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A few weeks later I forgave Seokjin and everything was back to normal.

More or less...

Draco was extremely protective now I was his girlfriend. He wouldn't let me see the guys unless he walked me there, he would always go with me to each class we had together.

It was actually kinda sweet how much he worried.

WAIT NO! I am not falling for Draco Malfoy!

Speaking of Draco...

We were in the Slytherin common room, cuddled up while watching the fire in the fire place.

It was 1am yet neither of us cared, we wanted to stay like that. Though we were both getting sleepy...

I was about to fall asleep when there was a knock at the door.

-Harrys POV-

I knock on the door holding my breath, okay I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna ask them out.

I think about what Ron said earlier:


I sigh as I look at her on the Slytherin table, she's gorgeous.

"Who you staring at?" Ron says with a mouthful of food and follows my gase.

He swallows. "No way. Her? Really?" I nod my head and stare more.

"Why don't you just ask her out?" Ron suggested.

"No way, I'd get rejected on the spot. I'm a Gryffindor, she's a Slytherin, it wouldn't work." I say and sigh again.

"Harry, you're Harry freaking Potter! If you ask anyone out you know they'll say yes, no matter what goon they're with." I smile and nod confidently.

-end of flashback-

Now I wasn't so confident...

-Y/N's POV-

I open the door, Draco was still on the sofa. I saw someone I wasn't expecting to see.

"Harry, what are you doing here?" I looked shocked.

"Well Y/N I was wondering..." He trails off.

"Wondering what?" I lean against the door frame.

"Would you like to go on a date with me? This Saturday?"
He hesitates.

"Harry, you're a nice guy but no." I say as gently as I could.

"But I'm Harry Potter." He looked shocked.

"And I'm a L/N what difference does it make?" I roll my eyes.

"But-but" he says and I feel someone hug me from behind.

"Is there a problem honey?" Draco asks me and glares at Harry.

"Wait you two- huh?" He looks between the two of us.

"What did Potter say to you?" He glares again.

"Nothing important." I smile at Draco and he kisses me on the top of my head.

"Alright." He shrugs, I was gonna tell him later.

"See you later Harry." I smile and close the door, he looked stunned.

"What did he say to you?" Draco asks me when I close the door.

"He asked me out." I say and look Draco in the eye.

"You said no right?" He looked like he was gonna punch the wall.

"Of course I said no." I laugh gently.

"Good," Draco smirks.

"We should probably go to bed, remember we're going to your manor tomorrow for our parents to discuss... things." I look up at him.

"Alright, goodnight." He kisses the top of my head and we both head to our separate dorms.

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