Arriving and Sourting

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When I looked up at the sky it started to rain. "Typical..." I mutter.

We go to a giant who was yelling 'first years, come 'ere' and he lead us to our transportation.

"Do we have to row into hogwarts?" Jungkook looked shocked.

"Yep and we're going in the same boat cause I ain't staying in a tiny space with a stranger." I drag his arm to a near by boat.

When he finished rowing all the way into Hogwarts, which was hell by the way, Jungkook put his arm around me and we walked in.

We get lead to a staircase and a teacher lectures us on rules, I didn't pay much attention to it though. Her name was Magonigle or Magonicle or something like that.

Finally, we were lead into a hall where we would get sorted into houses. The teacher started reading and the hat started deciding.

'Thomas Sanders. Huffelpuff'
'Hermione Granger. Gryfindor'
'Harrison Smith. Ravenclaw'
'Ronald Weasly. Gryfindor.'

'Harry Potter.' Harry walked up there but I didn't really care. He's just another wizard to me. 'Gryfindoor.' Wow thats a shock...

They continued reading names until were only 4 people left: me, Jungkook, a girl and a boy.

'Luna Lovegood. Ravenclaw!'
'Nevel Longbottom. Gryfindoor'

Nevel looked shocked as he walked to the Gryfindor table.

"Jeon Jungkook." He gulped and walked to the hat. "Gryfindor!" The hat yells out and he looked so happy as he ran to the Gryfindoor table to join Taehyung and Jimin.

"Y/N L/N" the teacher called out and everyone went quiet then started whispering.

Jungkook looked at me with hopeful eyes. I just shake my head and walk to the hat.

"Another L/N continuing the line. Just like your mother: Slytherin!" I shake my head, I expected it.

Jungkook looked shocked. "No way..." He says to Taehyung and I sit at the Slytherin table.

"You're a L/N!?" Yoongi looked at me shocked and I nod my head.

"L/N?" I turn to the boy next to me when he says my name.

"Draco Malfoy and I think together our families could do great things." He smirks and shakes my head.

"Huh, Malfoy. Sounds familiar. I agree our family joined would be be a multi-billion family." I say, great I have to put up the cliche I actually care act.

"All pure of blood too. I can see us doing great things." he smirks.

Yoongi looked even more shocked that I suddenly acted like that. But I'm sure he caught on that I was acting.

Later on the teacher left us with 5 minutes to talk to our friends and I rushes to Kookie and Taehyung.

"Y/N you're a Slytherin... I did not see that coming." Kookie says surprised.

I only nod, secretly I was ashamed.

V winked "I've heard Slytherins are very sneaky."

"Please stop flirting with her, its weird." Jimin says.

"Why she's only a year younger, barely even that." Taehyung walks up to me until he was in my face. He stared and I blush.

I hear someone clear their throats and I turn around.

"Why are you talking to these...Gryffindors"

"They're my friends Draco." He raises his eyebrows and Tae puts his arm around my shoulder, I push it off.

"Tae just stop" Jimin says but V rolls his eyes.

"Looks like someone's getting a crush on her..." Jin says, where he came from I don't know.

Draco rolls his eyes and holds out his elbow. "Come Y/N we have much to discuss."

I loop my arm through his. "I'll see you guys later. Have fun on your tour Kookie."

Draco and I start to walk away.

"Bye baby," I hear Tae say then Jin hit him on the arm.

Jungkook set off for the Gryffindor tour.

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