The Train

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My name is Y/N L/N and today I'm going to Hogwarts like all my brothers, sisters and ancestors.

I put my hood up not wanting anyone to recognise me. As a L/N I belong to one of the richest families in the wizarding world, richer than the Malfoy's.

I got on the train with my suitcase, not bothering to say goodbye to my mother because she already left.

I sit in an empty carriage. I plug my headphones into my iPod and listen to music.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder.

"Excuse me," they say "can me and my friends sit here? Everywhere else is full."

I nod and he sits next to me, six other guys follow him.

"I'm Jungkook by the way," He smiles.

"Y/N" I say, careful not to say my last name.

"Oh and these are my friends" He gestures to them. They all said there names and houses.

"Hoseok, call me J-hope. I'm Hufflepuff."

"Yoongi, call me Suga. Slytherin"

"Namjoon, call me RM. Ravenclaw"

"Jimin, call me Jimin or Mochi. Gryffindor."

"Taehyung, call me V. Gryffindor." He winks at me.

"Soekjin, call me Jin or Worldwide Handsome. Also Gryffindor"

"I'm just Jungkook but call me Kookie. I'm a first year." Kookie smiles and I smile back.

"Me too. And I can tell Jin's a Gryffindor..."

"What do you mean?" Jin asks and I decide not to say anything.

Suga looks at me. "Why do you have your hood up?" He asks

"No reason" I pull it further up, hiding my face.

"If you're insecure just know you don't need to be. We won't judge you and I bet you're beautiful." Jimin walks to me and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Jimin stop flirting, thats my job" V laughs

"I'm not insecure.." I make up and excuse "I'm just tired and the light is hurting my eyes."

"You can sleep on my shoulder if you want?" Jungkook looks at me. He moves slightly closer and I put my head on his shoulder.

"Twit twoo" Suga smirks and RM joins in. J-hope looked confused.

I could hear people talking in the next cartridge they said: 'I'm Hermione Granger and you are?'

Before I knew it I fell asleep on Kookie's shoulder.

Someone walked into the carriage while I was asleep. "Have you seen Crab and Goyle, they disappeared again."

"No we haven't seen them." RM replied.

He turns to Kookie "What about your girlfriend there? Has she seen them?"

"I doubt she has, she's been with us the whole time." He defends me and I wake up.

"Why are you talking like that?" Malfoy glares.

I smirk "He's talking like what? Say it or f*ck off" I say in Korean.

Jin says in Korean "So you're fluent" I nod and the guys try not to laugh as the platinum blonde boy leaves.

I was about to close my eyes again when a V says "we should probably change into our robes."

I nod, roll my eyes and grab my bag then head into the girls bathroom to change.

Five minutes later I went back to the cartridge, thinking the boys were done I opened the door. I see V shirtless and quickly close it. "Sorry" I squeak.

V opens the door his shirt not completely done up, showing his collar bones.

"Why, were not shy." He smirks and lifts up my chin so I'm looking at him.

"Quit flirting with the 11 year old." I hear Yoongi say from inside.

"Actually I'm 12..." Tae's smirk grew.

"Well so am I" Tae looks me in the eye and I blush

"You're birthdays in three months!" Jungkook added.

Tae shrugs. "Is everyone decent, can I come in?" I ask.

"Yeah, Taehyung do up your buttons!" Jin says and Taehyung tries to but fails, probably on purpose.

I roll my eyes and help him do up his buttons, his smirk growing.

I sit back in my seat with V still staring at me. I look through my iPod. I realised my hood fell down on my robes, that must have been why V was staring.

I was about to put it back up but Jimin realised.

"You put your hood down. There's no reason to be insecure you're cute." I blush at Jimin's words and the train stopped. 

"We'll see you in a bit Kookie" RM smiles and walks away.

"See ya cutie, hope you get Gryfindor" he winks and walks off.

There was no way I was gonna get Gryfindor...

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