai roared in a serious voice. Aidan nodded in agreement.
"But thank you FirePride. And next time you enter my, or another prides site, get permission first. Call a warrior over instead of just walking in. That's how battles start."
"Sorry Ahumai!" Aidan flinched.
The WaterPride leader grinned and accepted his apology.

Aidan's head glanced above him. "Well here we are, the waterfall. This will be a hard hike. But we must hurry! Its already night and the stars are beginning to shine! We can't make it back to late or Dritan will have out tails! Now come on!"

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