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I start crying as I walk. Yoongi follows me, grabs my wrist, pulls me back and hugs me. Letting my cry his chest again.

Tae sees us and gives me a look of sympathy. Yoongi lets me go and passes me to Tae he hugs me also.

The other guys arrive and stand silently. Tae whispers to me "tonight?"

"Probably..." I reply and he nods.

He lets go of me.

"So Yoongi talked about going out like the old ways..." Jungkook finally says.

"Yep, we'll leave now." Yoongi smiles.

"Let me grab my purse first." I say.

"No, I'll pay for you." Tae offers.

"No, it's fine Tae." I say.

"I insist." I reply, we bicker for a few minutes.

"Just let him pay!" Jin eventually says.

"Alright..." I look down.

"Lets go." Jimin says smiling and we all started walking to Hogsmead.

We walked in two's or three's, Tae and Jimin were at my sides.

Jungkook was behind us talking to Yoongi and Hobi.

Jimin puts his arm around my shoulder.

"You alright?" He whispers.

"Not really..." I reply. "Jungkook hates me now..." I sigh.

Jimin looks at me sympathetically. "He doesn't hate you, he's just shocked."

"Let me guess, he didn't think I was such a slut..." I say and sigh.

"You're not a slut." He looks me in the eye.

"I slept with one of my best friends, I'm friends with a bunch of guys, kissed someone while I was dating Draco and I've had Tae's, Jungkook's, Yoongi's and your arms wrapped around my waist countless times." I say again.

We moves his arm off of me. "Kookie, come here." He says to him.

Jungkook walks over. "Yes hyung?" Jimin moves Jungkook next to me.

"Let's test that shall we? Jungkook, wrap your arm around her waist." He says.

"Why doesn't Tae?" He scoffs.

"I told you he hated me." I say to Jimin.

"I'm not about to wrap my arm around a girls waist, who has a boyfriend. I'm not that kinda guy." He says glaring at Tae.

"I'm not her boyfriend." Tae says staring back.

"Says the guy who gave her a hickey..." He mutters.

I started to get mad. "I was upset, I wasn't thinking! Nor was Tae or he wouldn't have done it!"

"Still..." He says.

"Still what?! You seem to have forgotten what you did anyway!" I scream.

"Yeah but I didn't-" He argues but Jin cuts him off.

"Kookie, that's enough, she clearly regrets it! Stop reminding her." Jin looks him in the eye.

"Forget it. Have fun guys..." I turn around and start walking away.

"We will." Jungkook smirks.

"Y/N!" Hobi calls after me.

"Well...this was pointless." Namjoon sighs.

"I'm gonna go talk to her." Tae says.

"You mean stick your tongue down her throat." Jungkook growls.

"Jungkook." Jin warns.

"What?" He says.

"You're acting like you haven't before! I whole thing! You're acting like you're innocent but you're not,you kissed her when she was with Draco and her relationship fell apart when he found out!" Jin snaps.

"Crap! I should apologise..." He says.

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